Ridgewood Theatre

55-27 Myrtle Avenue,
Ridgewood, NY 11385

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PKoch on January 10, 2007 at 10:36 am

Yes, BklynJim, I suppose some people are born looking 35 + years old.Thanks for the heads-up (or, should I say, heads-down) on Faith Domergue. Starting in summer 1987, I thought of her as a Sigourney Weaver predecessor sci fi action heroine.

BrooklynJim on January 10, 2007 at 10:31 am

I believe that Robert (“Teenage Caveman”) Vaughn was born at age 38, Peter. Faith D. did OK in her 2-3 movies in the mid-‘50s, but went downhill thereafter. She needed a big boost from Ray Harryhausen in the one I referenced (“Voyage to a Prehistoric Planet”).

PKoch on January 10, 2007 at 10:23 am

Hi, BrooklynJim, Happy 007 to you, too ! Your message got through.

Grade Z bottom-of-the barrel sci fi ? How about 1978’s “Starship Invasions”, which I think played at the Ridgewood in late January 1978. Starring (and I use that term loosely)Mr. Man From UNCLE Robert Vaughn.

Faith Domergue also starred in “It Came From Beneath The Sea” (six-armed octopus menacing the Golden Gate Bridge).

BrooklynJim on January 10, 2007 at 10:06 am

[Have been having some problemas accessing this page thru the new filters recently installed at our local library, so here’s hopin' this gets through intact…]

To call “Terror in the Tropics” a BOMB is to give it a semblance of worth. The idea behind it was positively novel, integrating old clips with modern shots, complete with emulsion losses and graininess; however, the execution was dreadful overall, mikemovies. Save your %7.95 + P/H and donate it to charity – or to me. I suspect their entire budget did not exceed &7.95. After getting a copy of “T – i – T” from Nina’s in PA, I donated it posthaste to the Salvation Army Thrift Store, where it languished, untouched, for most of the summer and fall months. It really grated on my nerves.

And what’s truly frightening is that they are planning a sequel!

If you really want some Grade Z, bottom-of-the-barrel sci-fi on a lower-than-shoestring budget, mikemovies, get yer butt over to Wal*Mart and look for a slimcase DVD, “Science Fiction Invasion.” Includes 4 movies in color, one in WS, from ‘56 to '78: “Warning From Space,” “Cosmos: War of the Planets,” “Voyage to a Prehistoric Planet,” and one other instantly forgetable dud. The third one even stars Basil Rathbone, Faith (“This Island Earth”) Domergue, and a cast of unknowns who make community theater look like Academy Awards winners. Price? $1. (That’s .25 per flick, and overpriced at that! Ay!)

Still LMAO at LM’s holiday comment yesterday…

And EdSolero, no need to paraphrase, as per my e-mail request. Really appreciated your comments, as always.

Lastly (for now), who the $%#@! is Rollo, ‘Tonino??? (Jan. 4.) LOL!

Happy 007 to all!

PKoch on January 10, 2007 at 9:34 am

You’re welcome, Linda. My pleasure. I’m glad you had such great memories brought back by reading these comments.

LINDA7759 on January 10, 2007 at 9:28 am

Hi: Yes I remember Debra O'Connor. Her mother Anne and my mom were friends. Debra is a couple of years older than I am so we never hung out together. It brought back such great memories to read through these comments. My sister was class of 71 @ St. Brigid and i was class of ‘73. Thank you Peter.

PKoch on January 10, 2007 at 9:15 am

Hello, Lenny (Linda) Dullinger, my name is Peter Koch, St. Brigid School Class of 1969. I am on this page as PeterK as well as PKoch.

I will answer for DABOC. She is Debra O'Connor. Please read or scan this page, starting at the top, for more information. There are several lengthy posts by me and DABOC. I knew a Charles Labita from the 1600 block (odd numbers) of Madison Street between St. Nicholas / Myrtle and Cypress Avenues.

LINDA7759 on January 10, 2007 at 9:04 am

Hey DABOC, I found this site by accident when an old friend told me they googled my name. Saw you said you lived at 1675 Madison Street. I MUST know you. I knew everyone who lived in that house. This is Lenny (Linda) Dullinger. my sister is Lee. Who are you? I hope you will get back to me. I spent the better part of my childhood on Madison Street. Talking late 60’s & 70’s. Anyone else out there?

PKoch on January 10, 2007 at 7:26 am

Congratulations, Lost Memory. Enjoy ! I prefer “Forbidden Planet”, but, yes, you should watch them both again before you decide which is your favorite.

Thanks for the link.

The giant-sized exposed brains remind me of the Martians in “Mars Attacks”. I had the trading cards “Mars Attacks” was based on when I was six, in spring 1962. They described the Martians as “hideous”, which I mispronounced at first as “HIGH-DEE-US”.

PKoch on January 10, 2007 at 5:04 am

Lost Memory, it’s more like “When The Whip Comes Down”, from the Stones track of the same name.

You’re welcome, mikemovies. If you haven’t bought any Twilight Zone DVD’s yet, you may want to start with the “Definitive First Season”, rather than the “collections” I have, which are not well-organized at all.

mikemorano on January 9, 2007 at 9:08 am

Perhap’s you misunderstood Tonino. My comment was directed at the other imbecile.
Thanx for the response PKoch. I will look into that Twilight Zone DVD.

PKoch on January 9, 2007 at 9:05 am

I’ve been watching my Twilight Zone DVD # 7 : “Perchance To Dream”, “Shadow Play”, “King Nine Will Not Return”, “The Hithchiker”.

AntonyRoma on January 9, 2007 at 8:57 am

Don’t fret Warren. mike movies' dwarfish comment was probably meant for me.

Shalom, ciao, and excelsior
Tonino Kojak Civility Temperance Roma

mikemorano on January 9, 2007 at 4:28 am

Well fella it appears that your up to your old tricks again. You have been told that the topics here are none of your business. This is just another of your cheap comments that you have been posting lately. As said many times in the past you have nothing of value to contribute. Perhap’s you should return to your knitting.

mikemorano on January 9, 2007 at 4:04 am

Thanx PKoch. IMDb gives ‘Terror in the Tropics’ three stars. Possibly a junk flick that I will not purchase even though it was priced at $7.98. Have you fella’s viewed or purchased any good dvd’s lately.

PKoch on January 9, 2007 at 3:57 am

mikemovies, why not research it on the IMDb first ?


mikemorano on January 9, 2007 at 3:46 am

Have any of you fella’s heard of a movie named ‘Terror in the Tropics’. Boris Karloff and Bela Lugosi are supposed to be in this film. On the package it explains that the roles are archive footage. Should I purchase this dvd or perhap’s look for something better.

PKoch on January 5, 2007 at 6:06 am

Perhaps there are photos of the fallen Ridgewood marquee in the archives of the Times Nesweekly.

“Nobody fix Ygor’s neck !” (sound like knocking on wood as Ygor raps his knuckles on his neck)

  • Bela Lugosi as Ygor, “Son Of Frankenstein”

But the Ridgewood marquee was repaired and replaced.

frankie on January 5, 2007 at 4:05 am

Hi, fellas ! Happy New Year ! The Alpine in Bay Ridge has been sold to an owner who will not only fix it up, but also offer one of its spaces to local performing arts groups. Perhaps he should buy the Ridgewood ! warren, get ready, I’m going off topic, so brace yourself. Best line in “Son of Frankenstein”: Igor’s “They die—-DEAD ! I die—-LIVE !!!” (With hand gestures !) Bela’s best film: “The Raven”. His scene with Boris talking to him through the ceiling grill is my Bela’s cinematic highpoint. If there’s anyone left who still hasn’t seen this movie and loves B & B, run out now & by “The Bela Lugosi Collection”. I hope to get back to the Ridgewood when something decent is there.

mikemorano on January 5, 2007 at 3:33 am

Very cool PKoch. Perhap’s the Times Newsweekly article and the article’s that were in the Daily News could be included with the other land mark documents. It’s unfortunate that ‘April W’ didn’t have a camera at hand when the marquee fell. Those photo’s could be priceless.

NativeForestHiller on January 4, 2007 at 6:12 pm

I will post my work after much of the visual and written research is complete. It should be around the time I am submitting it to the LPC. I will gladly share any photos with any CT member upon request, as soon as I complete the facade and streetscape documentation. Looking forward to sharing it with everyone!

AntonyRoma on January 4, 2007 at 1:03 pm

Hey Rollo, I was able to bring up related info under EDITORIAL which discussed the decline in movie houses
Going to the movies remains as American as apple pie, though today’s moviegoers hardly seem hungry.
:SNIP:Sounds reminiscent of comments within CT polls
Once upon a time, there were plenty of movie houses in the local area. In Ridgewood, “old timers” fondly remember the RKO Madison, with its elegant staircase and ornate organ for sing-a-longs. But there were so many other theatersâ€"the Acme, Arion, Belvedere, Bushwick, Elmwood, Glenwood, Grandview, Maspeth and Oasis, to name a few.
All are gone and the only one left is the Ridgewood on Myrtle Avenue, now a multiplex.
It opened on Dec. 23, 1916 and just marked its 90th anniversary. As noted in the “Our Neighborhood” feature that appears this week, it is possibly the longest continuously operating movie theater in New York City.
We will leave it to others to decide whether this theater, which represents a privately-owned commercial property, should be landmarked for preservation purposes.
But the fact that it’s still showing movies, seemingly against all odds, is worthy of a New Year’s toast.>> END EDITORIAL

Not bad. I have expressed similar comments; of course I know the difference between Ridgewood and Glendale and other ‘local’ nabes.

Shalom, ciao, and excelsior

AntonyRoma on January 4, 2007 at 12:05 pm

Am I the only one unable to bring up the link? I get the 12/21/06 issue with the message <There is no OUR NEIGHBORHOOD column in this week’s issue.>

Michael, any chance of your posting your writeup regarding its history and architectural significance here?…. historic photos?

Index of letters of support from groups, elected officials, etc?

Shalom ciao, and excelsior,

PKoch on January 4, 2007 at 11:28 am

Thanks, Michael. I hope you’re successful !