Seminary South I, II, III, IV

4200 S. Freeway 2500,
Fort Worth, TX 76115

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Tiny dallasmovietheaters

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Photo Info

Taken on: June 6, 2015

Uploaded on: June 7, 2015

Exposure: 1/4 sec, f/2.2, ISO 125

Camera: Apple iPhone 6 Plus

Software: Adobe Photoshop CS6 (Macintosh)

Size: 2 MB

Views: 1,966

Full EXIF: View all

F number: 11/5

Aperture value: 7892/3469

Image length: 2448

Date time original: Sat Jun 06 17:46:59 +0000 2015

Pixel Y dimension: 6142

Resolution unit: 2

Y resolution: 72

Subsec time orginal: 350

Brightness value: -1357/3046

Exposure program: 2

Flash: 24

Focal length in 35mm film: 29

Bits per sample: 888

Date time digitized: Sat Jun 06 17:46:59 +0000 2015

Focal length: 83/20

Scene capture type: 0

Exposure bias value: 1/256

Subsec time digitized: 350

Photometric interpretation: 2

Subject area: 1166406610612

Software: Adobe Photoshop CS6 (Macintosh)

ISO speed ratings: 125

Exposure mode: 0

Date time: Sun Jun 07 18:50:16 +0000 2015

Image width: 3264

Make: Apple

Color space: 1

Sensing method: 2

White balance: 0

Exposure time: 1/4

Shutter speed value: 38505/19252

Samples per pixel: 3

Model: iPhone 6 Plus

Metering mode: 3

Pixel X dimension: 6570

X resolution: 72


Seminary South I, II, III, IV

You probably weren’t really wondering what was still hanging around in the Seminary South I, II, III 45 years after it opened and long after it was closed. But the concession stand is still there and is being used as a concession stand. The poster frames are still there. The lettering for the office, rest rooms, waste cups, etc. there with the pay phone removed.

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