Comments from Nushboy07

Showing 76 - 89 of 89 comments

Nushboy07 commented about NuWilshire Theatre on Oct 31, 2007 at 5:32 pm

Yup, that’s right. I work tomorrow by the way. I took plenty of pictures. For those of you who would like to see them, just hit me up with your e-mail and I’ll be glad to send them to you!

Nushboy07 commented about NuWilshire Theatre on Oct 30, 2007 at 12:23 pm

Exactly! So, unfortunetly it is inevitable…

Nushboy07 commented about NuWilshire Theatre on Oct 28, 2007 at 10:54 am

Well, actually no matter how many people we had come in, the building has already been sold so we would be closing reguardless. This particular Landmark theatre has been making more money than all other theatres, but since the owner has sucessfully sold the theatre to another company, we will be closing no matter what.

Nushboy07 commented about NuWilshire Theatre on Oct 28, 2007 at 9:42 am

Man, last night sure drew a big crowd for Into the Wild. We had 130+ people attend our 8:15 show. My dad even stopped by. Although it was crowded like crazy, it was nice to know that my theatre drew in a crowd near closing time. I felt really good about having a nice large crowd in our little theatre, and hoped to witness these things in the future. But, I guess after the 4th, those days will be long gone.

Nushboy07 commented about NuWilshire Theatre on Oct 27, 2007 at 10:34 am

Man, I sure am going to miss this place. Even though I’ve only been working there since last May. I remember the first time I came there, back in 1999, to see The Blair Witch Project. Man, and to think that would be a place I would be working eight years later and to see it go, is just amazing and sad at the same time. A jean store…yeah…what an idea. Just what Santa Monica needs. *Even though there already is an Ancor Blue and Lucky Jeans just on Montana several blocks up. [rolls eyes]

Nushboy07 commented about NuWilshire Theatre on Oct 25, 2007 at 12:13 pm

The images I have a are a little distorted, but I will get better ones later on. I’ll add the address to the theatre as well.

Nushboy07 commented about NuWilshire Theatre on Oct 25, 2007 at 12:06 pm

No, he’s not dead. He just doesn’t want to be bothered by anyone because I’m sure he knows that if it was possible to contact him people would call him nonstop and that might actually make him fell guilty and not want to close the place down.

Nushboy07 commented about NuWilshire Theatre on Oct 25, 2007 at 11:54 am

Will do. Can you give me a specific e-mail I can send the pictures to?

Nushboy07 commented about NuWilshire Theatre on Oct 23, 2007 at 4:53 pm

Right now the staff and I are taking as many pictures as possible to remember how unique and unaverage this theatre is.

Nushboy07 commented about Aero Theatre on Oct 23, 2007 at 4:37 pm

It’s all about the NuWilshire!

Nushboy07 commented about NuWilshire Theatre on Oct 22, 2007 at 5:47 pm

Very true, all thanks to City Hall, which by the way has been more corrupt then ever. They’ve been trying to approve the removal of 50+ ficus trees on 2nd and 4th streets, and the people are highly against this. This just prooves how Santa Monica is not a green city thanks to City Hall. Luckily, the “Treesavers” have been successful to halt the actions until October 26th. Let’s hope that lasts. It would be such a blow to have 50 natural grown tress gone along with the NuWilshire.

Nushboy07 commented about Landmark Theatres on Oct 22, 2007 at 5:31 pm

Might get a job here after the closing of the NuWilshire next month.

Nushboy07 commented about NuWilshire Theatre on Oct 22, 2007 at 5:28 pm

Well, we’ve started to tell people about the closing of the theatre and from every person we told, grief and sadness was expressed. Unfortunetly, since there is no way of contacting the owner, it’s impossible to do anything to the theatre now. I’m surprised at Santa Monica for allowing this to go forward, but I guess this is just another factor of business and how important it is for people to make profit. Yeah, there is a large amount of space behind the two screens at my theatre. A lot of storage space that could be used, but still, lol!!!

Nushboy07 commented about NuWilshire Theatre on Oct 22, 2007 at 4:54 pm

I can’t believe the owner is so dumb as to sell such a wonderful and historic theatre. I mean, if it was going to be an upgraded theatre, I wouldn’t mind as much, but a jean store? Are you serious? Yeah, we really need more stores like that in Santa Monica…Screw the 80 year old theatre. Rediculus. This has been such a great place for the fact that it was out of the way of the Promenade and was just a nice little cozy place to catch an artsy flick.

All of us here are sad that it’s closing. And right now we are playing to successful films: Into the Wild and Eastern Promises. These old theatre houses are all we have left of old historic places that are still around, and to just change it and see ANCHOR BLUE all over the building will just be something hard to live with. But ofcourse, the landlord doesn’t give a crap. Oh, well.