Sioux Falls State Theater Seeks Donations/Suggestions

posted by norskinelson on May 21, 2004 at 9:27 am

SIOUX FALLS, SD — The Sioux Falls Film Society, present owners of the State Theater located in the heart of the downtown area, is seeking donations and other assistance in the restoration of the building.

The vaudeville/movie theater has been closed for ten years plus since it was last used as a movie theater. The Film Society was recently fortunate that a previous owner, Joe Floyd, donated $100,000, which paid off a bank mortgage on the building. However, any funding for further restoration must be provided by donations and other contributions.

Presently, the group is restoring the outside canopy and lighting. We would gladly receive any information on suggestions for light controllers and other ideas of lighting control to restore the canopy to highlight the downtown area for this historic landmark. Your email comments can be sent to .

Thank you.

Comments (2)

BruceEide on May 24, 2004 at 11:09 am

Nelson !!!… You Da Man !!1 Now I have a new venue for bugging you!!! This site is very cool… Show’s us what other communities are doing across the country, too… Maybe we can provide a picture or two in the future… YourPigeonPluckin'Pal, Bruce

EBThomas on August 30, 2004 at 2:58 pm

We currently have a great offer for your refurbishing project. Although we can not help with funding, we can offer great Auditorium seats (fully cushioned \ floor mount) for a very great price.

For $59 USD we have numerous very well maintained seats, digital pictures can be provided, that could drastically reduce your renovation costs.

Give us a call (780) 432-4765 if you would be interested in these very historical seats.


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