Comments from Goodheart

Showing 76 - 79 of 79 comments

Goodheart commented about Rio Piedras Theatre on Mar 3, 2006 at 5:44 am

I lived on Stockton St., directly down a few blocks from the Loew’s Broadway Theatre. It was located on a corner of Broadway under the El. I would have to walk up hill to the theatre.
It was usually darkish under the marquee around the boxoffice and where the now playing pictures were posted in the frames under glass.
I recall the day I struck gold, while walking past the gated area on the Stockton St. side of the theatre where they disposed of the trash. The gate was ajar and I poked through the barrels and found some 8 x 10 glossies of movie stills that was discarded. It must have been 1958 since the glossies were of the films “The Long Hot Summer”, “Cy Terror” with James Mason, “Harry Black and the Tiger”, “The Big Country”, etc. I still have the stills today.
You could imagine what a find it was, especially for a moviebuff like myself.
Good memories of a grand theatre.


Goodheart commented about Sun Theatre on Mar 3, 2006 at 4:15 am


By the way the Sun theater is listed in the Theatres section in my 1955 Brooklyn phone book at 637 Broadway in Brooklyn. And the phone number was EVergreen 4-9203, so it was still open during that year.


Goodheart commented about Sun Theatre on Mar 3, 2006 at 4:09 am

I remember going to the neighborhood Sun theater, under the El, in the 1950s. At that time it was run down. I recall seeing a double bill of 2 Universal-International films “Girls in the Night” and “City Across the River”, which in my opinion were very good.
They also showed previews of Spanish speaking pictures which would be shown at alernate times during the week.
Those were the days.


Goodheart commented about Loew's Metropolitan Theatre on Mar 3, 2006 at 3:58 am

I recall going to the Loew’s Metropolitan (we called it the Met) to see Bette Davis and Olivia de Havilland in person when they were promoting the movie “Hush…Hush Sweet Charlotte” in the mid-1960s.
I happened to catch one of the roses that Miss Davis threw out to the audience, which I still have crushed in a art deco frame.
Both ladies looked swell that day and they were traveling by bus. Miss Davis couldn’t wait to get back into the bus to have a smoke. Miss de Havilland was more graceous as she sat by the window smiling and waving to all the fans.
I also remember seeing the movie “Some Like It Hot” at the Met and the theater was jam packed. When they ran the 2nd. feature first (I believe it was “Step Down to Terror”) the crowd moaned and groaned.
Of all the theaters on the Fulton St. strip in Brooklyn, my favorite movie palace was the RKO Albee, which was located near the Dimes Saving Bank. It was indeed a grand movie theater, where I sat and enjoyed many motion pictures in the 1950s and 1960s. It’s a shame that it doesn’t exist anymore.

lovetheoldtheaters Joe