Lower projection booth
The lower projection booth when the theater was first tri-plexed had all Ballantyne Pro-35 projectors installed in the lower projection booth. When Lacey Cinemas expanded to eight screens, the Ballantynes from the State theater went to the new auditoriums 7 and 8 at Lacey Cinemas. The Sunset Drive-in Theater in Tumwater had just closed permanently so both projectors from the Sunset went to the State Theater’s lower projection booth. Notice the asbestos warning sign. The State theater was loaded with asbestos.
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Brenkert BX-80 projector heads, RCA 9030 sound heads, RCA projector pedestal, Strong Super Lume-x xenon lamphouse running 2,000 watt bulbs, and Eprad Co-Operator automation. Not shown in this picture is a Strong 5 deck small size platter that was made to fit small booths such as this one.
Asbestos has since been removed throughout the building. The lower booth had an Altec-Lansing sound system.