Hollywood Theatre to undergo restoration

posted by CSWalczak on July 20, 2007 at 9:50 am

PORTLAND, OR — According to this article in the Salem, Oregon Statesman-Journal, the Hollywood Theatre, once both a vaudeville and a Cinerama house, will be rehabilitated thanks to grants awarded to its current owner, Film Action Oregon.

Hollywood Theatre’s interior architectural history has been under cover for years. But as Film Action Oregon begins a comprehensive preservation plan for the theater, what’s behind the curtains moves into the spotlight.

The organization, which has owned the theater since 1997, just grabbed a $36,500 commitment from the Kinsman Foundation.

The money, along with a $10,000 grant from the National Trust for Historic Preservation and a $3,500 grant from the Architecture Foundation of Oregon, will be used for seismic assessment and an architectural study of the building’s interior.

You can read the full story at the Statesman Journal.

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