Ridgewood Theatre

55-27 Myrtle Avenue,
Ridgewood, NY 11385

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Bway on November 21, 2006 at 5:23 am

Ooops! I’m sorry….
Here’s the photo I meant….
And it’s Melerose and Bushwick Ave:

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Bway on November 21, 2006 at 3:52 am

I’m sorry, I meant it’s Meserole and Bushwick, not Humbolt….

Bway on November 21, 2006 at 3:50 am

Alright gusy, back to theater business….
Anyway, since there’s no place to ask this sort of stuff, and since the Ridgewood Theater has become the unofficial place of “where is this” and mystery theater questions….. I found this photo online…anyone have any idea what this theater in this photo is? The caption says the corner is Bushwick and Humbolt Street?
Any ideas?
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AntonyRoma on November 20, 2006 at 9:46 pm

Ciao, Tony…..‘The Prestige’ … even though I hated the Engrish accents and realistically dark scenes.

Speaking of dark inside scenes, I had my annual viewing of Clint Eastwood’s ‘Unforgiven’ last week. Inside scenes were intentionally dark to reflect poor lighting inherent to kerosene lit, windowless rooms of period structures.

But the soundtrack was remarkable for its absence of musical accompaniment and excessive sound. Nothing bugs me as much about current movies as having the dialogue totally masked out by thunderous music or other deafening sound effects.

Also interesting in these older movies are early roles of current actors. Francis Fisher is still a prety hot, albeit older, bird. Better known actors include Eastwood, Gene Hackman, Morgan Freeeman, and Richard Harris.

Excelsior, Anthony

mikemorano on November 20, 2006 at 9:38 am

Fella’s; I received ‘Liane-Jungle Goddess’. It is not a great transfer as expected. Perhaps the equivalent of a vhs tape. The color is not as bad as I thought it would be and is watchable. The best news of all is the movie is dubbed to english. I don’t understand what the ruckus was about in the 50’s. You only see a few topless scenes of Liane. She is not very much endowed. You see more topless scenes of the natives and I haven’t read any complaints about that. The movie was filmed in 1956 but not released outside of Germany until 1959. For $7 it is an ok movie. I will let you fella’s know when the player and other movie arrive.

mikemorano on November 19, 2006 at 10:02 am

Casino Royale with Daniel Craig as James Bond. Cool movie. If you like Bond movies this one won’t disappoint you. Lot’s of action and eye candy with the usual Bond girl’s. I won’t give away the story fella’s but Daniel Craig is very good. Perhap’s he is almost as good as Sean Connery was as 007.

mikemorano on November 18, 2006 at 2:50 am

I have not seen ‘The Prestige’ movie as of yet. The plot reminds me of the old movie ‘The Raven’ with Vincent Price and Boris Karloff. They are also two magician’s that have a duel using magic.

AntonyRoma on November 17, 2006 at 5:17 pm

Hey Chum,
Speaking of Trek, did you know who James Wood’s co-star in Shark is?Well, before her current reincarnation as the de-a-licious Chief DA in Shark, Jeri Ryan played Seven of Nine? AND, check out the December 2006 issue of RHM magazine. WAY HOT. I’m not sure if it will be released as a code 2/regionZ DVD soon, but you can catch a few pics by doing a G search.

Excelsior, Anthony

AntonyRoma on November 17, 2006 at 4:57 pm

Yeah, and it be funny how they go through a spate of related themes. I saw The Illusionist on a trek to the tri-plex four weeks ago. Anudder cool ending. But, he be able to pull off the Excalibur/King Arthur sword gig too way cool. But I hadta give it a 7*.

The Prestige an 8*, even though I hated the Engrish accents and realistically dark scenes.

Ciao, Tony

AntonyRoma on November 17, 2006 at 4:33 pm

So, Michael Caine be “da man” in The Prestige. Interesting twist and turns in the lives of the two illusionist magicians. Neat, but not unexpected ending. The recent spate of movies have as many twists and turns as some of the better novels of the last few years.

Shalom, Avrum

mikemorano on November 17, 2006 at 7:31 am

The price of $59 appears reasonable for a machine that plays any region. I will place an order for the machine after looking into the return policy just in case it doesn’t live upto it’s claims. This weekend I will also purchase the ‘Liane’ dvd’s.
PKoch there is an actress named Mary Ford who portray’s a Venusian girl in ‘Queen of Outer Space’. The same actress is in another movie released the same year titled ‘Missile to the Moon’. The planet’s are different but the plot of each movie is almost the same.

hotwaterbottle on November 17, 2006 at 6:16 am

mikemovies, the machine looks like just the thing you’ll need. Good luck with it!

PKoch on November 17, 2006 at 6:09 am

The VHS has arrived. According to the back of the box, the correct spelling is “Botchino !”

As in “botch”. Inadvertent pun.

mikemorano on November 16, 2006 at 7:02 am

Thanx fella’s. You have given me the inspiration to purchase a new machine that plays all dvd’s. I have found an inexpensive machine on a website. Perhap’s you could comment on this machine. I don’t need bell’s and whistle’s since I only watch on a standard 27 inch tv.
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PKoch on November 16, 2006 at 6:58 am

It’s also odd how Venus inexplicably looks like a Lick Observatory photograph of Earth’s Moon, looming up at them as they accelerate before crash-landing. Zsa Zsa also mentions Venus having a moon of its own, which was somehow never detected or observed from Earth.

PKoch on November 16, 2006 at 6:52 am

Thanks for the Happy Birthday wishes, Lost Memory. Or, should I say, Dahling !

“Men ? Where are they ? Bring them here at once !”

Bochino ! Bochino !

That’s Venusian for : Move your keister !

Interesting about the dvd players.

hotwaterbottle on November 16, 2006 at 6:39 am

mikemovies, you could play the dvd on a all region machine, or you could buy a cheap dvd player, take it to a service center and have it modified so you can play any dvd from anywhere in the world. I think this involves removing the chip that reads the region code, or something along those lines. Good luck!

Ed Solero
Ed Solero on November 16, 2006 at 6:01 am

Don’t waste your money, mike. Unless you have one of those “all region” players, you will not be able to play the DVD on your player. Of course, there’s always the chance you bought the player in a Region 2 country, but then you’d have problems with most DVD’s purchased in the U.S.

PKoch on November 16, 2006 at 4:19 am

mikemovies, I don’t know the answer to your question. Sorry.

My wife and I plan to watch “Queen Of Outer Space” on VHS this weekend to celebrate our birthday.

mikemorano on November 16, 2006 at 12:48 am

Fella’s I plan to purchase ‘Liane-Jungle Goddess’ since it is not very costly. Should the transfer be as horrific as posted I can alway’s watch it in black and white. An update on the sequel ‘Nature Girl and the Slaver’. It is available on dvd but only for region code 2. Language is german only. Is there anyway to play a region code 2 dvd on an american dvd player.

Ed Solero
Ed Solero on November 15, 2006 at 7:21 am

Couldn’t have said it better myself, Lost. And thanks, ‘Tonino, for at least bringing up the topic earnestly and with a degree of respect for your fellow CT members. I really do appreciate that. I think the best solution would be CT having it’s own forum where folks could run off on any tangential thread at great lengths without upsetting those who come here purely for factual data pertaining to the theater itself. But, we can’t rely on that happening any time soon… and, meanwhile, Patrick himself has announced that discussion of films is not just allowed, but welcomed on these theater pages – albeit, I hasten to add, with some degree of moderation.

mikemorano on November 15, 2006 at 2:54 am

Why are you so anxious to remove us from this website fella. We are having a discussion about movies. We are not bothering anyone. What gives you the right to tell us to leave this website to form a group somewhere else. Has the webmaster instructed you to perform this duty. Perhap’s you are in league with the cranky fella to have us removed from this website. Have you been recruited to be his shill. I was trying to stimulate a conversation. I chose movies as a topic. This website is infested with deadbeats and non participants. At least I made an attempt to get a conversation going to encourage people to post comments. What have you done to contribute besides complain about other’s on this website. Perhaps you should start your own forum on Yahoo Groups and take the cranky fella with you.

AntonyRoma on November 14, 2006 at 3:50 pm

Ah, well, I’ll take the heat and field this one Warren. Wattzisname disappoints me, but he gets his wish, kind of. The Self-Appointed Censor reporting, aye. As you know, I won’t engage in a flame war. And actually I have a positive suggestion, with only a modicum of sarcasm interspersed.

Back in July I suggested that CT add another page, as appropriate for overloaded pages such as the Ridgewood Theater, to accommodate theater related kibitzing.

In my inimitable, non-diplomatic manner, why don’t you fellows start your own group on Yahoo Groups (YG)? You could exchange mind bending information. And you could allow your bilge to continue ad-infinitum or ad-nausea under a single subject heading such as ‘Corman’. Or you could break them up into individual subjects as might even be within some of your capability to conceive or comprehend.

The benefits to a YG forum are that members can scan subjects and read only those messages of interest to them. You can receive all messages or, to reduce the amount of mail, a daily digest of all messages.

Hell, I would probably join the group myself. I’d subscribe to the digest version, thereby limiting the amount of daily bilge leaking into my box. But I’d also scan the digest for stuff of interest, and even contribute/reply. We could have a wide range of tangential subjects. and the site allows file and photo storage.

Since most of us seem to be from Lung Island or York City, and share experiences/nostalgia encompassing a number of CT pages, I suggest we keep the name borader than Ridgewood.

I got myself so psyched up with the possibilities; I volunteer to set up a group. The Crabby guys may of course want to set up their own Monster site honoring Corben. ……….. Permission granted, aye.

I’ll have to run the premise by Patrick to see the extent to which it should be tied onto CT.

Shalom. Ciao, and excelsior

BrooklynJim on November 14, 2006 at 11:19 am

Oops, I severely overestimated: It’s titled “Beast With 1,000,000 Eyes.”

BrooklynJim on November 14, 2006 at 11:17 am

To Peter’s “Surf ‘n’ Turfers” ~

Whenever I watch Corman’s “Attack of the Crab Monsters,” I start to salivate. That’s from too many King Crab buffet dinners lately at Valley View Casino – and for less than Roger’s budget. (Your estimate was much too high, Ed – under $9.99, and all actors involved donated their time!)

Can’t help you on “Liane,” mikemovies, but contact the Ridgewood and see if the owners will run a German-language film in a still-German speaking neighborhood. ;)

Don’t know if this 1953 Corman flick ever ran at the Ridgewood, but I did view it at the Peerless: “Beast With 100,000,000 Eyes.” Gasp!
Starred Paul Birch. Eventual “monster” alien at the end was depicted by a coffee percolator. [This bottom-of-the-barrel low-budgeter is available in DVD format only from the bootleg pirates mentioned in every FBI warning. I have a copy. Dum da dum dum…]