Loew's Jersey Theatre

54 Journal Square,
Jersey City, NJ 07306

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Ed Solero
Ed Solero on January 18, 2006 at 12:03 pm

I remember when the film used to be played on Thanksgiving Day by WPIX channel 11 under the title “March of the Wooden Soldiers.” Just as sure as WOR channel 9 would play “King Kong” on the same day (and would run a few Godzilla movies on Friday for school kids who had the day off). Anyway, I believe there were 6 or 7 minutes edited from the original release print of “Babes in Toyland” in order to cater to the younger children exhibitors thought the film would attract. All of the edited sequences took place either in the Boogeymen’s underground lair or during their attack on Toyland. They include the song “Go to Sleep” that the Tom Tom character sings to Bo Peep as they are hiding in the cavern (replete with superimposed pixies who appear to sprinkle sleep-dust over the two characters) as well as some shots of the Boogeymen that were deemed too frightening for younger children.

The complete film was restored a few years back for DVD release.

Theaterat on January 18, 2006 at 11:14 am

MMMMMMMM.Very interesting.

VincentParisi on January 17, 2006 at 10:30 am

So what is in the uncensored version that was then cut? Is something going on with Bo Peep and Jack?

hardbop on January 17, 2006 at 9:51 am

I was wondering what they were up to myself. I was there for the SCROOGE screening as well. It was one of the bigger crowds. I skipped the BABES IN TOYLAND screening because it was 16MM and The American Museum of the Moving Image was also screening the film and they managed to come up with a 35 MM print.

Theaterat on January 9, 2006 at 8:33 am

Does anybody on this website know what the next show at the Jersey will be- and when? The Jersey`s website still has the Christmas programs listed, but this is about the right time of the month for a show. Thanks.

YMike on December 12, 2005 at 5:22 am

I went to both shows Saturday night and it was first rate. Great prints of the Wizard Of Oz and Babes In Toyland. Babes was 16mm but we got to see the rare uncensored version. A Christmas Carol had about 30 seconds cut from the print towards the end (Where Scooge tells the boy to buy the Turkey) but otherwise the print looked great. Always great to see Tom & Jerry on a big screen.

Theaterat on December 8, 2005 at 8:21 am

The Sat 12=10 showing of “The Wizard of OZ” promises to be a great event. This is, without a doubt the finest musical and fantasy EVER made!To call it a classic hardly does it justice. How many films can stand the test of time and still remain fresh and vibrant with each viewing? Though I have seen it countless times on TV, video and DVD,the big screen obviously is the only way to see it. I really wish I can break my existing plans for this night and get out here to see it. Hope the print and sound are of a high quality, but since I am a semi regular at the Jersey, I`m sure it will be first rate. Enjoy- and pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!

teecee on November 19, 2005 at 6:51 am

Two old postcards:

From 1931 – note the mini golf right near the theatre

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Theaterat on November 9, 2005 at 8:33 am

The Friday Nov 11th and Saturday Nov 12th screenings of the “Godfather” and the “Godfather-II” along with “The Public ENEMY” with James Cagney is truly an offer that no movie fan can refuse! Cant make it on Friday for the first Godfather film, but I do plan to see part II on Saturday.This is that VERY rare sequel that is actually as good-if not better than its predecessor.Too bad I cant say the same4 about the “Godfather-Part III”.While “The Public Enemy” is the film that made Cagney a star, his finest gangster role- in my humble opinion – is the mother obsessed psychotic Cody Jarret in “White Heat”.

Theaterat on November 3, 2005 at 8:18 am

Hardbop…slowly but surely. It WILL take a long time but, hey, it`s still better than nothing.

hardbop on October 31, 2005 at 12:10 pm

I haven’t been to the Loew’s since the spring. Has progress been made on the restoration front?

bzemanbz on October 31, 2005 at 10:14 am

I tend to agree with Rhett above about the late starts.
We went to Godzilla and The Masque of the Red Death last Saturday. Two films that really hold up after 50 years, although the corps de ballet at the end of Masque was just a tad dated. But this WAS the height of the “musical” I suppose. And the masqued Vinny P? A gem: Priceless!!
Godzilla was an eye opener when viewed in the context of its time: a metaphor on nuclear destruction, weapons bans and the Godzill-esque behavior of certain nations. The message was as clear today as it was a half century ago. Hardly a titter or giggle. We all sat enthralled as this all but forgotten epic unfolded.
A-N-Y-W-A-Y, the fun and frolic faded away about 11 PM and if it wasn’t for the end of daylight savings time we wouldn’t have gone at all. It’s an easy trip from north B'klyn (L to Path and you’re there), but just too, too late getting back.
YES! The Robert Morton looks fantastic and with the console fence (and the Howard seat?) reinstalled it’ll be radiant! My ears wiggle and get hot just thinking about how it will sound resounding within The Landmark Loews Fantastic acoustics!

YMike on October 31, 2005 at 4:54 am

Attended Godzilla at the Jersey this weekend. Nice the see the organ has been installed. Anyone know when it will be in operation?

mahermusic on October 29, 2005 at 8:03 pm

The Loews Jersey has its original 1929 lighting board restored and in use backstage. It is a massive board, and fully working, complete with 10 presets (state-of-the-art for the time). If you stop by on a Saturday morning (call first to make sure the volunteers are there 201-798-6055), you might be able to sneek a peek at the board backstage. Colin Egan might be able to help you. He’s the heart and soul of this magnificent theatre, and the reason that the Loew’s Jersey has never been better. (And this coming from a volunteer that has been intimately involved with the project since 1998.

Tim87529 on October 25, 2005 at 4:04 pm

Can anyone provide me with information about the light board in this theatre? I’ve always been interested in vintage stage lighting, and am curious to see what kind of setup the Loew’s has.

uncleal923 on October 23, 2005 at 8:29 pm

One mistake, it has not started they are just getting a committee ready.

uncleal923 on October 23, 2005 at 8:27 pm

Why not join the team that wants to restore the Loew’s Kings? I admire what they did with the Jersey even though I have yet to see it. However, there is a restoration project starting in Brooklyn, and on Flatbush Avenue yet. Here is the cinema treasures page;

frankie on October 21, 2005 at 11:53 am

Last night I attended the charity screening of one of my 10 favorite movies: Abbott & Costello in “Hold That Ghost”. It was surprisingly well attended. Folks brought their kids to see it. Talk about continuity ! The laughter was wonderful to hear. It was great to see folks & supporters milling around that grand lobby chatting & taking pictures. Just going up & down those carpeted staircases was a thrill. The place looks like a grand dowager coming out of seclusion: a little seedy, but glowing with past glory. I was back home in Brooklyn by 9:45 PM, so the Jersey is eminently accessible. I hope all you fans out there will pack next month’s screening of A & C’s greatest: “The Time of Their Lives.” What a tragedy that we can no longer have anything like this in my beloved but misguided Brooklyn.

Theaterat on October 20, 2005 at 8:45 am

Say what you want about the Journal Square area.Whatever its status is, this area has CHARACTER!There are plenty of decent shops,and parking is free-after 6PM at night.In many respects it does remind one of a typical “ downtown ” area that could be practically anywhere in the USA-or even in Montreal or Toronto.I quess that is part of the fun of going to the Jersey.I have never been to the Lafayette, but maybe someday I will go if I can interest anybody to go with me. I hear it is great.

VincentParisi on October 18, 2005 at 1:04 pm

I happen to love Journal Square finding it a still fairly intact mid 20th century downtown. Does another exist in this country? I hope it remains seedy and rundown so it retains it’s character otherwise I will avoid it as I do Times Square.
The one blot and it is a doozy is the Path Station. The very sight of it will cause you physical pain.

umbaba on October 15, 2005 at 6:14 am

It’s time the secret is LET OUT!!! Look at the Lafayette in Suffern. When they began their Bigscreen Classic series it wasn’t too popular, but as it was building they are now packed houses every Saturday morning. The Loews Jersey might try morning matinees to test the waters. These late shows at times just aren’t that convenient (for me at least) although maybe many others aren’t that enticed to make a trip to Jersey City at night. Say what you will, it’s not the most inviting of areas. I hope the Loews gets those packed houses, they deserve it.

Theaterat on October 11, 2005 at 7:33 pm

Brucec… Manhattanites-as opposed to New Yorkers seem to have a mindset that Manhattan is the world.The idea of going to New Jersey to see a movie is not too appealing to them when they have several revival houses in their own borough.In this respect, the Jersey is the best kept secret among film buffs and theater lovers.

bruceanthony on October 11, 2005 at 4:04 pm

New Jersey should be proud they are been able to show classic films in a huge movie palace. I think if the Loew’s Jersey coninues with quality programming the audience will keep building. Im sure there are plenty of people in New York City that may not know of the Loew’s Jersey showing classic movies so start spreading the word.brucec

JimRankin on October 11, 2005 at 3:12 pm

Would that we all could have a theatre of this size and magnificance OPERATING within easy reach to enjoy the spectacle of seeing the classics as they were MEANT to be seen. Home DVDs are just not the same thing. Viva La Jersey!

Theaterat on October 11, 2005 at 10:15 am

Went to the Jersey on Sat 10-8 to see “Monty Python and the Holy Grail” and stayed for “DR. Strangelove” The crowd for “Monty Python was fairly large, about the biggest I evrer saw here.I know this film is a cult item, but I found it to be somewhat silly and overlong, but it DID have its moments. As for "DR. Strangelove” what can I say? Long one of my favorites, it was absolutely FANTASTIC to see on the big screen.Though somewhat dated thanks to the fall of the former Soviet Union, it still remains fresh- and utterly hilarious each time I see it.Definately the best Peter Sellers AND George C Scott performances on film, even when compared to the “Pink Panther” and “ Patton” roles of these two excellent stars.Also enjoyed the introduction to “ Strangelove” by the gentleman who publishes the film magazine- sorry I can`t remember his namw. The Jersey experience on this miserable rainy night was one of my best. Glad the film season is finally here!