Comments from Robert Kratky

Showing 126 - 150 of 175 comments

Robert Kratky
Robert Kratky commented about Loew's Jersey Theatre on Aug 24, 2011 at 7:58 pm

It’s great to see announcements showing up on the Landmark Loewe’s web page for the fall Film Programs. Can’t wait for “A&C meet Frankenstein” in October.

Robert Kratky
Robert Kratky commented about Lafayette Theatre on Apr 20, 2011 at 9:47 am

Hi Peter,
I completely forgot about the headaches the studio “restrictions” cause you theater owners and managers these days regarding their “new product”. My suggestion for those great old serials came strictly from the perspective of the “little kid” in me sitting there in the audience during a Saturday morning kiddee matinee.
Never realized 35 mm prints of those serials were that hard to find. (judging from the amount of “bootlegs” available on the internet – but I guess those must be dupes of old VHS prints from companies such as Nostalgia Merchant.)
Not to put too fine a point on this… but, as a fan of Big Screen Classics, I certainly would not mind showing up 30min. earlier if BSC were to expand its programming to include the occasional serial or pre-show cartoons. (But that’s the “little kid” sitting in the front row talking right now !)

Robert Kratky
Robert Kratky commented about Lafayette Theatre on Apr 19, 2011 at 6:56 am

Hi Peter,

Have you and Nelson ever considered (I think you might have done this a couple of seasons ago – was it “The Crimson Ghost” ?) bringing back the serials (from Republic or Columbia, to name a few) to start off each Saturday’s “Big Screen Classics”? I’d really love to see Captain Marvel, Captain America, or Radar Men From The Moon.

Robert Kratky
Robert Kratky commented about Lafayette Theatre on Mar 19, 2011 at 8:17 am

Hi Peter,
I sincerely hope this changes and the folks at Rivertwon decide to return. I realize that attendance at some of the screenings might have been a bit “spotty” but they certainly presented films that might have not initially received a wide distribution and well-deserved recognition.
Films such as “Crazy Heart” (before it became the “darling” of the academy.) and (my personal favorite) “Me And Orson Welles” (which I don’t think has received an “official” dvd release.) might not have been sreened at all had it not been for Rivertown.
Suffern really needs some form of “Art House” program.

Robert Kratky
Robert Kratky commented about Lafayette Theatre on Mar 18, 2011 at 4:15 am

Will the Rivertown Film Festival be returning to the Lafayette for Sunday morning screenings ?

Robert Kratky
Robert Kratky commented about Lafayette Theatre on Mar 2, 2011 at 6:59 pm

Great schedule!
Bond, Bogie, Sellers, Stooges, and Film Noir ! Who could ask for more?
Thank you for bringing in “You Only Live Twice”, besides being one of Sir Sean’s last outings as Bond it has probably John Barry’s finest score in the Bond series… very nice tribute to the late maestro. (And a perfect compliment to last season’s screening of “On Her Majesty’s Secret Service.”)

Robert Kratky
Robert Kratky commented about Loew's Jersey Theatre on Mar 2, 2011 at 6:46 pm

Well, at the risk of seeming somewhat redundant from my previous post last weekend’s “Bogie And Bacall” weekend was the perfect blend of genre and venue. Film Noir (especialy the Warner Bros. variety) always plays very well at the grand old Loews and last weekend was no exception. But, for me at least one of the charcteristics that makes the Loews such an enjoyable (and educational) experience is the fact that the Loews programmers try as often as they can to bring in a guest lecturer after the film to offer insight and perspective into the films just viewed. Case in point, Dr. Foster Hirsch. His knowledge of films and personal anecdotes are infectious to say the least. It’s like attending a master class in film history at NYU. (Can’t wait to read his book, “The Dark Side Of The Screen.”… I believe that’s the title.)

Keep up the great work FOL !

Robert Kratky
Robert Kratky commented about Loew's Jersey Theatre on Feb 26, 2011 at 12:27 pm

May I ask who usually is in charge of the monthly programming and film selection each month as I’d like to extend a big resounding “thank you” for the terrific “Bogie and Bacall” festival this weekend… whoever you are you sure did hit one out of the park with these films. And what a treat to experience all of the audience reactions to the on screen “banter” between Bogie and Bacall…. that’s what the Loews is all about ! An audience who appreciates the film.
Can’t wait for tonight’s grand finale double feature !

Looking forward to “A Shot In The Dark” in March.

Robert Kratky
Robert Kratky commented about Lafayette Theatre on Feb 20, 2011 at 12:45 pm

Looking forward to the Spring Season next month.

Perhaps some Bond, Harryhausen, a musical or two ?

I’d love to see a widescreen version of Ben-Hur or perhaps How The West Was Won.

Robert Kratky
Robert Kratky commented about Loew's Jersey Theatre on Jan 16, 2011 at 9:35 am

“Baby face” seems interesting… been doing a bit of research on this one.

Will there be any accompanying pre or post discussions from Dr. Hirsch or the editor (sorry, forgot his name!) of “Cinema Retro Magazine”

Robert Kratky
Robert Kratky commented about Lafayette Theatre on Dec 22, 2010 at 5:34 am


I’m assuming that the Spring Season of Big Screen Classics will be returning in late March ? Is that correct ?


Robert Kratky
Robert Kratky commented about Lafayette Theatre on Oct 23, 2010 at 3:49 pm

Hi Peter,

Perhaps you might be able to help clear up some confusion for me?

While attending today’s showing of “Bridge on the River Kwai”, I thought I’d try to be ahead of the game for once and purchase the 9-show pass ($70.00) for this year’s Horror-Thon.
When I inquired at the box office about making this purchase, the young lady informed me that they had no tickets for this event.
So, I’m wondering, can the Horrorthon pass be purchased in advance or should I take the chance and wait until Nov. 5th? (I really don’t wamt to take the risk and wait until the last minute, if these can be purchased ahead of time.)

Robert Kratky
Robert Kratky commented about Lafayette Theatre on Oct 16, 2010 at 7:47 am

I hope I’m not being too much of a “pest”, but if I purchase a Saturday 4-show pass, can this be used for any of the Saturday Big Screen Classics or do I purchase the pass for “specific” films in the series?

Robert Kratky
Robert Kratky commented about Lafayette Theatre on Oct 10, 2010 at 10:17 am

Will tickets for the Horror-Than be available in advance?

Can full day ticket packages be purchased or is it just one show at a time?

Robert Kratky
Robert Kratky commented about Lafayette Theatre on Oct 9, 2010 at 10:27 am

Just saw the fall schedule……. well worth the wait throughout the summer.

You folks certainly know your horror films ! It’s really great that the programmers at the Lafayette present something for every taste.
Can’t wait for the 75th of “The Bride”, I’ll bring the cake! (“electrodes” instead of candles, of course!)

Robert Kratky
Robert Kratky commented about Loew's Jersey Theatre on Oct 9, 2010 at 10:20 am

I think, for myself at least what makes the wonderful Loew’s Jersey such a significant theater is that for those of us in the New Jersey/New York area this theater is right “in our own backyard”.
As a kid in the 1960s I would travel to the Loew’s as often as I could…. so there are some major memories associated with the Loew’s. Now that the Loew’s is in it’s second life, so-to-speak as a film and cultural center its importance is even greater to me.
I often laugh when I think that I visit the Loews, not so much for the films (although the film programmers always present terrific film weekends!) but more for the chance to “soak up” the atmosphere of this beautiful place. (And now that I understand it is one of the five remaining Wonder Theaters in the U.S., makes this even more important to me.

Without a doubt, “it’s all about the experience..”

Robert Kratky
Robert Kratky commented about Loew's Jersey Theatre on Sep 26, 2010 at 6:47 pm

Would it be possible to have another James Bond Festival….. the last one played out just great at the Loews.

How about a tribute to Universal and Hammer horrors?

Robert Kratky
Robert Kratky commented about Lafayette Theatre on Jul 11, 2010 at 5:25 pm

Very worthwhile “indie” film program brought into the Lafayette Theatre this spring and summer by the folks at Rivertown. (I saw some great films this year that might only have been available in NYC- I’d enjoy seeing the film, “Agora” that’s apparently only being screened in one theater in the Village.)

I hope that their endevours proved profitable so that they might consider returning next spring. (I understand they have one more film to go in this current season.)

Robert Kratky
Robert Kratky commented about Loew's Jersey Theatre on Jun 11, 2010 at 8:27 am

I think “gallion”’s phrase about the Loew’s in Newark really says it all when it come to the great Landmark Loew’s Jersey..

“The site is now a parking lot.” !!!!!
All of us who love these old movie palaces owe a resounding “thank you” to Mr. Egan and “The Friends of the Loew’s” (I’m sure they’d love to hear this as well from all of the audience members at each monthly film program.)

In a totally different direction……
– (I know it’s a bit early, but…) Any idea when the Fall Film Programs will be announced ?

Robert Kratky
Robert Kratky commented about Lafayette Theatre on Jun 10, 2010 at 9:08 am

It’s been a great Spring Season. Looking forward to the last two film weekends, especially the Stooges and Looney Tunes.

Here’s hoping the “Horror-thon” returns in the fall.

Robert Kratky
Robert Kratky commented about Lafayette Theatre on May 9, 2010 at 11:14 am

It’s always interesting to be proven wrong, especially about something that has been praised by critics and fans alike. That certainly was the case with Saturday’s presentation of “The Red Shoes”. Having been brought up as a Richard Widmark, Gregory Peck, Kirk Douglas fan, a film about ballet…. NO WAY !!!! Well, what an eye-opener!
Please, Lafayette folk, more Michael Powell films. (how about re-scheduling “The Thief of Bagdad” from a couple of seasons ago.)
Your presentation of “Stairway To Heaven” was quite a treat to see on the big screen.

Robert Kratky
Robert Kratky commented about Film Forum on Apr 4, 2010 at 10:33 am

Is there any chance that Film Forum might be bringing back some of their adventure/Sci-Fi series from the past such as the James Bond, Swashbucklers and Horror / Sci-Fi presentations from a few years back ?

Robert Kratky
Robert Kratky commented about Lafayette Theatre on Mar 28, 2010 at 4:04 pm

Thanks, Lafayette for bringing the Rivertown series into Suffern…

I just got back from your screening of “Me and Orson Welles” and it’s true what Nelson said , quite possibly the best film I’ve seen this year. This film really needs a wider distribution deal. It should be seen by anyone who has a love for excellent script-writing, direction, art direction (great evocation of 1930’s New York City even though I believe it was mostly shot in England) the New York stage,film history and, above all…acting. (Zack Effron should not be discounted here, he was quite well cast)
So thanks, Lafayette for giving me the chance to catch up with this film. I can’t wait for the DVD in July.

Robert Kratky
Robert Kratky commented about Lafayette Theatre on Mar 13, 2010 at 3:23 pm

Hi Peter,

Just got back from this morning’s presentation of “Dr. No” What a beautiful print…. superior in every way to what is currently available on DVD. (although I haven’t seen the Blu-Ray)

The Lafayette is THE premier showcase in our area for the classics as well as currently-running films. (Can’t wait to experience your new 3D projection system)

But, I knew I should have worn my tux, today.

Way to go Peter and Nelson. You hit one right out of the park with this one, this morning!!

Robert Kratky
Robert Kratky commented about Teaneck Cinemas on Feb 18, 2010 at 2:26 pm

Hello Again, Peter,

Thank you for taking the time to provide a little perspective regarding last night at the Cedar Lane. I thought we might be on the “same page” re: such venues as the Cedar Lane.
I’ll always be indebted to folks such as yourself and Nelson Page (and,dare I say the Landmark Loew’s Jersey and the Film Forum)for “fighting the good fight” by providing the average movie-goer with the opportunity to find alternatives to the usual multi-plex fare. Not that I have anything against “Avatar” or “Sherlock Holmes” or “Saw 56” (Well, maybe I might object to that one!!!), but when you give me the choice between seeing the 32nd remake of “Conan the Barbarian” or a fine print of “To Kill A Mockingbird” or “The Thief of Bagdad” or “The Uninvited”… well, I guess you know what line I’ll be on.

And I still hope that there will be a place for classic films at the Cedar Lane.
Until that time arrives, the Lafayette will always have my patronage.