Mount Dennis Theatre

1296 Weston Road,
Mount Dennis, ON M6M

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Tiny TeddieWright

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Uploaded on: October 1, 2012

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Mount Dennis Theatre 1975. Closed. Before Demolition.

Thanks Jim T. for this picture. The Mount Dennis Theatre is closed awaiting demolition. It survived in alter years by running Italian Films. The area had welcomed many Italians after the 2nd World War. So many of my school friends were Italians. The Borellis, Segrattis, Arjiros, Panaccis.Rupolos. I learned to love real spaghetti and home made wine and was pleased that the theatre lasted a few more years by welcoming all my neighbours with films in their better understood language. The Mount Dennis Theatre changed with the times but the times were not favourable to any theatres.

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Comments (1)

TeddieWright on October 1, 2012 at 2:01 pm

This picture is listed as 1975. But The Kentucky Fried Chicken outlet is there to the right. What type and year is the vehicle on the right side of the picture? This is how I remember it. The BIG Marquee. The big windows. Lots of lights. The box office inside on the right. Then up the stairs to the Candy Stand. Then on to the left, always the left for some reason. I sat on the left, just before the doors. Half way down. So I could stretch and no one was in front of me. Tell me. What was it like to sit on the right. You know I sit on the left in theatres, to this day. And half way down. Go figure.

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