Ridgewood Theatre

55-27 Myrtle Avenue,
Ridgewood, NY 11385

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PKoch on September 21, 2007 at 5:06 pm

I just called the Ridgewood Theater and got a recorded message of showtimes at the Ridgewood for “Halloween”, “War”, “Balls Of Fury”, “Mr. Bean’s Holiday” and “Return To Humor”.

PKoch on September 14, 2007 at 9:53 pm

I don’t see an update comment count for the Ridgewood Theater on its own page here as a result.

PKoch on September 14, 2007 at 9:51 pm

This is to see how many comments there are now on the Ridgewood Theater page.

Bway on September 5, 2007 at 10:44 pm

Thanks Jim…. Wow, if that door was slightly ajar when I was in there, perhaps if I had the “big ones”, I’d pretend like I thought that door was a continuation of the furniture area….and open it. They did have a door open at the far end of the furniture are the day I was there that led to another stairway. I assume it’s an old emergency stairway from the theater days. I did poke my head in, and it was very old plaster, but not ornate plaster, and had a simple (but very old) railing in it….I think that stairway was probably one of the ones that led from the upper balcony emergency doors. The stairway went both up and down from the landing where the furniture area is.
Furthermore, I believe PKoch is right, while the stairway in the Liberty Dept store that you use to go up to the furniture area probably dates to the theater days, I too now believe that was an exit stairway from the balcony, that led to the OUTER lobby in the theater days, such as the one in the Ridgewood Theater. It’s too close to be the Grand Staircase from the Inner Lobby area that used to have the high ceiling. I am beginning to believe that the ornate white marble Grand Staircase was either jackhammered out, or they sheetrocked the area of it in….I don’t know where it could have been thiniking of the layout of the store, so I fear it may be the former….

BrooklynJim on September 5, 2007 at 9:18 pm

Bway, no problem. It was tough even for three of us to agree on a date to hit the Ridgewood. I’m looking forward to another trip by year’s end.

I enjoyed your RKO Madison/Liberty Dep’t Store write-ups. On the second floor, I saw that metal door you mentioned at the left. It was slightly ajar, but I didn’t wish to shake up the staff and have ‘em think I was using it as a restroom.

[bTW, you were right about the Myrtle El’s 3rd track. I mentioned that over on the RKO Madison’s page. When Peter opens up the floppy, I’m sure he’ll e-mail it to you. He’s also got a “Gojira” promo trailer DVD for you.]

PKoch on September 5, 2007 at 6:46 pm

One of my first memories of the Ridgewood Theater was of seeing a Greek gods and heroes film there, I’m not sure which one it was, which showed the Greek god Poseidon, ruler of the sea, rising up out of the ocean like a vast blue living mountain, ocean water running off his huge body like waterfalls, looking overpoweringly enormous to me, at age five, in 1961, sitting close to that huge screen.

PKoch on September 5, 2007 at 4:19 pm

I’m going to the Liberty / former Madison this Friday, or, at least I plan to. One thought right here : the stairs up from the street level to the furniture dept. must have once been an exit staircase descending from the balcony mezzanine to the outer lobby, as in the Ridgewood Theater. They seem much too close to the front to have been the grand staircase from the far end of the inner lobby up to the balcony mezzanine.

Yes, Bway, the Ridgewood probably isn’t all that different from when you were last there in 1991, because it looked about the same as it was when I was last there Saturday Sept. 12 1992.

Bway on September 5, 2007 at 1:43 am

Brooklyn Jim, I will certainly try and make it “next time”. I didn’t realize that that was the date you guys finally decided on…but even if I did, I wouldn’t have been able to make it anyway, as I had tickets to a football game that day… I haven’t been inside the Ridewood Theater since 1991, so I really am anxious to see it again. But from what it sounds like from Peter’s description in an email he sent me, and what was written here, it sounds like it is just like I remembered it in 1991, and all through the 80’s. Of course for you, last there in 1977, before it was multiplexed, it must have been quite different.
I heard you guys also visited the Liberty Dept Store, the infamous Madison Theater too…I’d love to hear your comments over on that page, and some of our theories (like the one I just posted in the Madison’s section) about Liberty Dept store’s furniture area up there.

PKoch on September 4, 2007 at 9:55 pm



PKoch on September 4, 2007 at 9:53 pm

Thank YOU, BklynJim ! Glad to read sunny Cal was spared the Bay Ridge-style tornados !

I wonder if John Cameron Swayze and younger Patrick Swayze are related ?

Z-100 !

“It takes a knockin', and keeps on rockin' !”

The other two lines I was trying to recall from “Chuck Berry : Hail Hail Rock ‘N Roll !”

Keith Richards (taunting) : Well, you’re gonna have to live with it [distorted sound in the movie], baby !"

Chuck Berry (indignant, loud) :

“I BEEN LIVIN' WITH IT FOR THIRTY YEARS, MAN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

BrooklynJim on September 4, 2007 at 9:02 pm

Sat., 8/25 – PKoch, frankie, a theater that’s almost 91 years old – and my first visit since ‘77, a whacked out techno-spy flick (Was that our CIA?), the ghost of John Cameron Swayze (“takes a lickin’ and keeps on tickin'”) after an over-the-top car chase, cheap seats in the nosebleed section, great A/C relief from NYC’s recent oppressive heat and humidity, decent chow at Las Montas and ending up talkin' like Scarface, buying new socks at Liberty’s RKO Madison, and lots of other good memories that were made that day. Thx, youse two guys for making it happen. Mebbe we can get a few more CTers over here by year’s end…

[That’s means you, LM & Bway. Ha!]

The Ridgewood Theatre was in far better shape than I had imagined, but the return to CA’s heat and humidity beats NY: 110 yesterday! (No Bay Ridge-style tornados, though…)

PKoch on September 4, 2007 at 7:59 pm

The diner on the triangle formed by Woodbine, Myrtle and St. Nicholas, once known as the Madison and then the Castillo Diner, that frankie, BrooklynJim and I ate at on Saturday August 25th 2007, after seeing “The Bourne Ultimatum” at the Ridgewood, is now known as “Las Montas” (Spanish for “the mountains” ?)

PKoch on September 4, 2007 at 7:47 pm

Thanks for mentioning this fact, Warren. It makes sense.

PKoch on August 29, 2007 at 9:16 pm

A place of “learning”, and perhaps also of coming of age, and of the baton of champion being passed, as in “The Hustler” (1961), “The Color Of Money” (1982) and the classic Twilight Zone episode, “A Game Of Pool” (1961).

Dominus vobiscum, et cum spiritu tuo.

AntonyRoma on August 29, 2007 at 8:25 pm

Not Hank’s. Cappy’s Pool Hall.

Shalom, ciao, et excelsior

PKoch on August 28, 2007 at 9:33 pm

Also, frankie, thanks for referring to me above as “the eminent Peter K”.

Maybe I can be dubbed “His Eminence” by Patrick Crowley and the other owners / managers of this site.

PKoch on August 28, 2007 at 9:30 pm

Thanks, frankie. More power to you and your piano-teacher nun !

frankie on August 28, 2007 at 8:28 pm

Good idea. I’ll mention it on the Pavilion page (yes, Peter K, that’s the Sanders page, and no, it’s not a convent any more, but the nun who taught me just sent me a birthday card from Long Island !!!)

Ed Solero
Ed Solero on August 28, 2007 at 8:02 pm

Frankie… I suggest you pose the question on the Pavilion page and refer them to this thread on the Ridgewood page. I’d also try contacting Brooklynpix as well as the Brooklyn Historical Society for any possible information on this mystery theater. As Lost indicates, I think we may be exhausted on the internet without a name or exact address – unless someone’s memory can be jogged on the Pavilion page!

Ed Solero
Ed Solero on August 28, 2007 at 7:51 pm

Just a thought… perhaps the webmasters can be contacted at brooklynpix.com. They may have a copy of the print where they can make out the grease-pen writing on the photo. That writing may idenitfy the theater name. I can’t quite make it all out – particular on the left side of the image.

Ed Solero
Ed Solero on August 28, 2007 at 7:43 pm

This is a now one large parcel that covers the corner of the traffic circle and Prospect Park SW and running partially along the circle and then all the way back from Prospect Park SW (where the theater entrance fronted) to 16th Street (the next block to the southwest). The address range is listed as 1 Prospect Park SW, 197-201 Prospect Park W (the addresses facing the circle) and 481 16th Street. Numerous C of O’s are listed online for various storefronts, mixed-use, residential dwellings and the apartment building that currently sits where the theater was (built in 1962, it seems). I can find no information on a former theater on that site. I’m sure the old address was something different, anyway.

Perhaps our gal is one of the theaters on your silent movie theater list, Lost.

PKoch on August 28, 2007 at 7:14 pm

Thanks, guys. Can you still get piano lessons at the Holy Name convent ?

frankie on August 28, 2007 at 7:03 pm

That’s the picture, Ed ! You GOT it ! Yes, the area is remarkably unchanged since I took piano lessons at the convent of Holy Name church in the 50’s !

Ed Solero
Ed Solero on August 28, 2007 at 6:59 pm

There’s a Windsor Theater listed on CT, but it was in Boro Park and seems to be a different building entirely. I really can’t make out the name over the entrance at all… I may have just projected “Windsor” in my mind due to the location in Windsor Terrace.