Here is the text that accompanied this photo as it appeared in the August 5, 1916, issue of The Moving Picture World:
“In the year 1914 P. G. Redding and J. H. Stroud opened the Wonderland theater in Windom, Minn. It was erected at a cost of $15,000, and is 35 feet wide by 115 feet long. Fireproof material has been used in constructing the Wonderland, and it complies with the law in respect to wiring, aisles, exits, etc. There is an eighteen foot ceiling, and the interior is decorated in perfect harmony.
“The seating capacity is 600, and there is plenty of room between the rows of chairs. The Wonderland under the able management of Redding & Stroud has been a profitable investment since it was opened. The management is booking big features as well as running the regular program material. Among the big productions that have been shown at the Wonderland are ‘The Birth of a Nation,’ and ‘The Battle Cry of Peace.’ The accompanying illustration shows the house in gala dress for the presentation of the last named picture. The Wonderland is advertised extensively.”
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Here is the text that accompanied this photo as it appeared in the August 5, 1916, issue of The Moving Picture World: