Comments from raymond

Showing 76 - 100 of 286 comments

raymond commented about DuPage Theater on Nov 2, 2005 at 7:05 am

True Class. Sorry about that.Everything in “downtown” Lombard keeps going “downhill"
Ooops .I mean everything in "downtown” Lombard keeps going “south”.
You do know what I mean? Don’t you?

raymond commented about DuPage Theater on Nov 2, 2005 at 6:39 am

True class. Across the street from “Nice and ice” “Nice n ice "used to be a milk store.Remember that? Cunningham’s heating was next to the milk store.
You are not an "oldtimer"if you don’t remember "Herbies”!
So sad.To bad.

raymond commented about DuPage Theater on Nov 2, 2005 at 12:45 am

I remember the Friday nights when we would go to the Duper.Friday was the changing of the movies for the week.Friday night was always special. We would have the best hamburger in all of Dupage County.A hamburger and a shake at “Herbies”, where the sauce really was the boss.Then a double feature at the Duper.Those were really great Friday nights…..We can “bring back the stars "at the Duper.But we can’t bring back "Herbies”.

raymond commented about DuPage Theater on Nov 1, 2005 at 10:41 am


raymond commented about DuPage Theater on Nov 1, 2005 at 9:50 am

Dupage dude.I just read your post.I just had to log on and say that you are 100 percent correct.It is time to stop talking and start walking.

raymond commented about DuPage Theater on Nov 1, 2005 at 8:31 am

Challenger. I have no vendetta against any trustee.
Who is a bitter old man?Not me.
The vendetta seems to be between you and your opponent.Remembe that one?
As far as I am concerned I could care less.My only agenda is saving and preserving the Dupage Theatre.
Challenger.I will make you a deal.If you will go ahead and “save the day” for the ‘friends" then I will stop posting.Is it a deal?
I will log off now and watch for your answer.

raymond commented about DuPage Theater on Nov 1, 2005 at 8:01 am

Toni.Have the demolition trustees changed their minds about demolishing the theatre?
Have they seen the “error” of their votes?

raymond commented about DuPage Theater on Nov 1, 2005 at 7:48 am

True class. “Jim”…. not me!

raymond commented about DuPage Theater on Nov 1, 2005 at 7:43 am

True class.Just"who" have I bashed?
Difino’s words speak “volumes”.
Have you studied up on TIF?
Btw.The “friends” volunteer their “time”, “money”,and “labor” into their efforts to save and preserve one of the few remaining historical buildings that is in the very heart of Lombard’s historical district.

raymond commented about DuPage Theater on Nov 1, 2005 at 6:40 am

True class blabbers to “Jim”. “ Mr. Difino never claimed himself our leader” This is a direct quote from the September 1,2005 village board meeting.
“Robert Difino thanked the board for the opportunity to speak.He said that "he” represents the silent majority which does not have an army of speakers,yet “he” said that his side represents the majority of residents.“ [lol] Sure all 23.[lol]
Doesn’t that sound like Difino is your soooo called ” self proclaimed leader?“
Spare us all from your nonesense.
Is it jmi, but didn’t trustee Steven D.Sebby[author of the demolision resolution] offer up Difino’s name to be on the "transportation and safety committee”? humm.
What does that say about “self proclaimed”?

raymond commented about DuPage Theater on Nov 1, 2005 at 5:22 am

Again true class.Duper is not “Jim"
Do you not read?
Have you brushed up on TIF yet?

raymond commented about DuPage Theater on Nov 1, 2005 at 4:53 am

True class.Duper supporter is not “Jim”.
Did you brush up on TIF yet?

raymond commented about DuPage Theater on Nov 1, 2005 at 4:34 am

So much for “challenger” coming aboard to “save the day”!
His hate for the “friends” still prevails.
Any doubt about his “true” identity?

raymond commented about DuPage Theater on Nov 1, 2005 at 3:18 am

Toni.Are the “friends” able to change the demolition trustees vote and also “change their minds about demolishing the theatre?"
After all ,five proposals have come before the village board of trustees and all five were rejected by the village board of trustees.
Just what good does another proposal do?

raymond commented about DuPage Theater on Oct 31, 2005 at 5:25 pm

Deb.The demolition trustees are the sticking points!
What are the realities?
What are the probabilities?
What are the priorities?
Then list your the priorities of just who to “schmooze”.

raymond commented about DuPage Theater on Oct 31, 2005 at 4:50 pm

True class.Did you brush up on TIF?

raymond commented about DuPage Theater on Oct 31, 2005 at 4:49 pm

Deb.Everything is possible.But is it probable?

raymond commented about DuPage Theater on Oct 31, 2005 at 3:11 pm

challenger.caps lock.please.
Remember that one?

raymond commented about DuPage Theater on Oct 31, 2005 at 2:06 pm

Toni.Are the “friends ” able to convince the demolition crew of Village of Lombard trustees to change their votes and to “change their minds” about demolishing the Dupage Theatre?

raymond commented about DuPage Theater on Oct 27, 2005 at 10:55 am

Who ray? not me.Dude are you ray?The Truth.Are you ray,rey or whoever?
These guys are all wacco.Play your little game.
I will “post around you”.Remember that one.

raymond commented about DuPage Theater on Oct 27, 2005 at 10:34 am

Sure.I am just a taxpayer who is trying to save and preserve the theatre.
You and your group are are all a bunch of liars and frauds.
You people lie your way out of the truth.
And I am not Devitt ,rey mazolini or anyone else who you want to steal their identity from.
BTW.“The village put ”$500K “into the theatre.”“Where?

raymond commented about DuPage Theater on Oct 27, 2005 at 9:49 am

The Truth .Yea.If your revelation is accurate then there is something wrong.Something is amiss
What is with this “identity ” thing these guys have?
Challenger again"What tax intervention"?
The key word is ……“What”.
The Truth.Are you rey mazolini,or restoration rita,ect.The list just keeps getting longer and longer.If they talk about someone’s identity then they don’t have to confront the “issues.” Nothing new there.
Talk about “identity theft.” This is ridiculous.

raymond commented about DuPage Theater on Oct 27, 2005 at 9:18 am

Who is rey mazolini?
Whoever he is you are wrong.But that is nothing new.“You” are always wrong.
Nothing new there.
I have another “Identity” now.Wow.
Dupage dude, we really got them swinging now.Throw them some peanuts.They are getting restless!

raymond commented about DuPage Theater on Oct 27, 2005 at 9:07 am

For the hard of reading [challenger]
TIF rebates for the Lincoln Sq.condo/retail.Did you and your group say “No TIF no Lincoln Sq?” I didn’t hear any!
Sales tax “rebates” for the Lincoln Sq. retail. Did you and your group say"No sales tax rebates no Lincoln Sq"? I didn’t hear any.
TIF for a condo developer = apples
TIF for the theatre = apples.
If not then prove it otherwise.TIF is TIF.
Grants are grants.Also grants are not “applications”.Remember that “lie?”

raymond commented about DuPage Theater on Oct 27, 2005 at 8:45 am

Challenger. “What tax intervention"
Key word "What”