Cineworld Cinema - Leicester Square

5 Leicester Square,
London, WC2H 7NA

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Tiny CF100

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Uploaded on: March 13, 2020

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Views: 1,378


Cineworld, The Empire, Leicester Square – Screen 2 - Sidewall LED Extrusion.

Cineworld, The Empire, Leicester Square – Screen 2 - Sidewall LED Extrusion.

This deep extrusion on the left sidewall houses a red LED strip behind an opal diffuser, producing an overall smooth linear strip effect from the multiple LEDs on the strip.

Unlike the very expensive high-end RGB LED light bars over in the IMAX auditorium, these parts are available to purchase from specialists at more modest prices.

(N.B. The strip is still “commerical grade,” however, so should not be confused with the low grade LED strips sold at rock bottom prices on eBay etc., and frequently seen, shoddily installed without extrusions (which are ideally there to act as heatsinks, if nothing else), in local independent retailers.)

Taken February 2020.

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Comments (1)

CF100 on March 13, 2020 at 1:38 pm

Addendum: The weave of the stretched fabric wall covering can be seen above the strip, and the “acoustic carpet” fixed to the lower part of the sidewalls (which doesn’t look terribly different to any other short-pile carpet, but it is marketed as such by vendors such as Eomac) is also visible.

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