Comments from AntonyRoma

Showing 151 - 175 of 236 comments

AntonyRoma commented about Ridgewood Theatre on Dec 13, 2006 at 2:59 pm

Did the 1983 revitalization project have any lasting degree of success?

Shalom, ciao, and excelsior

AntonyRoma commented about Ridgewood Theatre on Dec 11, 2006 at 5:02 am

Check the Capitol, New London for progress on its renovations, or current lack thereof. This is a small, lovely theater, which truly deserves to be restored. I hope I get to see it.

Shalom, ciao, and excelsior

AntonyRoma commented about Capitol Theatre on Dec 11, 2006 at 4:48 am

I look forward to seeing it as well.

But the developer has already missed a number of deadlines promised in negotiations and agreements with the cityfor the $2.5M renoavation. Missed dates include start demolition of the interior, remediation of the asbestos within 30 days of transfer, and the purchase of the windows mentioned above by Evan. It was sold for $1 plus tax abatements. See <<>> for more details. The article includes a picture of its very ornate boxes, walls, and ceilings.

Shalom, ciao, and excelsior

AntonyRoma commented about Ridgewood Theatre on Dec 6, 2006 at 4:55 am

Hi Chums,
Speaking of the “Million Dollar Baby” DVD, It comes with a third disk, an audio CD of the soundtrack. The guy continues to amaze me. Eastwood is a true renaissance man. He composed the soundtrack, in addition to directing, producing and starring in the movie. In keeping with other Eastwood flicks, the soundtrack was not obtrusive, but, rather is soft and soothing.

Some of the melodies sounded very familiar, ….e.g., plucking one guitar string or hitting one piano key. In fact, I’m certain that many of the tunes go back to the “Unforgiven”.

Shalom, ciao, and excelsior,

AntonyRoma commented about Ridgewood Theatre on Dec 1, 2006 at 4:53 am

Speaking of Eastwood, I picked up a DVD of ‘$ Million Baby'at BJ’s for $D10,US. A new addition to my annual replay list.

I’ve been getting suckered into watching those foreign award winng flicks lately. Don’t waste your money on ‘Babel’. Very B O R I N G, yawn.

Excelsior, Anthony

AntonyRoma commented about Ridgewood Theatre on Dec 1, 2006 at 4:40 am

Anthony………. Speaking of dark inside scenes, I had my annual viewing of Clint Eastwood’s ‘Unforgiven’ last week. Inside scenes were intentionally dark to reflect poor lighting inherent to kerosene lit, windowless rooms of period structures.

I know what you mean. I do the annual thing too since I brought the DVD. It’s like getting a haircut; I get one every six months whether I need one or not…. Except that I really get this uncontollable urge to see the “Unforgiven”.
I also agree that the soundtrack was remarkable for its absence of musical accompaniment and excessive sound. Nothing bugs me as much about current movies as having the dialogue totally masked out by thunderous music or other deafening sound effects.

And yeah Francis Fisher is still a prety hot bird. Lots of life out there w Clinr Eastwood, Gene Hackman, Morgan Freeeman, and Richard Harris.

Ciao, Tony

AntonyRoma commented about Ridgewood Theatre on Nov 21, 2006 at 6:46 am

Bway……….I represent that remark…. :–). This page should not be the dumping ground for all the detritus of CT.

I suggest you pose the question to some of the other CT pages located on or closer to Bushwick Ave; eg, such as the Decatur. You might also clarify whether the theater in question is the red one on the corner, which looks more like Joe’s deli, or the blue one next door.

Shalom. Ciao, and excelsior

AntonyRoma commented about Ridgewood Theatre on Nov 20, 2006 at 9:46 pm

Ciao, Tony…..‘The Prestige’ … even though I hated the Engrish accents and realistically dark scenes.

Speaking of dark inside scenes, I had my annual viewing of Clint Eastwood’s ‘Unforgiven’ last week. Inside scenes were intentionally dark to reflect poor lighting inherent to kerosene lit, windowless rooms of period structures.

But the soundtrack was remarkable for its absence of musical accompaniment and excessive sound. Nothing bugs me as much about current movies as having the dialogue totally masked out by thunderous music or other deafening sound effects.

Also interesting in these older movies are early roles of current actors. Francis Fisher is still a prety hot, albeit older, bird. Better known actors include Eastwood, Gene Hackman, Morgan Freeeman, and Richard Harris.

Excelsior, Anthony

AntonyRoma commented about Ridgewood Theatre on Nov 17, 2006 at 5:17 pm

Hey Chum,
Speaking of Trek, did you know who James Wood’s co-star in Shark is?Well, before her current reincarnation as the de-a-licious Chief DA in Shark, Jeri Ryan played Seven of Nine? AND, check out the December 2006 issue of RHM magazine. WAY HOT. I’m not sure if it will be released as a code 2/regionZ DVD soon, but you can catch a few pics by doing a G search.

Excelsior, Anthony

AntonyRoma commented about Ridgewood Theatre on Nov 17, 2006 at 4:57 pm

Yeah, and it be funny how they go through a spate of related themes. I saw The Illusionist on a trek to the tri-plex four weeks ago. Anudder cool ending. But, he be able to pull off the Excalibur/King Arthur sword gig too way cool. But I hadta give it a 7*.

The Prestige an 8*, even though I hated the Engrish accents and realistically dark scenes.

Ciao, Tony

AntonyRoma commented about Ridgewood Theatre on Nov 17, 2006 at 4:33 pm

So, Michael Caine be “da man” in The Prestige. Interesting twist and turns in the lives of the two illusionist magicians. Neat, but not unexpected ending. The recent spate of movies have as many twists and turns as some of the better novels of the last few years.

Shalom, Avrum

AntonyRoma commented about Ridgewood Theatre on Nov 14, 2006 at 3:50 pm

Ah, well, I’ll take the heat and field this one Warren. Wattzisname disappoints me, but he gets his wish, kind of. The Self-Appointed Censor reporting, aye. As you know, I won’t engage in a flame war. And actually I have a positive suggestion, with only a modicum of sarcasm interspersed.

Back in July I suggested that CT add another page, as appropriate for overloaded pages such as the Ridgewood Theater, to accommodate theater related kibitzing.

In my inimitable, non-diplomatic manner, why don’t you fellows start your own group on Yahoo Groups (YG)? You could exchange mind bending information. And you could allow your bilge to continue ad-infinitum or ad-nausea under a single subject heading such as ‘Corman’. Or you could break them up into individual subjects as might even be within some of your capability to conceive or comprehend.

The benefits to a YG forum are that members can scan subjects and read only those messages of interest to them. You can receive all messages or, to reduce the amount of mail, a daily digest of all messages.

Hell, I would probably join the group myself. I’d subscribe to the digest version, thereby limiting the amount of daily bilge leaking into my box. But I’d also scan the digest for stuff of interest, and even contribute/reply. We could have a wide range of tangential subjects. and the site allows file and photo storage.

Since most of us seem to be from Lung Island or York City, and share experiences/nostalgia encompassing a number of CT pages, I suggest we keep the name borader than Ridgewood.

I got myself so psyched up with the possibilities; I volunteer to set up a group. The Crabby guys may of course want to set up their own Monster site honoring Corben. ……….. Permission granted, aye.

I’ll have to run the premise by Patrick to see the extent to which it should be tied onto CT.

Shalom. Ciao, and excelsior

AntonyRoma commented about RKO Keith's Richmond Hill Theatre on Nov 12, 2006 at 4:25 am

Fair enough. I wouldn’t think the RKO circuit’s organist would have much time to pick up neighborhood gigs at the roller rink.

Shalom, ciao, and excelsior

AntonyRoma commented about RKO Keith's Richmond Hill Theatre on Nov 11, 2006 at 4:17 pm

I wonder if Arlo was the organist at the roller skating rink on Hillside Avenue in the early 50s?

Used to take the Myrtle Ave bus from Glendale to the end of the line at the Keiths and then a long walk to the rink. Always pigged out at Jahn’s on the return.

Shalom, ciao, and excelsior

AntonyRoma commented about Ridgewood Theatre on Nov 3, 2006 at 12:41 pm

Thanks for posing the questions for me too, Warren.

I also share your concern regarding the extraneous junk.

Could Brooklyn Jim, and/or Mike Movies, and/or frankie be the same alias??

No, I’m not an acronym or alias for Warren or any other cranky PITA

Shalom, ciao, and excelsior

Just plain,

AntonyRoma commented about Ridgewood Theatre on Nov 3, 2006 at 12:25 pm

Lots of stuff going on here.

Ed Solero: What’s got you appalled and disgusted. Were your comments addressed to Al Alvarez or Allie the film guy?

Someone: Why did Patrick Crowley tear into Al Alvarez?? Can someone point me to the offending post, which I can’t find. Al Alvarez was the guy who first confirmed that the Ridgewood was designed by Thomas W Lamb.

AntonyRoma commented about RKO Madison Theatre on Oct 4, 2006 at 4:08 pm

Boy, you do good work Bway.

The earlier photo is no earlier than 1933. I didn’t date the cars. But both movies were made in 1933. And Tarzan (the horse) is the best actor in Strawberry Roan, according to a knowledgeable source.

S,c, & e

AntonyRoma commented about RKO Madison Theatre on Oct 4, 2006 at 3:46 pm

Bway, can you post a link for that photo to the Ridgewood page so we can all enjoy? Any other pictures of the rest of the Madison and Ridgewood blocks? ….Oasis?.. Glenwood? . Scenes of Glendale?

Warren, can you enlarge the text of the Nov ‘27 grand opening artical and post it?

S, c &, e

AntonyRoma commented about RKO Madison Theatre on Oct 4, 2006 at 9:26 am

Irv and Syd’s diner was on the south side of Myrtle Avenue, a few stores west of Madison St (on the same block as the Madison and Ripley’s, but east towards Madison St).

You may be right about Howard’s having a vertical sign. Ripley’s brought out Howard’s in the early ‘60s.

Not to worry, I won’t hold it against you that you used to shop at Howard’s rather than Ripley’s.

Shalom, ciao, and excelsior.

AntonyRoma commented about RKO Madison Theatre on Oct 4, 2006 at 8:02 am

Did the Madison have a marquee in the 1927 photo? Hard to tell.

Sounds like the Cigar store is still there. I was this kid from Glendale who worked at Ripley’s from 1952 to 1960. Took the Myrtle Ave el to Bklyn Tech HS until ‘55 and then to Brooklyn Poly 'til '59.

Madison was the class theater. I was a regular at Cappy’s pool hall above the Ridgewood. Our competition, Howard’s Clothing, was located on the corner

Don’t recall Koletti’s. Had my ice cream, egg creams and humongous cheeseburgers at “The luncheonette” down street from the Madison run by Irv and Syd.

Shalom, ciao, and excelsior

Shalom, ciao, and excelsior

AntonyRoma commented about Ridgewood Theatre on Oct 4, 2006 at 7:41 am

Wow, all the information and recollections from a single ad:
* The Crossbay showed the same movies as the Ridgewood
* Charles Bronson, Carolyn Jones and Phlllyis Kirk played in House of Wax
* I also remember the hard plastic 3D glasses. i THINK i SAW hOUE AT the Glenwood

Shalom, ciao and excelsior

AntonyRoma commented about RKO Madison Theatre on Oct 4, 2006 at 1:27 am

Thanks Vic. Testimony to bad signage rules and zoning regulations.

Is the ad on the west facing wall still for the Madison ? It was mentioned in discussion of photos from the Myrtle Ave el on this page.

Are you old enough to remember Ripley’s Clothing a few doors away, and the Horn and Hardart Automat?

Shalom, ciao, and excelsior

AntonyRoma commented about Ridgewood Theatre on Oct 3, 2006 at 5:53 am

Allie sez; “Either way, I plan to somehow bring my plan to fruitation (sic) with or without the theater, ”

Don’t give up the good fight to have the Ridgewood landmarked. Make the Diaz Brothers an offer they can’t refuse.,

AntonyRoma commented about Capitol Theatre on Sep 28, 2006 at 5:36 pm

Vacant since 1974, the vaudeville venue-turned-movie theater was sold by the City of New London in July to Plainfield, N.J.-based Maxim Development Group LLC. Maxim principals Salvatore Carfaro Jr. and Patrick Gawrysiak plan a two-year, $2.5 million renovation of the building into a live-music venue. Renovation has begun with restoration of the facade.

No other details or schedule have been released.

The page mentioned above by Joe Vogel, View link has a good picture of its exterior as well as the interior, and good background information.

Shalom, ciao, and excelsior

AntonyRoma commented about RKO Madison Theatre on Sep 28, 2006 at 3:23 pm

To restore my auto notification

Shalom, ciao, and excelsior