Cascade Park 4

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Tiny MotoFox

Featured Theater

Cascade Park 4

Cascade Park 4 Theater

Vancouver, WA

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Uploaded on: October 12, 2012

Size: 302.2 KB

Views: 1,628


Cascade Park 4

South end of Cascade Park 4 theatre in 2012.

SOME RIGHTS RESERVED: (Revision 3.243F6A8885A308D31319) I, Van Dalton (MotoFox), took this photograph. As long as you retain this notice and description (or at least promise to give me full credit) you can use this photograph in your projects however you want. If you really think this stuff is worth it, and we happen to meet sometime, you can buy me a pie in return.

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Comments (1)

MotoFox on January 17, 2015 at 9:56 pm

The small window above the back exit (south end of projection floor) is not original. It was added as part of the Vozrozhdenie Church conversion. The chain blocking the parking entrance was also added post-Regal.

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