Victory Theatre

120 Victory Boulevard,
Staten Island, NY 10301

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Tiny JohnJohn44

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Uploaded on: February 15, 2014

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Victory Theater was also called Tompkinsville Theater

Seats - 807 Opened - 1925 Closed -1961 Owners - Charles and Elias Moses

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Comments (1)

JohnJohn44 on February 15, 2014 at 9:10 pm

This theater was operated strictly as a movie house. In the 1940’s they regularly showed double features. Between films many times they had held contests or had live stage acts, like a hypnotist or an astrologer. The name of the theatre was changed to The Victory and was run by The Moses brothers untill it closed sometime in the early 60s. The Victory had no air conditioning but placed large noisy fans in the back of the theater to help move the air around. After a few years of financial difficulties, the theater closed

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