Sundown Drive-In 205 Narrabundah Lane, Canberra, ACT

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Sundown Drive-In

Sundown Drive-In

Canberra, AU

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Sundown Drive-In 205 Narrabundah Lane, Canberra, ACT

Sundown Drive-In 205 Narrabundah Lane, Canberra, ACT - Conversion of screen for 3D in 1984

Preparation of the Sundown drive-in screen for screening “Treasure of the Four Crowns” in 3D

1984 - To spray a drive-in screen for 3D movies you need to apply a specialized silver screen paint that will not oxidize, application by method of a spray gun. This will ensure a smooth, even coat on a properly prepared surface, as this type of paint surface is specifically designed to reflect light optimally for 3D projection, thus providing the best viewing experience with 3D glasses. The screen needs to be thoroughly clean before applying the paint. Note if the paint oxidizes it will not polarise. Polarization is a necessity for the optimum 3D effect.

Contributed by Greg Lynch -

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