Kings Theatre

1027 Flatbush Avenue,
Brooklyn, NY 11226

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Tiny Comfortably Cool

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Uploaded on: March 25, 2018

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Kings Theatre

Better Late Than Never (April 16th, 1954)

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Comments (1)

Comfortably Cool
Comfortably Cool on March 25, 2018 at 4:58 pm

Although the Kings was equipped for wide screen and stereophonic sound in the autumn of 1953, it had to wait until Easter of the following year to present its first feature in the CinemaScope process. This was due to the product split between Loew’s and the RKO circuit, with the latter enjoying an exclusive on 20th-Fox and Warner Bros, the first studios to release CinemaScope features. “Knights of the Round Table,” which had also been the first CinemaScope feature at Radio City Music Hall, was produced by MGM, still one of Loew’s chief suppliers until anti-trust decisions could be fully complied with.

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