1929 – Advertisement for roller skating at the new Lyric Theatre Rink, Maylands – Western Australia – Swan Express 4 October 1929
1929 – Advertisement for roller skating at the new Lyric Theatre Rink, Maylands – Western Australia – Swan Express 4 October 1929
MAYLANDS LYRIC THEATRE. – For several years past the Lyric Theatre, in Eighth-avenue, Maylands, has been a most consistent home for many excellent programmes that have been presented on several nights in each week. Recently the management decided to depart from the usual form of entertainment, and substitute roller skating for pictures on several nights during the week. The crowds which have attended the Lyric have been such convincing evidence of the popularity of the roller pastime, that the management recently decided to cut out the picture programmes on every night in the week, except on Saturday. There is at present a quarter-mile skating championship being contested in heats in the Lyric, and the semi-finals ‘and the final are to be run off next Wednesday. The usual high class picture entertainment will be presented on Saturday evening, and the management announce that a fine, orchestral combination, under the direction of Mrs. Merretts, has been secured. The Specialty Four vaudeville turn has also been engaged. Picture patrons are assured of an enjoyable evening at the Lyric on Saturday. For further particulars, the attention of readers is directed to the Lyric special advertisement appearing in this issue. (pictured on this page) – Contributed by Greg Lynch – dimensional1@bigpond.com
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