Comments from TrueClass

Showing 126 - 142 of 142 comments

TrueClass commented about DuPage Theater on Oct 24, 2005 at 5:24 am

Regarding the historical status of the Dupage Theatre and Shoppes….“You can dress up a pig, but it’s still a pig.”

Are you ready to have yourself committed after the demolition of the Dupage Theatre? Your virtual preservation efforts are pointless.

TrueClass commented about DuPage Theater on Oct 23, 2005 at 7:08 pm

The building is not historical by any means. It is an ugly, very smelly eyesore. The only portion worth saving is the promenade lobby.

TrueClass commented about DuPage Theater on Oct 23, 2005 at 4:35 pm

The hospital is not adjacent to residential property.
The flywall of the theatre did not have windows with people peering into the back yards of the taxpaying residents.
You failed to address my point that this argument is over. The Board will NEVER change it’s stance. Your leaders opted for the strategy of attack and make false allegations against elected officials. It has backfired on you terribly. Even if a private developer offered to purchase the site and restore it at their own cost, the VOL would reject their RFP. You people have ruined the theatre restoration hope by your own stupid actions. Stop pointing the fingers at others. WE have a right to be opposed…You want to save your childhood memories at the expense of everyone else. You will go down in the preservation hall of shame for your misguided actions.

Please stop embarrasing youselves further with your comments. You have no vested interest in this conversation anymore. The theatre will be down before the new year and it’s your fault Friends. Those are the facts.

TrueClass commented about DuPage Theater on Oct 23, 2005 at 8:35 am


The reason(s) why the theatre is being demolished are many. I feel the reasons in order of significance are as follows:

1) Failure by your side to procure at least 50 percent private funding.
2) A vast majority of the residents are simply sick and tired of waiting.
3) The false allegations and outright attacks by your side on our board leaves absolutely no hope of compromise (this is fact, I’ve spoken to all of them except Florey)
4) The leadership of those opposed to the theatre is superior to that of the supporters. It was a textbook strategy execution on how residents should protect themselves from reckless development projects. It’s only a shame the people in the St. John’s neighborhood had their encroachment occur beforehand.

I hope you people on this site that are not from Lombard understand just how oversized the RSC/Theatre Condominium Complex plan was. They talk about historic preservation and then try to change the entire look and feel to this Village by building a ollosal building in the very heart of our historic district. None of it made sense and the theatre will pay the ultimate price for it. Blame their leadership, not the residents and the elected officials.

TrueClass commented about DuPage Theater on Oct 23, 2005 at 8:07 am

Thank you for letting us know the real Sara Lee story Jim. We will send them letters telling them how heated this issue is. They will walk away, like all the others.

It’s Anne…with an E

TrueClass commented about DuPage Theater on Oct 23, 2005 at 4:42 am

Preservationist Jim DeVitt,
The Sarea Lee motto is “Nobody does it like Sara Lee”, not “Nobody doesn’t like Sara Lee.” I hope they give you the “billions of dollars” for the Dupage?!?!

Don’t you think it’s time you stopped embarrassing the people on your side of this issue? They have good intentions. That last Sara Lee post really “takes the cake.” How ridiculous can one man be?

Jim, go to church today and pray for help.

TrueClass commented about DuPage Theater on Oct 22, 2005 at 9:26 am

Illinois Attorney General Madigan gets involved with an allegation of open meeting law violation at the local level? Do you realize how vague those laws are? Now IAG Madigan is going to get involved in this too? I think she has bigger fish to fry than investigating and prosecuting an alleged act of open meeting law violation in a municipality. Especially when they are discussing the sale of property they own.

Jim….Please stop embarassing yourself. I beg of you. Do it for your kids.

TrueClass commented about DuPage Theater on Oct 22, 2005 at 9:25 am

Illinois Attorney General Madigan gets involved with an allegation of open meeting law violation at the local level? Do you realize how vague those laws are? Now IAG Madigan is going to get involved in this too? I think she has bigger fish to fry than investigating and prosecuting an alleged act of open meeting law violation in a municipality. Especially when they are discussing the sale of property they own.

Jim….Please stop embarassing yourself. I beg of you. Do it for your kids.

TrueClass commented about DuPage Theater on Oct 22, 2005 at 9:22 am

Illinois Attorney General Madigan gets involved with an allegation of open meeting law violation at the local level? Do you realize how vague those laws are? Now IAG Madigan is going to get involved in this too? I think she has bigger fish to fry than investigating and prosecuting an alleged act of open meeting law violation in a municipality. Especially when they are discussing the sale of property they own.

Jim….Please stop embarassing yourself. I beg of you. Do it for your kids.

TrueClass commented about DuPage Theater on Oct 22, 2005 at 7:28 am

I don’t think Toni is interested in your help. She referred to you as a “virtual activist.” If you feel the need to defend your causes' honor, shouldn’t you be doing in on the streets of Lombard? Isn’t that where you can make a difference?

This website it full of the same 15-20 people, many of which live in another State.

Once again, you are being silly about a very serious issue. Stop being played for a fool by the people on both sides and have some respect for yourself. Your children don’t deserve the humiliation you may bestow upon them through your behavior. Think about them and your wife.

God Bless

TrueClass commented about DuPage Theater on Oct 21, 2005 at 2:50 pm

So JW is Jayme, an 18 year old girl living in sin behind the theatre? She tries to create problems between my neighbor and I, she can’t even SPELL I.T., and she holds all the answers… A girl who has probably never even voted is accusing ME of being someone I am not, and that creates a problem here!
“Please cease the name calling and juvenile behavior. You are not representing preservationists very well” What about the comments by young Jayme on here? What about her committing slander? Where’s your berating her for that?
posted by TheMurph on Oct 18, 2005 at 11:35am
BTW, if youg Jayme Warnock is dead set against the theater and thinks it will rot out Lombard, when is she going to stand up at a Board meeting and publically speak out against it? High school wasn’t that long ago (she still may be in it, considering her attitude) so she should remember her government lessons on how thing work in local government…

I’m trying to make sure I don’t spell anything wrong or make any grammatical or spelling errors so Ann doesn’t think I am someone else either!!! One female off her rocker on here is enough!!!
posted by TheMurph on Oct 18, 2005 at 11:41am
I was leaning towards being anti-theatre, but recent activities by the likes of Jayme and others have opened my eyes. I do not think that the Trustees would reconsider their position on the theater. For whatever their reasons, no matter how flawed they may appear to be, they are dead set on demolition. The fact that they chose to pay for demolition, rather than to sell the site outright, leads me to believe that there is another plan they have that they do not want the public to know about just yet, but that’s just one man’s opinion…
posted by TheMurph on Oct 18, 2005 at 11:45am

Once again, there is much evidence to support the allegation that you are now 4 different people – Mr. Devitt, dupersupporter, Dupagedude and now add Mr. Murphy. Following is a copy of the e-mail that Jayme forwarded to me last night. It is very clear in this e-mail that you are more than happy that the theatre was set for demolition. You actually wanted to go to the alleged celebration:
Dan Murphy wrote:
> >Jayme-Are you really having a party for the demise of the DuPage
> >That’s so cool! I’m glad to read that it’s finally over, now the
> >get down to the real business of running this town instead of all
> >sillyness! My wife and I would love to come to the party, I’ll bring
> >my neighbor’s signs I talked them into taking down! Let me know the
> >information and if you’d like us to bring anything.
> >
> >Sincerely,
> >Dan Murphy
> >
> >_________________________________________________________________
> >Don’t just search. Find. Check out the new MSN Search!
> >

Your last post as “TheMurph” now says you were only “leaning towards being anti-theatre?” You sounded pretty convicted to demolition in your e-mail to Jayme. You spoke of “theatre support signs you talked neighbors into taking down” etc…

Don’t you see that all of these deceitful acts and deceptive measures are catching up with you? How can you work to preserve this old building when you are so busy covering up this web of deceit? How many more charachters can you play?

Finally Jim,
There is nobody listed as Dan Murphy that is a registered voter in Lombard. Wouldn’t someone as actively involved in community issues like the one you created be a registered voter?

I am not asking for you to acknowledge you have been caught, nor do I ask for an apology. I only ask that you stick to the topic of restoration and keep the discussion positive. Everyone has been through enough.

Have a nice day and may God be with you.
posted by True Class on Oct 18, 2005 at 12:14pm
Whatever Jim (now the fictious Dan Murphy) Keep spreading your lies, we don’t care. BTW – try harder on the spelling – 3 errors on that second post alone. So easy to spot you Jim.

Duper – quit referring to the “preservationist Jim Devitt”, there’s nothing “preservationist” about him, he should be more accurately labeled “obstructionist Jim Devitt”.

TrueClass commented about DuPage Theater on Oct 21, 2005 at 2:18 pm

Just tell him what he wants to hear and maybe he will go away. When he get’s outmatched intellectually he presses his caps lock button and asks the same question you just answered.

We all understood your explanation of the proper application of TIF.

Reasonable people understand you are concerned about the financing, but maybe it’s best to just tell him you want the theatre demolished because it is an ugly eyesore. Maybe then he will go away and we can have a civil discussion. This person has some serious issues.

TrueClass commented about DuPage Theater on Oct 21, 2005 at 11:35 am

There is only one person to blame for the negativity. He posts under the names Dupage dude, dupersupporter and theMurph. He has been harassing the residents that reside near the theatre. Now he is attacking one of the leaders from the restoration side. As recently as a few days ago he has taken to making sexually offensive comments to a 28 year-old woman that has been working to fight the condominium plan. We also suspect that he vandalized a private residence near the theatre.

Rather than shutting down this board, you should work to have him shut down.


TrueClass commented about DuPage Theater on Oct 19, 2005 at 4:50 am


I think you need to move on to the restoration topic. The people on this site don’t deserve this. Look at the posts above. We are not representing Lombard very well.
In fairness, I did your google search and over 500 hundred responses came up. There are people in 5 different states with that same name.

Please let these people have their website back.

TrueClass commented about DuPage Theater on Oct 18, 2005 at 11:14 am


Once again, there is much evidence to support the allegation that you are now 4 different people – Mr. Devitt, dupersupporter, Dupagedude and now add Mr. Murphy. Following is a copy of the e-mail that Jayme forwarded to me last night. It is very clear in this e-mail that you are more than happy that the theatre was set for demolition. You actually wanted to go to the alleged celebration:
Dan Murphy wrote:
> >Jayme-Are you really having a party for the demise of the DuPage
> >That’s so cool! I’m glad to read that it’s finally over, now the
> >get down to the real business of running this town instead of all
> >sillyness! My wife and I would love to come to the party, I’ll bring
> >my neighbor’s signs I talked them into taking down! Let me know the
> >information and if you’d like us to bring anything.
> >
> >Sincerely,
> >Dan Murphy
> >
> >_________________________________________________________________
> >Don’t just search. Find. Check out the new MSN Search!
> >

Your last post as “TheMurph” now says you were only “leaning towards being anti-theatre?” You sounded pretty convicted to demolition in your e-mail to Jayme. You spoke of “theatre support signs you talked neighbors into taking down” etc…

Don’t you see that all of these deceitful acts and deceptive measures are catching up with you? How can you work to preserve this old building when you are so busy covering up this web of deceit? How many more charachters can you play?

Finally Jim,
There is nobody listed as Dan Murphy that is a registered voter in Lombard. Wouldn’t someone as actively involved in community issues like the one you created be a registered voter?

I am not asking for you to acknowledge you have been caught, nor do I ask for an apology. I only ask that you stick to the topic of restoration and keep the discussion positive. Everyone has been through enough.

Have a nice day and may God be with you.

TrueClass commented about DuPage Theater on Oct 18, 2005 at 7:04 am

Duper Supporter,
Why must you antagonize on this board? Do you have any solutions to offer the residents of Lombard that are in favor of restoration?

I e-mailed LombardianDistrict4. We exchanged several e-mails until the early hours of this morning. SHE is an 18-year-old woman that lives with her boyfriend behind the theatre. While I do not excuse the unbecoming behavior her boyfriend has posted, I do understand their frustration. She has pointed out several instances where you have provoked people that live in the adjacent neighborhood.

She has convinced me that you are misrepresenting yourself on another website and in e-mails. I am certain that on this site you are guilty of duplicity. The time stamps and consistant grammar errors under both duper supporter and Dupage dude make it difficult to find any reasonable doubt that you are both parties. The name calling you have done on the villagelombardvoice site is appalling and the comments are identical to the ones you make here.

My question to you is, why do you feel the need to do this? Why antagonize and misrepresent yourself? Are we not here to discuss issues related to theatre restoration? I suggest you leave these people alone. They have agreed to post only pertinent information (Jayme and her Beau).
The residents in that neighborhood will be impacted by any project Lombard moves forward with. They deserve some consideration for that.

Please cease the name calling and juvenile behavior. You are not representing preservationists very well.


TrueClass commented about DuPage Theater on Oct 16, 2005 at 5:24 am

This board has gotten out of control and is off topic. Those of us that live behind the theatre (Charlotte Street) agreed in our e-mail chain to stop posting on this board. LD4 is NOT representative of our neighborhood. I apologize to those that have been offended. BW please stop. LA