Comments from alps

Showing 101 - 122 of 122 comments

alps commented about Boyd Theatre on Feb 13, 2009 at 3:21 am

I am looking forward to attending The Boyd with the awe I had the first time I walked in there in June of 1967. No longer the sad dying cinema. with over zelious security guards checking your bags, patrons you could not reason with, and bathrooms you mother told you not to use.

alps commented about Ziegfeld Theatre on Dec 20, 2008 at 2:50 am

This was almost a replay of 1993 when Schindler’s List was released. Misguided school teachers, trying to teach children about dehumanization, when outside the classroom in the 90’s was a steady diet of “hood movies” and violent video games. Patrons at the Schindler sceening were also outraged, and keep in mind that was 15 years ago! Most of the films I attend are art films, so I avoid kids, babies, and igorant patrons that you can’t reason with. Only two things bother me even when I attend those films, creatins that feel the need to drape their nasty, filthy feet on the seat in front of them, and whem I attend a “classic film” at the Film Forum, young hipster doofuses show up and ruin the movie by laughing at everything in it. Last winter at the Film Forum, I saw the movie “Violent Saturday”, as soon as the title appeared, laughter broke out. I always felt that I would be the last one that they would have to drag out of the theater, but as I said earlier, some of these people you cannot reason with, and going to movie could cost you your life. The 65 inch plasma screen is looking better and better. A report came out last summer, about what is on the soles of peoples' shoes, so only the Quad Cinema has a no tolerance about feet on chairs.

alps commented about Ziegfeld Theatre on Dec 17, 2008 at 3:18 am

I think it was a good thing that the Ziegfeld showed Che the way it did. I attended the Friday screening. I loved the first part since it was the rise of Che. the second being his down fall. Love it or not, it was real cinema something this country rarely produces anymore. The ziegfeld’s massive screen, was a great frame for it. Comments about it’s running time are disturbing given that this is a website for those who love cinema or is it cinemas? Pay no attention to film critics, one has to look far and wide for a good one. The New York Post and the Metro being the worst reviewers on the face of the planet! And they get paid, go figure. There is a film reviewer in Philadelphia named Matt Prige, who gave Casablanca an A-, and thinks Citizen Kane is overrated. But, I believe these 60 plus year old films should not be subjected to assinine letter grades. Looking forward to Ziegfeld Classics 2009, Metropolis and the Searchers, are among my choices.

alps commented about Boyd Theatre on Dec 13, 2008 at 5:29 pm

Let me be first to say, HAPPY 80TH BIRTHDAY BOYD THEATRE!!!!!
Hope to see you soon.

alps commented about Boyd Theatre on Sep 10, 2008 at 2:42 am

Good news today in the newspaper about the Boyd Theater. I hope the deal works out, I would at least liken it to the Tower Theater, only with places to eat and nearby clubs, will make it “the” Chestnut St. happening. I pray the new owners will not back out on the film part, like the Prince did. Until then, thank you, Howard, you have put up with nonscence by some on this site and you’ve handled it with class. Why should Ambler have all the fun?

alps commented about Roxy Theater on Aug 5, 2008 at 3:36 am

I get so tired of all this bashing of the Roxy Theater. I, for one, am very happy it is there. Yes, it is small and the sound could be better, but I would not trade the experience of welcome enjoyment, as I call it. From the beautiful lady that sells and tears your ticket, to the fresh popcorn with real butter, at fair prices, the cool choice of music that is played, and the cleanliness. Most of all the owner is there to personally greet you. Even though he holds a full time job as an attorney, he stands by his theater. I wish though, that they would have film programing similar to that of the Film Forum in New York. Philly moviegoers are not as adventurous as they clain to be, I still have to travel to NYC to see films that never see the light of day here. I also love the bare brick walls in the lounge and the cleanest bathrooms of any cinema, although idiots are begining to tag them with graffiti. I will support this cinema as long as it remains open, as I will support independent record and bookstores. In the past TLA would program festivals there. We should not allow this cinema to die, the last first run movie theater in Center City. Thank you Mr. Nearey, and keep fighting the good fight, I believe you will wear Mark Cuban and Landmark down.

alps commented about Boyd Theatre on Jul 7, 2008 at 3:57 am

It was sad, this summer blockbuster season that, Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the the Crystal Skull, did not play at the SamEric. I had seen the other adventures there and the screen cried out for the big Paramount logo to appear on it. I hope something is done soon, because jackasses are tagging it with more and more graffiti, it is begining to look like an eyesore.

alps commented about Ziegfeld Theatre on Jun 11, 2008 at 3:14 am

Thank goodness, the Ziegfeld will be showing Indiana Jones for one more week!!! I will be traveling from Philly to, GET MY TICKET, GRAB MY POPCORN AND RETURN TO THE EDGE OF MY SEAT!!!!!!!

alps commented about Ziegfeld Theatre on May 26, 2008 at 5:52 pm

Thank you Ken, I thought this site was for and about movie palaces. That is why I made the comment about, aint it cool news. My son and I are excited about seeing the film again at the Ziegfeld, with red velvet, curtains, popcorn, the works!!! Harrison Ford, in this picture , reminded me of Randolph Scott with a little Gary Cooper from their films in 1950’s, Mr. Ford is one of the last great movie stars and the Ziegfeld screen is the place to see him, and I believe an opening box office of $126 million, puts one finial nail in the coffin of so called self important movie critics.

alps commented about Ziegfeld Theatre on May 24, 2008 at 2:02 pm

Well Bill I wasn’t speaking about you. I did read your post and you did watch the trilogy (!) This was a comment on the state of American cinema. In 1981 there were a lot of critics that did not like Raiders. Carrie Rickey, of the Philadelphia Inquier blames Indiana Jones for the “dumbing down” of movies, a statment that I do not share. You, like so many did walk into that theater with your expectations too high, the film could never live up to. So, I stand by my post and please don’t be sorry because you didn’t like it.

alps commented about Ziegfeld Theatre on May 24, 2008 at 6:19 am

I did not know that, this site had become a link to, ain’t it cool I watch the film with a big bag of buttered popcorn, and enjoyed it. This whole, “I was disappointed” bit is wearing thin. The movie could not compete with the one that was running in your head, since you just had to watch the Indy trilogy before you saw “Kingdom”. Some not having the common sense to realize that, movies you’ve seen as a kid, back when you had no worries or cares, are shocked and surprised when the same giddiness doesn’t happen when they make “a new one” in your adult years. For most of us, life has changed after school/college, jobs, marriages, children etc. and what some of s cannot achieve in our own lives, we tend to be over critical of art and of artists. Before Star Wars (1977), movie reviews appeared days later in your local newspaper, now as in the case of The Phantom Menace (1999), a month before it’s release, placing the seed of doubt in the minds of moviegoers. Movies today, are reviewed to death, every little rinky dink newspaper has a so called movie critic, and thanks to the internet, John Q Public gets to weigh in as well. Unless you have stock in Viacom, what this movie makes is none of our business. Steven Spielberg said, in this picture Indy “grows up”, and he does. When Indy sees the mushroom cloud, and nearing the begining of the 1960’s, he knows that the time of awe and adventure is coming to an end. Now for him, love and family is the greatest adventure of all. My Ziegfeld veiwing is in a few weeks, I am sorry the film is not in digital, Indy fans, see the film again it is preety good.

alps commented about Ziegfeld Theatre on May 17, 2008 at 4:52 am

I saw the ad too. Now it’s official. We will be at the Ziegfeld on June 14th to see Indy. I am glad I found out about the before it was too late. Fingers are crossed for May 2009, for the opening of STAR TREK!!!!!

alps commented about Ziegfeld Theatre on May 12, 2008 at 3:17 am

Yes I did,Ziegfeld Man. I saw the second best Bond film, in my opinion, ON HER MAJESTY’S SECRET SERVICE. Iam hoping this is a mistake about Indy’s four weeks, since the film following it, Kit Kittridge could never fill it up, this info I got off of the ticket website. They were wrong before because it said the On Her majesty’s… wasn’t going to play there …and it did.

alps commented about Ziegfeld Theatre on May 11, 2008 at 10:07 pm

One other thing, Dreamgirls was Paramount, and it played for months.

alps commented about Ziegfeld Theatre on May 11, 2008 at 9:49 pm

It’s called a type-o, Mr. Fencsak. But, thank you for pointing that out. Thank you, Ziegfeld Man.

alps commented about Ziegfeld Theatre on May 11, 2008 at 3:42 am

I had planned my third viewing of INDIANA JONES AND THE KINGDOM OF THE CRYSTAL SKULL ON June 21ST, now I found out that it won’t be showing on that day, because Kit Kittridge will be playing. How can a film such as this only play for four weeks? I need the Ziegfeld Man to look into this!!!!! With the Astor Plaza gone and the SamEric in Philadelphia, were I have seen all the Indy Films, I may have to move the Ziefeld screening up which will be difficult.

alps commented about Boyd Theatre on Feb 20, 2007 at 11:20 pm

I believe Philadelphia is a great city. I cannot trash it because of the Boyd situation. How many cinema treasures exist in New York? This is unfortunate sign of the times. Philadelphia is a first class resturant town. Look at the Parkway, Rittenhouse Sq.,the great museums, the Tut exhibit, the Free Library, I could go on and on. I lived most of my life in Phila., I live in New Jersey now. But, I could remember a time when the sidewalks would roll up at 7:00, now life and enjoyment florish til the wee hours. The problem is politics, and big city law firms. The Boyd is a key to 19th and Chestnut street revival, and it can’t stay in the position that it is in, do something or get off the pot! I refuse to see a play at the academy of music, when people get tired of paying good money to see a play with an obtructed view, the Boyd can fill that void. But, I know it will never be a full time movie theater again, that is not possible, inspite of all the arguments on this site about it. I would love to see a 70mm Lawrence of Arabia on the big screen.

alps commented about Boyd Theatre on Feb 19, 2007 at 1:07 am

It has been nearly 40 years ago since the first time I went to the Boyd to see The Bible in the Begining. On a class trip, we sat in the balcony, I believe there was avery large cinerama screen. You were not allowed to bring drinks into the theater in those days. Three years later on another class trip, we saw Goodbye Mr. Chips, with Peter O'Toole. Sad that Boyd closed as a porn theater, with a screen of that size, the rain coated viewer was in the position of the proverbal “fly on the wall”. From 1972 until 2001, I attended the SamEric or the “Sammy”, as my friend and I used to call it. My last worst memory was in 1983, Scarface with Pacino, the screening I went to was greeted with gunshots and a riot. The theater went downhill from there. When United Artists bought it, armed robberies at the box office and over zelious security greeted patrons. Apartment buildings nearby, such as the William Penn House wanted it closed. This is why we may never see another movie theater in Center City. My plea to the powers that be, is to FINISH the work on this theater!!!!!!

alps commented about Boyd Theatre on Jan 31, 2007 at 11:49 pm

This being an election year, not to take the focus off crime and other big city problems, I would like to see the canidates stand on restoring the Boyd. With Rittenhouse Square, the new Condos, and all the resturants, and not to mention that the Adcademy of Music was never ment to have plays there. I would not like to see this theater become the biggest “dollar store” in the Delaware Valley.

alps commented about Cinemark University City Penn 6 on Dec 29, 2006 at 11:59 pm

Saw Rocky Balboa, I was very impressed with the staff and managment at the theater. They allowed my son to find me in the theater, when we missed each other outside. Now, we need another Bridge at 19th and Walnut. Enough with this foolishness, and rescreen Center City. With our resturants, hotels, and convention center. The Riverveiw and Pearl are too far away, when vistors want to see a film. I would not want the Riverveiw to represent Philadelphia, no way!!!!

alps commented about Boyd Theatre on Dec 19, 2006 at 12:24 am

No , I heard work coming from inside the theater. I looked inside, and found the inside lobby, cleared out. The exit doors in the smaller theaters were open, already gutted, no workers in there. Keep up the good work, Mr. Haas.

alps commented about Boyd Theatre on Dec 18, 2006 at 11:40 pm

What is going on? Today, I walked past the Boyd and heard the sounds of men working in there. And what is the deal with the new for sale sign? I am sorry to see that the last post was almost three months ago.