Comments from raymond

Showing 201 - 225 of 286 comments

raymond commented about DuPage Theater on Oct 17, 2005 at 3:41 pm

Dupe neighbor.Are you willing to committ yourself to the “preservation” of the Dupage Theatre?

raymond commented about DuPage Theater on Oct 17, 2005 at 3:35 pm

Deb.Dynako.If you think that saving any portion of the facade or the marque is part of some preservation plan by the village then you really are naive.The only reason that anything might be salvaged is because the village or the contractor to demolish has a potentiial buyer for them.
Don’t loose site of what trustee Tross said on April 27.
When DEBATING the RSC plan and whole block development.When HE didn’t have his votes.Tross said,
“WE could END this tonight.But I can count to "FOUR."
That is what Tross said.Then on June 2nd when the new trustee against the theatre{O'brien )was on the board then Tross could count to FOUR his way Then came the votes to demolish.
Handing out olive branches is fine.But First things first.
The trustees are the people who voted to Demolish.First things first.Passing out olive branches to other than the trustees is moot. Nobody can change the vote to demolish except the trustees.

raymond commented about DuPage Theater on Oct 17, 2005 at 1:41 pm

Dupe neighbor.I have proved nothing.Are you willing to committ yourself to the preservation of the Dupage Theatre?Yes or no.

raymond commented about DuPage Theater on Oct 17, 2005 at 12:32 pm

Deb Dynako.Maybe you should extend your olive branch to dupe neighbor.
Good luck.You will need it.That’s FOR SURE.
I will stand on what I have said.I also don’t look for the LAST WORD.

raymond commented about DuPage Theater on Oct 17, 2005 at 11:11 am

Deb.Dynako .Exactly my point. “Exactly where there are preservationists who can help us with some ideas."
If the preservationists that read this website think that our fund raisers are just "pot luck dinners, pancake breakfasts ,and lemonade stands,then they must be told the truth.If they are told that there hasn’t been a fundraiser for almost year then they must be told that since Demolition became law, fundraisers would be useless. The list goes on and on.The truth must be told to all of the presevationists that read this website,otherwise we {the "friends”)just look like a bunch of ridiculous activists with no direction and no public support.I am sorry.Too many people have worked very hard for many years to fulfill this dream.It shouldn’t be ridiculed by a few theatre haters on this preservation site.
“ Especially where there preservationists who can HELP us with some ideas."
That is the ONLY REASON that I post messages on this website.
So the preservationiists who read these messages will know the TRUTH.
Deb, again may I suggest that you read all of your previous posts.There isn’t much difference between what you and I have stated as the truth time and time again.Over and over.

raymond commented about DuPage Theater on Oct 17, 2005 at 9:49 am

Deb Dynako, I wasn’t being antagonistic.However if you think that is the case then I will refrain from responding to Challengers messages.
I wish you the best of luck extending your olive branches.I hope and pray that you succeed.
May I suggest that you take your longest olive branches and present them to the Lombard village board.That is were the REAL ISSUES began.
Deb if you think that responding to the anti theatre group is being unconstructive then perhaps you should review your own message posts.
Deb,don’t forget just how we got to the point where DEMOLITION became the law.

raymond commented about DuPage Theater on Oct 17, 2005 at 8:27 am

Challenger, fair enough.While we are at it,please refrain from calling me
“duper stuper”, “petey k”,“fitzy”,“Kevin”,“ and "dupage dude"
Fair enough?

raymond commented about DuPage Theater on Oct 17, 2005 at 7:34 am

Challenger maybe you should stop all this “Sillieness."
The election was two years ago.Forget about it.
Let the "HEALING ” begin.Let’s all be a little more “Friendly"
I don’t know why we just can’t all just get along with each other.
BTW Challenger.Again I am not "Preservationist” Jim Devitt.

raymond commented about DuPage Theater on Oct 17, 2005 at 6:36 am

Deb Dynako.Go for it.Maria Schoff may be the best “Friend "that we can get.I like her style.GO for it.I give it two thumbs up.
But stay clear of LD4.He is "bad news."
BTW to Maria. "Again ,I am not "Preservationist” Jim Devitt.

raymond commented about DuPage Theater on Oct 17, 2005 at 6:07 am

Challenger says Devitt “single handedly started all the sniping on the original website under his own name,and ” I have them ALL SAVED TO PROVE IT.“ Challenge sounds like a "BITTER MAN” who has a personal grudge against Preservationist Jim Devitt.
Challenger says LD4 “ Don’t stoop to their level."
If LD4 should ever post comments on this board again ,I think that the best response would be to just humor him.He definitely needs to be humored.Even his own comprade theatre haters have told him to stop posting on this site.

raymond commented about DuPage Theater on Oct 15, 2005 at 5:48 pm

Deb Dynako, why don’t you extend your olive branch to Deb dupe.
This also should be very interesting.

raymond commented about DuPage Theater on Oct 15, 2005 at 5:03 pm

Deb Dynako, why don’t you extend your olive branch to LD4?
Humor him.He needs it.
Should be interesting.

raymond commented about DuPage Theater on Oct 15, 2005 at 3:46 pm

LD4 has suggested that I vandalized someone’s property.

Just read all of the posts on this comment board.Read them from beginning to end.Then decide when this message board got mean.Read when the lies and distortions started.The mean spirit on this comment board didn’t begin with the “Friends”.
I don’t want to be acccused of vandalizing someone’s home.
I also don’t want to be refered to as dude,ghamilton,ect ect..Get that through your dense skulls.Because I am NOT THEM.
It is like I said.The best way to confront the lies and distortions is head on.This website is NOT the enemy of preservation.This website is all about preservation.
If the theatre haters want to spread their lies and distortions then let them find another website.Better yet.Let them create their own.
Deb Dynako, don’t you see that when these people are confronted with the real facts on the issues such as TIF money for the theatre verses TIF money for private businesses they have no answers.They change the subject matter.When they are confronted with the truth on what was was said and acted upon at government and school board meetings they do not respond.The list goes on and on.Spare us all in the future.

raymond commented about DuPage Theater on Oct 15, 2005 at 7:27 am

This is ABSURD.This Lombardiandistrict 4 person must be INSANE.
First he says that the District87 board discussed in executive session about their innergovernmental agreement with Lombard when when the were NO such discussions.
He posts board meeting dates where the innergovernmental agreement was discussed and voted,and that never occcured.With all of his ridiculous posts he accuses the GOOD people on the District87 board of COLLUSION.
Now he is accusing a “Friend” [Duper supporter] of of vandalism to someone’s property………TOTAL INSANITY! Spare the readers from his babbling ramblings.What will he say next?
For the record AGAIN I [duper supporter] am NOT this Dupage Dude,or Robert R,or Petey K,or Preservationist Jim Devitt,or “Fitzt"
or anyone else who posts messages on this forum.Get that through you dense skull.
Dupe neighbor!…… From the minutes of June 2nd board meeting.
Martin Carroll stated” The TIF was not passed in the May session BUT Senator Cronin has pledged that it will pass in the fall or the spring session and the funding would not be needed until 2007 under the RSC plan.He commented that all of the school districts were in favor of the TIF.“
Ms.Dynako. I agree that we should all STAY focused on our#1 target.
Saving the Dupage Theatre.I cannot and WILL NOT loose focus of OUR #1 goal.Saving the Theatre.
Many people visit this website and read the comments posted.
Why should the mis-truths,lies and distortions that are posted on this site by the five or six theatre haters go unchallengd?
If those Anti-preservationist theatre haters want to post that kind of garbage then they should find some other website or create their own.
Remember.The BEST defense is the "BEST OFFENSE.”
Also this dupage dude [whoever he is] make a good point about getting petition signatures from registered voters.We should have taken a look at that as another option.
Now please don’t say that I [duper supporter]am dupage dude or anybody else.
Lets put that issue to rest.Please!

raymond commented about DuPage Theater on Oct 14, 2005 at 11:35 am

Maybe Mr. Hamilton got caught up in the anger of the moment.You and your group of ANTI-PRESERVATIONISTS theatre haters post so many mis-truths,
distortions and Lies that maybe he couldn’t contol his words.
Just like George W.does from tome to time.
That is just my opinion!

raymond commented about DuPage Theater on Oct 14, 2005 at 7:52 am

Deb dupe says “your latest development failed the test in the public opinion polls and it is finally over”….More exaggerations and ramblings.
What public opinion polls?
Many spoke approval of the R.S.C.development at village board meetings.Very few [5] spoke against the R.S.C. development.
The new plan is “fully” funded with the the same funds that one of your T.O.S.S. trustees wants to use for GRANTS to bribe new business into Lombard.Strange isn’t it.Those funds are what you and your group used as your M.O.against the theatre restoration.Now it going to come around and bite you in the -SS!
ghamilton has got the pulse as to what is going on…..“.Follow the money.”

raymond commented about DuPage Theater on Oct 14, 2005 at 7:02 am

lombard district4……… B.T.W.
The next meeting of the District 87 board after May 23,2005 was June 13,2005.The minutes of the June 13,2005 board meeting do not reveal ONE word of an innergovernmental agreemet between Lombard and District 87.
The June 28,2005 District 87 board meeting minutes also do not REVEAL one word about an innergovernmental agreement betwen District 87 and Lombard.
I thought you should know this F.Y.I.

raymond commented about DuPage Theater on Oct 14, 2005 at 6:35 am

Deb dope says “"Give polygraphs to all…nothing to hide.No inside deals or under the table payoffs."
What wii deb dupe say next?"Get DNA from everybody."
More ramblings. "I among with literally hundreds if not thousands of others,are thankfull that our trustees have not caved in to the small minded preservationists”. Spare us all from your GROSS EXAGGERATIONS.
From year 2000 to present there have been no more than twenty five people who have spoken against the theatre at village board meetings where the theatre restoration financing,business plan and foundation funds were SCRUTINIZED,INSPECTED,DISECTED,and OPINIONATED ON.
There has NEVER been a development in the village of Lombard that has had to pass the “TEST” that the theatre has to pass… NOT ONE.

raymond commented about DuPage Theater on Oct 14, 2005 at 5:41 am

Yorktown center…….YorkTOWN. Not DOWNTOWN!
Headline “Lombard Spectator.June 2003. "Something needs to be done"
"Shop owners look to revive DOWNTOWN."
"There is a sense of urgency concerning downtown redevelopment among local business owners.There isn’t a downtown feel here at all,especially during the evenings."
” Senior planner Wiliam Heniff said the elements of a successfull downtown revitalization include “destination centers that generate regular traffic into the area."
Well, what do you know about that!
Now Lombard wants to bribe business redevelopment into Downtown Lombard with Grants.Grants to bribe Business redevelopment.The GRANTS to bribe Businesses into Lombard funded with
STRANGE.The Anti-preservationist theatre opponents M.O. against the restoration of the theatre was that T.I.F. is a tax.
It makes you wonder what is going on behind the scenes!

raymond commented about DuPage Theater on Oct 13, 2005 at 7:29 pm

Dupage dude why should I call you?I don’t know who you are.
You must have me mixed up with someone else.I am not a “Fitzy”

raymond commented about DuPage Theater on Oct 13, 2005 at 5:39 pm

Does anybody know what the “ramblings” in the last four message posts by lombarddistrict4 are about and what they have to do with the price of “EGGS” ?
What dribble.
ghamilon is on to something…….“FOLLOW THE MONEY!"
"Follow the money.” Makes sense.

raymond commented about DuPage Theater on Oct 13, 2005 at 5:25 pm

Challenger says this about his group. “We are a large majority ”……….Oh really.
Five [Five] people spoke publicly against the R.S.C. PROPOSAL.Five!
A large majority of" FIVE.“ "We are a large majority "OF [Five]
How ridiculous his claims.Please unleash us all from of his dribble and tripe.
Now Challenger says if you don’t think like him and his Anti-Preservationist group of theatre opponents you look like ” Fools"!
“Ramblings” from a person trying to come to grips with his own participation in the demise of an historical building.
For the record!#1 Challenger, #2lombard district4, #3deb dupe, #4 Dope neighbor #5 fiscal insanity [5 count ]I am NOT your so called “rogue” member of the “Friends”….I am not “dude” or “Fitzy ” or Preservationist Jim Devitt.
You people must love “eggs”.Do you buy them by the dozen or by the case?

raymond commented about DuPage Theater on Oct 13, 2005 at 3:50 am

LombardDistrict4 Excuse me “SIR!” You are real close to INCRIMINATING yourself.You had better be carefull of what your are saying.Executive [closed sessions ]are priviliged.Like you don’t alreary know!The rules and reasons why the District 87 board goes into executive session are clearly stated in the minutes of every board meeting.Inner governmental agreements or questions about funding problems with any development project are not and cannot be discussed in executive session.
If it is not on the agenda,then it can’t be discussed in an open or closed meeting meeting.
Lombard District 4 says “They knew why we were there and came over to us on the break to tell us they would table their vote until at least the next meeting because they needed more information.This was done in the closed door executive session."
SPARE ME.No better yet.Spare all of us from this ridiculous display of "FOOT IN MOUTH."
Again, you are incriminating yourself.The pathetic thing is you are very close to accusing the GOOD PEOPLE on the District 87 board of COLLUSION.

raymond commented about DuPage Theater on Oct 12, 2005 at 6:43 am

Dupe neighbor says “Stuper”-the meeting was May 23 at Glenbard West and there was a large group of residents there concerned about R.S.C.“ Dupe neighbor I went to the District 87 website and checked the MINUTES of May 23,2005 and I can’t find any mention of the inner governmental agreement between Lombard and District 87 being tabled.
There is no mention in the minutes of District 87 voting to table the inner government agreement until funding problems could be accounted for which were solved by the village staff,the Dupage Theatre Foundation and the developer…… People working TOGETHER.
There is NO inner governmental agreement mentioned on the consent agenda [action items],or discussion items ,or new busisness.
WHY ? check this url.

raymond commented about DuPage Theater on Oct 12, 2005 at 3:54 am

Deb dupe, a library.What is that going to do to stimulate business activity downtown? Glen Ellyn’s new library is just west of downtown Glen Ellyn.Works well for them.
How could or would a library be expediting “THE CREATION of a VIABLE TAX-GENERATING project on the former Dupage Theatre Property?”
Spare us all.What nonsense.
You make it sound like a library is a cure all for the lack of business activity in Lombard.
Headline Lombard Spectator.2003.
“Something needs to be done"
"Shop owners,village look to revive downtown.”
Now Lombard wants to bribe new businsess development downtown with GRANTS. Grants.Grants funded with T.I.F. MONEY.
Most peculiar.Given the fact that the ANTI-PRESERVATIONIST theatre opponents M.O.used against the theatre is that a tax.