Rose Theatre

107 Crawford Street,
Thomasville, GA 31792

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Uploaded on: March 28, 2013

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Rose Theatre, Thomasville, GA

The Rose theatre seated 1200 and had two balconies, one (upper gallery) for colored patrons and the other (lower loges) for white patrons. The lower balcony was accessed by two grand staircases located on each side of the lobby which also lead to the mezzanine level which contained the restrooms, sofas and chairs. The gallery was accessed from another stairway for colored only. It even had a neon sign over the doors stating “Colored Entrance.” It was a beautiful theatre with an orchestra pit, flyloft and a complete understage area and spot lights along the front of the balcony. It was heated by steam with radiators recessed into the walls. It was demolishe in 1973 when preservation was a dirty word. A lot of people in Thomasville now regret losing this theatre.

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