Ridgewood Theatre

55-27 Myrtle Avenue,
Ridgewood, NY 11385

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Bway on October 11, 2006 at 6:25 am

I can just imagine what that beautiful original marquee must have looked like on the Ridgewood when it was all lit up at night, I mean just look at all the lighting:

Click here to resee the photo

I still remember the Madison’s marquee all lit up at night. That marquee wasn’t original either, but it was replaced early enough that they still put all those lights on it. I remember seeing it walking down Woodbine St towards Myrtle, and all the lights would be flickering on the Madison.

Bway on October 10, 2006 at 6:54 pm

The “second marquee”, the one that fell, is the original marquee covered over (much like the Richmond Hill Keith’s Theater’s marquee was “modernized” and covered over – before recently being rediscovered when they filmed a movie there).
If you look closely at the photo with the trolley, the sides had the new look, with interlocking o’s in Ridgewood, but the front had the original look.

PKoch on October 10, 2006 at 10:17 am

I doubt it, too, Lost Memory, unless a miracle of restoration is forthcoming in the next few months.

PKoch on October 10, 2006 at 9:20 am

Yes, as posted earlier on this page, the marquee collapsed under the blizzard of Sunday, February 9, 1969.

PKoch on October 10, 2006 at 9:17 am

My thanks to Bway and Warren. There are other photos of Myrtle Avenue trolleys with the Ridgewood Theater in the background in the book “The Brooklyn And Queens Transit : From Flushing to Coney Island” about trolleys in Brooklyn and Queens. In one of the photos, the Ridgewood marquee is showing James Cagney in “Blood On The Sun”.

Bway on October 10, 2006 at 9:17 am

If I am not mistaken, the original marquee collapsed in a snowstorm in the 60’s, and the current one went up. However, the marquee was already altered from the original one by that point though.

PKoch on October 10, 2006 at 9:15 am

My thanks to Bway and Warren. There are other photos of Myrtle Avenue trolleys with the Ridgewood Theater in the background in the book “The Brooklyn And Queens Transit : From Flushing to Coney Island” about trolleys in Brooklyn and Queens. In one of the photos, the Ridgewood marquee is showing James Cagney in “Blood On The Sun”.

PKoch on October 10, 2006 at 9:09 am

Speaking of restoration and preservation, where are we at now with the Ridgewood Theater ?

mikemorano on October 10, 2006 at 8:59 am

Very cool photo Bway. The marquee in your first link appears to be much nicer then the current marquee I have seen photo’s of. The verical sign should be restored to give the Ridgewood theatre a more classic look.

Bway on October 4, 2006 at 5:36 pm

Here’s a historic photo of the Ridgewood Theater from the 19 taken 40’s and one of the RKO Madison from around 1975 or so, both taken from the book, “Our Community: It’s history and it’s people”, published in 1976.

Click here for photo

The one of the Madison was taken very shortly before it closed:

Click here for photo

And look at this, I found what appears to be a much older photo of the Ridgewood Theater, and the vertical sign wasn’t there yet!! I am sorry if I don’t credit the person who posted or emailed me this photo, I didn’t even remember I had it, and don’t remember who sent it to me or where I got it:

Click here for photo

AntonyRoma on October 4, 2006 at 9:41 am

Wow, all the information and recollections from a single ad:
* The Crossbay showed the same movies as the Ridgewood
* Charles Bronson, Carolyn Jones and Phlllyis Kirk played in House of Wax
* I also remember the hard plastic 3D glasses. i THINK i SAW hOUE AT the Glenwood

Shalom, ciao and excelsior

PKoch on October 4, 2006 at 6:36 am

RobertR, in the newspaper ad you posted a link to, to the left of “House Of Wax”, is an ad for the Jewel Theater, which I walked by many times while attending Cooper Union nearby in the ‘70’s, and which I remember quite well.

PKoch on October 4, 2006 at 6:28 am

Thanks, RobertR. I wonder why I don’t remember this from when it was on there. Into other things, I suppose. The original 1953 “House Of Wax” was superb color Polaroid 3-D, not the cheap red and blue stuff. I remember the hard plastic 3-D glasses, not from the Ridgewood, but from when I saw it at Film Forum in lower Manhattan in the late 1980’s.

RobertR on October 4, 2006 at 4:58 am

I remember seeing this Christmas 1971 re-issue at the Ridgewood. The thing I remember most was they used hard plastic 3D glasses not the cheap paper ones.
View link

frankie on October 3, 2006 at 12:39 pm

I just sent the Congresswoman an e-mail. Thanks for the link !

frankie on October 3, 2006 at 12:25 pm

I took the train trip to Suffern a few times, and it’s very pleasant. The theater is near the station. If anyone’s never been, you owe it to yourself. Brings the sad Ridgewood situation more into focus. “Rear Window” at the Loew’s Jersey had a CROWD !

NativeForestHiller on October 3, 2006 at 11:57 am

I would be happy to give out Al’s phone # to people who are interested in Al’s campaign. You may call me at (917) 446-7775 or e-mail I am determined to see Al’s plan become a reality at the Ridgewood Theatre. Mikethemovies, according to the Landmarks Preservation Commission & city budget records, landmarking a property most often increases property values.

I would appreciate it very much if someone can post a bief history of the theater (off-hand). I would like to post it on the CT homepage as well as incorporate it into a Request For Evaluation to send to the LPC. I will also provide a link to the Daily News article on the homepage to generate more publicity.

  • Michael Perlman
mikemorano on October 3, 2006 at 11:45 am

Perhaps the land mark process should go forward. That could make the theatre less desirable to other potential buyers. That could also give ALtheFilmguy an edge in obtaining the theatre.

alliewayfilms on October 3, 2006 at 8:53 am

Tonino. An offer they can’t refuse would require financing that I don’t have. (Would be different if I were don corleone)
No one seems interested in helping finance or helping to fundraise to begin the process.
But I am not giving up! Not without some sort of fight. Anyone who owns a business of some sort who can donate their time and efforts into fundraising to help me and my people have some kind of financial leverage would be heavily appreciated. We need to start counting on US (The Community) for that kind of support. We’re talking and I say we should be DOING!!
Anyone who feels that my plan for the business can generate profits, jobs and financial gain to the area and can help financially should contact me. WE SHOULD BE MOVING ON THIS. Not just typing on here! There is lots to be done and plenty we can do to at LEAST have some kind of CHANCE here, to Landmark and try to aquire the space…..
You all have my e-mail and serious inquiries to make some moves, who want to talk via phone or put a meeting here in ridgewood together, should ask Michael for my number!!


AntonyRoma on October 3, 2006 at 7:53 am

Allie sez; “Either way, I plan to somehow bring my plan to fruitation (sic) with or without the theater, ”

Don’t give up the good fight to have the Ridgewood landmarked. Make the Diaz Brothers an offer they can’t refuse.,

alliewayfilms on October 3, 2006 at 6:48 am

You see? These film fests and movie conventions are what I was hoping to bring here to ridgewood utilizing the theater. Most of my filmmaking friends release movies to dvd and theater and use these conventions and fests to promote their release. PLUS, like the chiller convention, they hold them at LEAST twice a year and they sometimes have a seperate room or tent just for the “A” list stars. There is a CHILLER convention on halloween. Check out the site!

These Cons (Conventions) make money for the local businesses including hotels, etc. They usually throw it in a hotel, so the guests can rent rooms and not have far to go.
These are the kinds of things we want to bring to the theater!!!
Either way, I plan to somehow bring my plan to fruitation with or without the theater, but having the theater would be so much better and being able to use it for what it is instead of a CVS……….

nolans' office in Ridgewood is where you need to call by the way.
THEY are all handling the theater thing and are behind me 100%
Everyone call in and have fun!

PeterApruzzese on October 3, 2006 at 6:12 am

You’re welcome – hope to see you there!

Ed Solero
Ed Solero on October 3, 2006 at 6:05 am

I stand corrected. I just ran a set of mapquest directions from my house in Bayside, Queens and the trip clocks in at a fairly tidy 57 minutes. Thanks, Peter.

PeterApruzzese on October 3, 2006 at 5:39 am

It’s less than an hour by car from Manhattan. Train service gets you there in about 55 minutes.