Photo of Chief Organist Albert F. Brown in front of the Forest Hills Theatre’s Smith 4 manual 17 ranks organ console that featured 164 stop keys and an echo organ in the ceiling for its distinctive sound. So popular was Brown that when he left for another theater, hundreds of patrons signed a petition demanding that Brown be hired back to play at the Forest Hills Theatre. Brown had played previously at Poli’s Million Dollar Majestic Theatre in Bridgeport, Connecticut and was a believer in absolute musical synchronization for films with original, in-house scores.
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Photo of Chief Organist Albert F. Brown in front of the Forest Hills Theatre’s Smith 4 manual 17 ranks organ console that featured 164 stop keys and an echo organ in the ceiling for its distinctive sound. So popular was Brown that when he left for another theater, hundreds of patrons signed a petition demanding that Brown be hired back to play at the Forest Hills Theatre. Brown had played previously at Poli’s Million Dollar Majestic Theatre in Bridgeport, Connecticut and was a believer in absolute musical synchronization for films with original, in-house scores.