Dominion Cinema

Buxton Road,
London, E17 7EJ

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Tiny Ron Knee

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Uploaded on: August 14, 2024

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Dominion Cinema Walthamstow

Photograph of Frank Ernest Bromige Architect of the Dominion. This was to be the first cinema by Bromige and although the facade was a new design for its time the interior was still in a mixed style of Empire and more suitable for theatre. However, Bromige went on to build a total of sixteen cinemas during the 1930’s six of which were named Dominion, his next the Dominion Hounslow was in the new Art Deco design and opened on 28th December 1931. Undoubtedly his finest design being the Dominion Harrow, a masterpiece which opened 9th January 1936. During the early 1960’s ABC cinemas covered the entire front in metal cladding, this has now been removed after 59 years and restored to its original glory.

Ron Knee

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