Picture House 1954 false proscenium.

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Featured Theater

Doncaster Picture House, Baxter Gate 1925

Picture House

Doncaster, GB

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Uploaded on: May 6, 2022

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Picture House 1954 false proscenium.

The old fashioned and very narrow proscenium of the Picture House was, in 1954, most unsuitable for the new innovation, CinemaScope; ABC’s answer to the problem can be seen here.

Even at that time, ABC were on the lookout for an alternative venue and they had considered the Ritz, the town’s largest cinema. Company Architect, C J Foster, however, did not recommend purchase following the discovery a substantial crack in one of the side elevations. This did not deter Rank/CMA from adding the Ritz to its acquisitions when it became the ‘Odeon’, thus providing them with a second venue in Doncaster, the other being the nearby Gaumont.

ABC did eventually replace the busy, but very old style, Picture House with the new build stadium plan ABC in 1967.

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Comments (2)

terry on May 6, 2022 at 6:28 pm

s/b “discovery of”……

Mike_Blakemore on May 7, 2022 at 12:27 pm

Looking at the Wall treatment and the stage layout for scope This look like a Modernisation Ltd., interior design build.

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