Century's Plainview Theatre

337A South Oyster Bay,
Plainview, NY 11803

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Uploaded on: April 9, 2015

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Century's Plainview Theatre

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Comments (3)

robboehm on April 9, 2015 at 7:50 pm

Image of the Plainview in the day uploaded.

Orlando on April 10, 2015 at 8:04 am

“Operation Mad Ball” Jack Lemmon was in it. It’s “Last Picture Show” was “The Road Warrior” Mel Gibson. Most of the staff transferred to the RKO Twin accross the street and the Morton Village nearby. I inherited about three employees and the projectionist as I was the Morton Village manager. The staff of this theatre at the time was superb.

Orlando on April 10, 2015 at 8:14 am

P.S. Closed under Almi-Century banner. After closing it became the projection booth equipment “cemetery” and every theatre that closed after it housed all the theatre equipment from them as well until the building was sold. P.S.S. Plainview marquee minus “A Century Theatre” center now sits accross the street where the RKO Twin Roadside pylon was. Even though that RKO TWIN lasted only 5 years, the former sideboards are still in place.

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