Regal Cinema

Freeman Street,
Grimsby, DN32 7AP

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Tiny ABCboi64

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Photo Info

Taken on: February 24, 2018

Uploaded on: February 24, 2018

Exposure: 1/17 sec, f/1.8, ISO 40

Camera: Apple iPhone 7

Software: 10.0.1

GPS: 50° 44' 35" N, -1° 40' 6" W Staticmap?center=50

Size: 3.1 MB

Views: 1,308

Full EXIF: View all

F number: 9/5

Aperture value: 2159/1273

GPS speed: 145/1294

GPS latitude: 50443549/100

GPS dest bearing: 95116/269

Date time original: Sat Feb 24 11:42:54 +0000 2018

Pixel Y dimension: 4032

Y resolution: 72

Resolution unit: 2

Subsec time orginal: 641

Brightness value: 4741/1729

Exposure program: 2

Flash: 16

Focal length in 35mm film: 28

GPS longitude ref: W

Date time digitized: Sat Feb 24 11:42:54 +0000 2018

Focal length: 399/100

Scene capture type: 0

Exposure bias value: 0

Subsec time digitized: 641

GPS longitude: 140529/100

Subject area: 22301415753756

Software: 10.0.1

ISO speed ratings: 40

GPS altitude ref:


ABC Grimsby

The THORN-EMI CINEMAS “PREVIEW” for June/July 1983. These small giveaway booklets were pretty poor when compared to the “Moviegoer” booklet that Rank outlets gave away. Rank at least showed some interest in the product that they were showing or intended to show. The ABC effort was really a compendium of local advertising coupled with a centre spread of film titles with vague release dates and often no information about the film at all. This copy features a cover that I have never seen before, my local ABC, had the conventional “EMI Preview” for the same date.

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