Floreat Park Drive In Theatre, West Australia 1955

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1957 image courtesy Arthur Stiles.

Skyline Drive-In

Perth, AU

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Floreat Park Drive In Theatre, West Australia 1955

Hoyts Skyline Drive In Theatre Floreat Park – West Australia 1955 – Photo courtesy of Roy Mudge …

COMPLAINT – Letters To The Editor – The West Australian Perth, WA : Mon 9 Aug 1954 – Sir, I read with disgust in The West Australian of Perth City Council’s proposal to build a drive-in theatre at Bold Park. If the city Councillors would wake up to the acute needs of Floreat Park and district rather than waste money in matters of much less importance, they would earn the gratitude, instead of the condemnation of harassed mothers in this area. This delightful suburb is alive with children, yet no provision has been made for their safety and well-being. The streets are their playground. A children’s playground, with the usual apparatus, enjoyed by every other suburb and so far denied to us, would at least be appreciated by us mothers, while we ourselves are still waiting impatiently for our long-promised shopping center, which a year ago was promised us to be ready in June past. The City Council has put a lot of money into its coffers from Floreat land sales. Let it then expend the same in an attractive civic center with all the amenities that Floreat Park so much requires – Yours, etc.

CONFUSION – The West Australian Perth, WA : Sat 16 Oct 1954 – CITY OF PERTH TENDERS FOR A LEASE OF LAND FOR A PICTURE THEATRE AND GARDENS IN FLOREAT PARK. Tenders are invited and will be received until 3.30 p.m. on Wednesday. 10th November, 1954 – period of the lease to be twenty years, with an option for a further twenty years. The theatre and gardens to be completed by December 1956…The tender that was never filled ?

CONFIRMATION – The West Australian Perth, WA : Wed 17 Nov 1954 – Port Company Gets Drive-In Cinema Tender …The Floreat Park-City Beach area is to have a drive-in theatre. Hoyts (Fremantle) Ltd is the successful tenderer for the lease of 15 acres of land from the Perth City Council for the theatre. The tender was accepted by the Council at a meeting yesterday. It was for the payment of an annual rent of £2,080 for 15 years. The Council had advertised alternate sites, but the land for which the company tendered is west of subdivided land between The Boulevard and Oceanic-drive – Contributed by Greg Lynch –

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