Do HDTV owners prefer movie theaters?

posted by Michael Zoldessy on March 14, 2007 at 11:35 am

Despite having the technology at home, HDTV owners still made it out to movie theaters in record numbers in 2006, according to the MPAA.

According to the MPAA, owners of big-screen HDTVs, Digital Video Recorders and other high-tech gadgets, went to the movie theater 10.5 times in 2006 compared to 7.1 visits for non-tekkies.

The MPAA didn’t offer an explanation for why the tech-savvy would be more likely to leave home, although they may have a high-def set and surround sound system at home that can offer a theater-like experience (and perhaps a better picture).

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Comments (6)

JodarMovieFan on March 14, 2007 at 1:04 pm

The answer is simple: they probably want to see the latest and greatest at their local movie theater as opposed to waiting months and months for it to come home on video.

ArchStanton007 on March 14, 2007 at 3:13 pm

And maybe they are unhappy with edited and altered versions of videos and DVD’s. I sure am !! Just the last few days alone I read these comments on film listings:

On Her Majesty’s Secret Service: The DVD edited key scenes out so more extras stuff could be included.

Kelly’s Heroes: The original theater intermission scene and music included in the video was deleted from the DVD.

Dark of the Sun: Several different cut video versions released

Star: Read the lengthly comments too long to post here about the poor DVD transfer.


moviebuff82 on March 14, 2007 at 4:17 pm

Going to the theaters offers an experience that’s better than just dozing off watching a movie on a tv screen.

klebrun on March 14, 2007 at 6:51 pm

TommyR, thanks for the info on the cut versions of movies lerking around out there. I had heard about some tv show dvd releases with different music and edited for syndication episodes that appeared on the dvd sets (WKRP and Archie Bunkers Place being two, if I recall correctly). I didn’t realize that the powers that be were cutting up movies, also. I will be on the lookout from now on.

ArchStanton007 on March 15, 2007 at 10:24 am


Sometimes the producer’s cannot get music rights needed for DVD releases, so they end up substituting other music. This happened with an early video version of “The President’s Analyst” which included a disclaimer in it’s opening credits.

But in all fairness, some director’s like Speilberg, Lucas and Scorcese, have done their own supervised DVD transfers from film. Amen !!

The current Saturday night films run by Channel 13, NYC are likely uncut and superior prints, so keep this in mind if you want something taped.

Years back, a buff of George Reeve’s “Superman” series stated that uncut versions were aired by a NYC TV station run during a holiday weekend marathon , yet the retail videos back then contained cuts!!

moviebuff82 on March 15, 2007 at 3:40 pm

I remember that when I was little that during the late 1980’s, channel 9 did a “Superman” marathon on Thanksgiving weekend, with both color and black and white versions (they still run on the American Life Channel in some markets). TCM is a great channel to watch classic movies uncut and commercial free with their original aspect ratios, while Fox Movie Channel is devoted to showing Fox movies (sometimes in pan and scan) all the time, except Star Wars, which is owned by Lucasfilm.

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