Park Theatre

3519 Golden Gate Way,
Lafayette, CA 94549

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Auditorium Wall Fixture

Sketch of one of four identical wall fixtures in the auditorium. I do not know whether they were original to the Park Theatre, or if they were salvaged from another theatre and installed here by Allen Michaan. An interesting discovery I did make however: In the 1961 booklet, “San Francisco’s Fabulous and Foolish Fox,” by Jeff Herschel, there is a photo of the tenth floor private screening room. Unlike the theatre’s public spaces, this room is starkly Moderne in its appointments, and on the walls are four fixtures of this exact design. Remember, this was 1929, and theatres were just starting to include Art Deco and Moderne design elements. Who’s to say that the four fixtures in the Park in Lafayette might originally come from the screening room in the San Francisco Fox? The design of the fixtures certainly predates the construction of the Park by nearly a decade. It must be remembered, however, that stock light fixtures were available in catalogs for many years, therefore it is possible to find fixtures which were for sale well over a decade since their introduction. Ads for fixtures in Theatre Catalog evidence this over and over.

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