Ridgewood Theatre

55-27 Myrtle Avenue,
Ridgewood, NY 11385

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Ed Solero
Ed Solero on November 8, 2006 at 8:14 am

Mike… I’m sure Warren has the photos. He’s just holding them hostage until we play the game under his rules – like the whining kid in the schoolyard who had the basketball everyone wanted to play with.

mikemorano on November 8, 2006 at 7:46 am

We are still waiting to see the Ridgewood theatre photo’s fella. If you don’t post the photo’s then you are a fibber in addition to being a trouble maker. No one should pay him no mind anymore since he doesn’t tell the truth.

PKoch on November 7, 2006 at 9:15 am

Yes, mikemovies, pass me the tissues while I cry my eyes out over not seeing the 1930 photos, which I won’t believe until I see through my tears.

mikemorano on November 7, 2006 at 8:57 am

The cranky fella is burned out. He has nothing but nasty comments to contribute. Post the photos if you really have them fella. I don’t believe that you have them. Perhaps you should move to the doctor Phil website where he could get some help.

PKoch on November 7, 2006 at 8:46 am

I’m not worried, Lost Memory. I refuse to be manipulated into a defensive position, because, once there, one is a sitting duck for even more manipulation. Let Warren defend HIS position, and produce our school records on this page to prove his point. Needless to say, he can’t, because 1) he could not possibly have access to them and 2)I think it’s against NY state law to reproduce them here.

PKoch on November 7, 2006 at 7:30 am

I just commented to Bway in a private e-mail that there was probably a “Warren” out for my arrest. Not that I owe him any explanation, due to his wrong, arrogant and presumptuous attack on my character (please keep it up; the more you continue to reveal your true colors, the better), but I always received an “A” in conduct in school.

BklynJim, I agree with you on all points about “The Dead Zone”. The Martin Sheen character, Greg Stillson’s, suicide, was similar to that of the self-righteous prison warden (or is it Warren ?) in “The Shawshank Redemption”.

As to Election Day, I leave you and everyone else with the words of Robin Williams from the current film “Man Of The Year” :

“Politicians are like diapers : they should be changed frequently, and for the same reason.”

“Bilge Squared”, a place on this site for “OT” discussion, could be called “Bilge Square”, similar to “Hangover Square” (great film noir with a great Bernard Herrmann score).

BrooklynJim on November 6, 2006 at 4:52 pm

“The Dead Zone” made for some good post-Halloween fare: one of Christopher Walken and Brooke Adams' excellent performances, one of Steven King’s better stories (IMNSHO) and one of director Cronenberg’s more restrained films. And considering Martin Sheen’s role, it was an all-too-chilling preview to Election Day tomorrow!

PKoch on November 6, 2006 at 1:37 pm

Last recent movie I saw at home on DVD was 2004’s “I, Robot”. The last film I saw in the cinema was the original “Psycho” at the BAM Rose Cinema this past Saturday July 15th. I could discuss the latter film endlessly, but Halloween was six days ago, and I don’t want to beat it to death.

mikemorano on November 6, 2006 at 1:30 pm

EdSolero the cranky fella is back to his trouble making ways on other theatre pages. Perhaps he needs a vacation. We would all appreciate him taking a leave of absence. Have you seen any good movies lately frankie or PKoch. If you have; we could discuss them.

PKoch on November 6, 2006 at 1:19 pm

frankie, I know what you mean, but I think it will take more than our collective patronage and talking to the staff to keep the Ridgewood open, let alone landmark and preserve it.

Like you, no one else is me but me.

frankie on November 6, 2006 at 1:02 pm

Hi Boys ! I’m still frankie and NO ONE ELSE is me except ME !!! I too like old movies, but I haven’t heard anyone say they actually went to the Ridgewood like I did. When are you guys going to go, see a movie, and talk to the staff ? The talk about old movies IS getting to be a bit much. If the Ridgewood is snatched from under us, we’ll all be sorry, so fellas, get over there !

PKoch on November 6, 2006 at 9:25 am

Good point, EdSolero, about “bilge squared” (the bilge about the bilge).

Ed Solero
Ed Solero on November 6, 2006 at 9:20 am

Patrick… I understand how difficult a task such as I proposed would be to carry out. Just a thought, since “Off Topic Bilge” seems to be an ongoing concern. I agree that there’ll be some alleviation once an appropriate forum is provided here. However, when that time comes, perhaps the Ridgewood page should be cleaned up a bit. At the very least, these very discussions about the OT posts (the bilge about the bilge) can be removed and make searching this page a bit easier!

And don’t sweat Warren’s seeming lack of gratitude… most of us on this site have been basking in the warmth of his personality for years! As you see, sooner or later he gets under everyone’s skin!

PKoch on November 6, 2006 at 8:35 am

I agree, mikemovies. Thanks.

mikemorano on November 6, 2006 at 8:13 am

That is totally on target Bway. Without movies these buildings would not be movie theatres. We should be able to discuss movies and perhaps the neighborhoods surrounding these theatres also. Theatres do not operate in a vacuum. The surrounding areas play an important role in the theater going experience. I’m not sure where the land mark situation is at PKoch. Whenever a certain fella starts trouble here the land mark process is lost in the confusion. Perhaps NativeForestHiller can bring us up to speed.

PKoch on November 6, 2006 at 7:43 am

I agree with the sentiments and idead that EdSolero, ‘Tonino, Bway and Lost Memory have expressed. I couldn’t have said them better myself. I also think it’s signigicant that this debate is taking place on the Ridgewood Theater page, and that said page is one of the longest, if not THE longest, on the Cinema Treasures site.

Both facts seem to echo the long and illustrious history of the Ridgewood Theater itself, and appropriately so.

I’m also glad we have the attention of two members of CT management : Mile Zoldessy and Patrick Crowley. Thank you, gentlemen, for your attention, assistance, and interest in these important matters.

As to the Ridgewood Theater itself : what is the current status of the effort(s) to landmark and preserve it, or to at least help it stay in business ? How is it doing right now ?

Bway on November 5, 2006 at 4:04 pm

I think we can all agree that the site does need some sort of research area or chat area, etc. While we all came together through the various theater pages, many have formed “freindships” if you can call it that, and there are often times that there is theater-like discussion that is not necessarily relevant to any particular theater, etc, but is relevant to the site. I mean, talking about a particular movie may not be appropriate to the Ridgewood Theater perhaps, however, what are ANY of the theaters on this site without the movies? Isn’t that what it’s REALLY all about in the end? Otherwise, we may just close all the theaters, and turn them into Walgreens stores without the movies….. You get my drift.

As for the Ridgewood Theater, I think many of the people that talk here are talking in the Ridgewood, as the Ridgewood Theater is the common link that most of the discussions under this theater form from, or at least the common link that brought the people that talk in this theater section together.

I DO agree, it would be utterly impossible for a newcomer (or even a veteran) cinematreasures user to be able to come to the Ridgewood Theater section and easily find the valuable information spread throughout this very long page, as it is SO long at this point, however, it would be very hard to delete a lot of it too, there is a lot of research (for many other theaters as of course, there is no other place to discuss it) in this page that would be a shame to lose.

I don’t know of a page that displays each theater and the amount of posts it has, but I am sure the Ridgewood Theater ranks up there with “the big ones” such as Radio City, and many of the other more famous theaters in lines of comments….. Not bad for the old workhorse Ridgewood Theater, that is one of the oldest still operating continuously theaters in all of New York State, if not the country….

Patrick Crowley
Patrick Crowley on November 5, 2006 at 7:18 am

Ed… I like your idea, but how do we determine what is and is not tangential? How do we tell a member their posts were removed because they were “tangential”? What if they disagree with our analysis?

Frankly, this is a giant can of worms that we have no intention of opening. While it seems simple to do this for a single theater, we’ll never have enough volunteers to manage 15,000 theaters that way.

That said, your main point stands. We definitely need a forum for this project, so that these sorts of discussions don’t distract from the main purpose of the site.

Warren… sadly, we don’t have any magic powers to figure out if someone has multiple user accounts. And next time I personally remove a comment on your behalf, perhaps you can be a little more appreciative? :)

Al Alvarez
Al Alvarez on November 5, 2006 at 4:52 am

I obviously agree with Ed, although I am not as eloquent or patient.

I think Cinema Treasure needs to question the validity of those members who spend more time intimidating others than contributing to sites.

I appears to be the sound of one hand clapping and my suggestion was therefore autoerotic.

Ed Solero
Ed Solero on November 4, 2006 at 8:03 pm

‘Tonino… I can assure you that my comments about being appalled and disgusted were not aimed at AlAlvarez or Allie the film guy. And you’re cold on the trail of detecting who is using multiple aliases on this site. It certainly isn’t Brooklyn Jim, mikemovies and frankie – who are without question three distinct and unique individuals.

I have a suggestion for the volunteer who winds up editing user comments. Since there is currently no chat space or general topic forums on CT, perhaps off-topic threads can be allowed to take their natural course (provided certain parties don’t come storming in with their complaints and rile up old tensions as they seem to be able to do with impugnity here) in the theater pages and then once they’ve petered out (as they always do) they can be removed from the record. I don’t think that anyone involved in straying far off topic really expects that there musings deserve to be forever enshrined in cyberspace… they are mostly spur of the moment. Once the thread has run its course, I’m sure most will agree that having it evaporate into space wouldn’t offend anyone.

You can probably start with this page and delete scores of posts on tangential topics that have been long forgotten. Only I would hasten to caution that a liberal amount of discretion be used in determining the point at which a thread or comment veers unacceptably off topic. There is a lot of neighborhood color on this page and others, that provides context and narrative from folks who lived and breathed experiences within a particular theater and its environs during a point in time that is lost to all but their memories. What better way to celebrate the important place these cinemas occupied in our collective histories than to allow those memories to live and breathe on these pages?

I don’t think many would argue that some of the movie trivia folks played here is integral to appreciating the Ridgewood’s history – likewise recollections about who went to which school with so-and-so’s sister or the trading of personal email addresses, etc. But please, keep in mind when editing down these pages that we do appreciate personal recollections that involve the ice-cream parlor down the block or the pool hall across the street that paint a bigger picture and allow us to go back in time and relive those experiences with the story teller. Not all off-topic wanderings are bad. And, after all, I hope that we do not want these pages to become nothing more than starched and dried out fact-sheets for each theater listed.

Patrick Crowley
Patrick Crowley on November 3, 2006 at 3:10 pm

Tonino… I removed a comment made by Al Alvarez where he suggested that two of our users have sex with each other.

Warren… Mike Zoldessy is responsible for updating our theater news blog (the news and updates on our homepage). We announced this recently… look in the ‘Site News’ category for the actual announcement.

We’re also working on adding another volunteer who just focuses on user comments. (I fixed the wrapping on this page for now, though.)

mikemorano on November 3, 2006 at 2:59 pm

Perhaps ‘Tonino and Warren are one in the same person. Speaking of off topic bilge that was an imbecillic comment to make under the current climate here. Accusations such as that lead to more flame wars. I can assure you 'Tonino that I am not Brooklyn Jim or frankie.

AntonyRoma on November 3, 2006 at 2:41 pm

Thanks for posing the questions for me too, Warren.

I also share your concern regarding the extraneous junk.

Could Brooklyn Jim, and/or Mike Movies, and/or frankie be the same alias??

No, I’m not an acronym or alias for Warren or any other cranky PITA

Shalom, ciao, and excelsior

Just plain,

AntonyRoma on November 3, 2006 at 2:25 pm

Lots of stuff going on here.

Ed Solero: What’s got you appalled and disgusted. Were your comments addressed to Al Alvarez or Allie the film guy?

Someone: Why did Patrick Crowley tear into Al Alvarez?? Can someone point me to the offending post, which I can’t find. Al Alvarez was the guy who first confirmed that the Ridgewood was designed by Thomas W Lamb.