Open Air Pictures

The Esplanade,
Dampier, WA 6713

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Open Air Pictures  The Esplanade, Dampier, WA  - CLOSING

Hamersley News (Perth, WA) Sat 1 Oct 1983


One of the grand old originals of Dampier; the open air theatre cum drive-in looks like being closed before the Christmas school holidays. The Dampier cinema was opened in its present form in April ‘69 but there had been outdoor movies before then. It has been part and parcel of the community since then and its loss would reflect on the attitude of our community in not supporting an amenity which is there for the whole family. The cinema comes under the jurisdiction of the DCA (Dampier Community Association) which also handles other areas of the community including bookings for the Sports Pavilion and Community Hall.

When the Dampier cinema first opened there were screenings four nights per week. This was reduced to two and currently is limited to Saturday night. The cinema must take $280 to be profitable. To buy a movie for one night is $100. Another $30 is needed for a distributor to collect the movie and send it to the DCA. It is $10 – $20 for freight charges and a final $110 in order to man the kiosk, maintain order, projection fees and electricity.

For the past three years the cinema was leased by Westralian Drive-Ins which paid the viewing charges. Because this group is no longer making a profit it wants out. If Dampier citizens do not support the cinema then the DCA has no other option but to close it down.

Charlie remarked: “We believe the cinema is an integral part of the Dampier community and I, as President of the DCA, would be extremely disappointed to make the decision to close the cinema. People go there to meet other residents, children go for entertainment.


The Open Air Pictures closed in 1983, later a cyclone devastated the screen - Contributed by Greg Lynch –

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