Comments from markp

Showing 1,401 - 1,425 of 1,766 comments

markp commented about Tribute group formed for Central Jersey's Menlo Park and Blue Star Cinemas! on Oct 24, 2008 at 6:04 am

I remember you TomR, and yes the mall sure was in a hurry. I remember the next morning, which was a Sunday, how the mall had a crew out there taking down the marquee, which I and many others including you had our picture taken on just hours earlier. I have those photos in a frame on my bedroom wall as we post here today. I still remember when my dad filled in for Joe and Abe when the place was a single.

markp commented about Half of UK theaters in danger of closing in five years on Oct 23, 2008 at 1:03 pm

Here we go again…first the U.S., now the UK, next, the rest of the world!!!!! I still say, and I’m sure CinemarkFan will agree, (in fact I’m sure of it) give me good old 35MM or better yet, 70MM anyday, anytime, anywhere. Thats all I have to say about that!

markp commented about Iraqi movie theaters reopen on Oct 23, 2008 at 12:58 pm

How about a double feature of “Porky’s” and “Revenge of the Nerds” just for the hell of it.

markp commented about Majestic Theatre on Oct 23, 2008 at 12:55 pm

Hey LuisV, upon looking again at the photos from the 10/21/08 post, there is a large amount of light coming from the projection booth, which makes me wonder if the roof is gone.
What a shame, such a once beautiful place has been left to rot away.

markp commented about Tribute group formed for Central Jersey's Menlo Park and Blue Star Cinemas! on Oct 23, 2008 at 7:55 am

After making my above post, I got to thinking of all the stuff I got from Menlo when it closed, stuff that was just in boxes and forgotten about. So up to my attic I went and found it, and much to my surprise was the original blue prints to Menlo, along with a B&W photo of the projection room from the Majestic Theatre in Perth Amboy N.J. taken in the late 1940’s. All these years I wanted to go thru these boxes, but never did until today. They were in an old closet in menlo, and when I was there with my booth partner Ed, we found the box, threw it in the car and I stored it away and forgot about it.

markp commented about Tribute group formed for Central Jersey's Menlo Park and Blue Star Cinemas! on Oct 23, 2008 at 7:35 am

I feel honored to be the first to post a comment here. As the very last projectionist to work at the old Menlo Park, and one of the last to work at Blue Star, ( I left 3 years before its closing ), I must say that my memories are so many that I could sit here and write a book. But for now, let me say, that I worked far longer at Menlo Park ( 15 years ) vs only 5 years at Blue Star. I was at Menlo when we had all 3 “Star Wars” movies, Mookraker, Alien (in 70MM) The Abyss (also in 70MM). That place use to jump. I caught Blue Star in its waning days, the last big movies I remember there was “Lethal Weapon 2” and “Hoffa”. If I may add one more thing, another central Jersey theatre that was equally as busy thru those years was also a GCC, the Woodbridge 1 & 2. They had such hits as Saturday Night Fever, and many of the first few “Star Trek” movies. I also worked there on and off from the mid 80’s till it closed in ‘92.

markp commented about Teachers accuse cinemas of exploiting kids on Oct 23, 2008 at 7:22 am

It is almost a foregone conclusion Justin that HSM3 will be number one this weekend, for 2 reasons. 1) almost every theatre playing HSM3 will have it on multiple screens, meaning more showtimes, (like the place I work which will have 3 prints) and 2) Saw V is rated R, so that takes away the teenage crowd.

markp commented about Majestic Theatre on Oct 21, 2008 at 7:48 pm

Looks like many the graffitti artists have been inside. With all that damage, does anyone think it could one day be saved and revived?

markp commented about Bow-Tie Strathmore Cinema 4 on Oct 19, 2008 at 6:14 am

This theatre was originally operated by the Nathan chain. When it opened in the early 70’s each auditorium seated 300. I would guess that each of the 4 now seat about 130 each. I remember my dad taking me here to visit the projectionists, and ended up seeing a Walt Disney double feature, “Snowball Express” and “Lady & the Tramp.” They had one print of each mounted on 6000 foot reels, and alternated shows between each theater. Those were great days.

markp commented about Hackensack Meridian Health Theatre on Oct 16, 2008 at 7:54 am

The theatre is looking great. Its amazing what they did in a little over 3 months.

markp commented about New Mexico theater desperately needs manager on Oct 11, 2008 at 10:11 pm

Well I hope it continues for you. Don’t give up. I remember thru my life, in ‘83, my theatre closed, the union had me on a job the following week. Same in '91, '94, and again in '05. I now for an independant, in his 2 theatres, about 50 hours between the 2. I learned a long time ago, when one door closes, another opens. I heard for years thru the 80’s how projection was done, and I would out on the street by the mid to late 80’s. Well look at me, almost the end of 2008, and still going strong. Good people like you always come out on top.

markp commented about New Mexico theater desperately needs manager on Oct 11, 2008 at 6:24 am

Yeah newt, I know what you’re saying. I have loved doing this for 33 years too, but the big companies, the Loews, Cineplex, Regals, have all made it that a good hard working, caring projectionist like me cant make a living. They say its a union thing, but really its just that the technology has made it that they can pay a kid $7.25 an hour to run 20 screens, and the hell with showmanship.

markp commented about Remembering Cinerama (Part VI) on Oct 10, 2008 at 10:16 pm

Great great job Micheal.

markp commented about Loew's Jersey Theatre on Oct 10, 2008 at 10:12 pm

You beat me to it Peter. I remember in the late 70’s, some of the old grindhouses I worked at did not cut the apertures on the keystone, and wow, our image would be 3 feet over on the bottom of the side maskings. If the Ritz in Elizabeth ever gets sold, and gets going, that is one place that will have a heck of a keystone.

markp commented about NATO calls for equity for independent theaters on Oct 9, 2008 at 6:17 pm

Lets hope not John J. Fink

markp commented about New Mexico theater desperately needs manager on Oct 9, 2008 at 1:38 pm

Well it is sort of refreshing to here that some more recent people like you newt seem to take pride. I remember how my father always pounded that into me as I was joining the union in 1977. He stressed that till the day he passed on to that giant movie palace in the sky in 1993.

markp commented about New Mexico theater desperately needs manager on Oct 9, 2008 at 11:27 am

Hi newt, I’m sure you know quite a bit about projection, but how about changing a gear, filing an aperture plate, timing a shutter?? Of course its not really fair to compare, since I have 33 years in the business, which by regal’s standards would make me a dinosaur. By the way, on a seperate note, is there any good news on the Ventnor twin??

markp commented about Ritz Theatre on Oct 9, 2008 at 8:18 am

Any news on the sale? I may be going there in 2 weeks, to check on things. In the meantime if anyone knows anything about the impending sale, please post. Thank You

markp commented about Beekman Theatre on Oct 9, 2008 at 8:16 am

Only a guess here, since I don’t work in the city, but maybe Bowtie Cinemas could be involved? They are always looking for theatres, and one of their top execs use to work for Clearview, the previos operator.

markp commented about Loew's Jersey Theatre on Oct 9, 2008 at 8:13 am

You know LuisV, its also true that what one sees, another may not. I know in the multiplex I work in, sometimes the manager comes up and says “the picture in theatre 7 is blurry.” I’ll go take a look only to find its in focus. So whos right, and whos wrong. No one.

markp commented about New Mexico theater desperately needs manager on Oct 9, 2008 at 8:05 am

If I didn’t have elderly family to take care of here in the east, it might have been worth a look. But even so, with the economy the way it is now, even with those bargain basement rent prices, its a risk.

markp commented about New Drive-In to open on Oct 9, 2008 at 7:52 am

Best of Luck!!! Lets hope more can open in the years ahead.

markp commented about Loew's Jersey Theatre on Oct 9, 2008 at 6:23 am

In response to you macbear, and I am not picking on you or anything, but you must realize this, in the case of Loew’s Jersey, they use volunteers, some of which learned to operate projectors on the job, not from a trained person like me. In the case of the Ziegfeld, lets just say its cablevision, and leave it at that. As far as BAM, I have never been there. You also must remember that the projection equipment in use is old, and in some cases parts are not even made anymore. I know this was the case when I was attempting to restore the booth at the Ritz in Elizabeth, N.J. And as you said, film companies are not striking any new 35MM prints, because they all want digital, and this is how they will force everyone to get it.

markp commented about NATO calls for equity for independent theaters on Oct 8, 2008 at 7:32 pm

Points well taken CinemarkFan, and I know someone who might know how to go about it. Also like the idea of a fansite, something similar to this here at CT, except devoted to film and the alike.

markp commented about NATO calls for equity for independent theaters on Oct 8, 2008 at 9:43 am

You know CinemarkFan, this is really going to be one giant cluster-you-know-what. As I have been saying, and I’m sure you agree, ‘if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.’

I’m off to work now, to run my 6 century 35MM projectors, which do a great job projecting the films we are showing.