ROXY NY 1946

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Tiny Joseph

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Roxy Theatre, New York - Cross Section Diagram

Roxy Theatre

New York, NY

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Uploaded on: July 28, 2011

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ROXY NY 1946

Gloria Swanson attends THE RAZOR’S EDGE premiere, ROXY NY 1946

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Comments (1)

GDellaFa on April 24, 2012 at 8:32 pm

Heartbreaking. Thank you SO much for posting this, but when I see it I feel absolutely deprived and cheated. This theatre should still exist. Period. The great cathedrals of Europe still exist; why not the “new world” cathedrals such as the Roxy. This is quite an amazing photo. Swanson was always loyal to the Roxy; from a time with loyalty meant something in Hollywood.

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