Comments from Denpiano

Showing 76 - 100 of 103 comments

Denpiano commented about Radio City Music Hall on Nov 30, 2005 at 5:34 pm

Perhaps we were young and those first impressions stay with us, good or bad. Think about it, todays young people will probably be upset in the future if the “Idiot Speakers” are removed, “ Hey, wheres the speakers??”
Yes, the Leonidoff Nativity was Beautiful, thank God we were able to experience it! I won’t speculate as to why it was replaced and have heard some rediculus reasons by those who “know something”. The Music Hall is in business to make money, they are very effective at new ideas to do just that!

Denpiano commented about Radio City Music Hall on Nov 28, 2005 at 3:33 pm

Organ-ized, Sorry for the givaway! just want our out of town friends to get the feel for the show, I hope they can come in and see it. The OLD GIRL is just great! In fine Tune..
CConnolly, yes the Bizarre voice over is still intact and yes the 70’s version was nicer in some ways. However, in this day I’m thrilled its still open and showing this performance as it is! Better it remains open and functioning, I’d love to see the old format too, ITS NOT GONNA HAPPEN..period . Remember, as long as people pay the price and fill the space, it will stay the same..

Denpiano commented about Radio City Music Hall on Nov 22, 2005 at 5:52 pm

Vito, the High Def screen is used extensively during the new opening number and is quite effective! It is used as backdrop effects for the Rockettes during their new number. New music, new costumes, and even the steam curtain is used!!Snow flakes fall from “D"cove and dissipate before they hit the seats( Thats a new one). Santa enters the show via a large snowflake being lowered centerstage. The 3D ride in the beginning is still intact. By the way, as Santa is lowered, you can feel the organs big Diaphones shake the place up. The rest of the show is pretty much intact from years past except the effect of Santa leaving to deliver his packages is produced very nicely by the High Def screen.

Denpiano commented about Radio City Music Hall on Nov 21, 2005 at 4:43 pm

Hi Vito, You were not too far off describing my being “chained” to the organ. Everything feels NORMAL again!! Everyone should come to the show, its really nice! New opening number and effects including a new 53,000 lb. high definition screen at the rear of the stage!
It really lights the place up and there are some nice effects used during the show. I haven’t had a chance to discuss terms of the contract yet because I’ve been “hidden” in the organ chambers doing various work during the shows, gotta take care of the OLD GIRL 1st!

Denpiano commented about Radio City Music Hall on Nov 17, 2005 at 8:15 pm

The Musicians will be back starting tomorrow at the 2:30 show.
Sound check is tomorrow Morning ( Friday)

Denpiano commented about Radio City Music Hall on Nov 16, 2005 at 5:35 pm

Vincent, During the 1999 renovation, I mentioned that the cove color was way too light and was told it had gotten really dark due to the incorrect use of color during the ‘79 renovation. I laughed as I was told that information, I am convinced it is the way it is to show up better on TV. When it was done, I looked closely at it and it almost looked Creme in color! Also, the cove lighting was changed, especially the deep blue color is nowhere the way it was. Progress??
Your guess is as good as mine! By the way, the same patrons that take the kids to see Barney are going to the Christmas show, hence the lack of caring about an orchestra!

Denpiano commented about Loew's Pitkin Theatre on Nov 16, 2005 at 11:53 am

PKoch, I lived on Pacific Street between Saratoga & Hopkinson until I was 11 yrs.old. My family went shopping on Pitkin Ave. many times.
They would buy all my suits accross from the Pitkin Theatre & I also recall a guy on the corner who sold coconut drinks. He was easy to remember because he had fake heads with faces & sticks in the noses that scared the heck out of me! (ha,ha)Funny Now! I went to the Pitkin many times and as I said previously ,I was quite impressed even as a young man. It was a very nice area up until we moved in 1963. I don’t remember what a bad area looked like at the age of 11,
to me the Theatre was all I could think about. A couple of years ago, my friend claimed he found the Morton organ console at a guys house that was selling organ parts, he wanted to buy it for me but said it was in bad condition. I guess the “mystery” of these great houses is what kept me interested in theatres till this day.

Denpiano commented about Loew's Pitkin Theatre on Nov 16, 2005 at 11:53 am

PKoch, I lived on Pacific Street between Saratoga & Hopkinson until I was 11 yrs.old. My family went shopping on Pitkin Ave. many times.
They would buy all my suits accross from the Pitkin Theatre & I also recall a guy on the corner who sold coconut drinks. He was easy to remember because he had fake heads with faces & sticks in the noses that scared the heck out of me! (ha,ha)Funny Now! I went to the Pitkin many times and as I said previously ,I was quite impressed even as a young man. It was a very nice area up until we moved in 1963. I don’t remember what a bad area looked like at the age of 11,
to me the Theatre was all I could think about. A couple of years ago, my friend claimed he found the Morton organ console at a guys house that was selling organ parts, he wanted to buy it for me but said it was in bad condition. I guess the “mystery” of these great houses is what kept me interested in theatres till this day.

Denpiano commented about Loew's Pitkin Theatre on Nov 14, 2005 at 6:15 pm

PKoch- I don’t usually give my age away, however, what the heck! I’m 53.. Thanks for your description of the 3-D banner and the “movie theatre smell” you describe. I remember it well, I went to the Pitkin quite a few times between 1959-1961. As I described in an earlier comment, I really never looked at the movie, I would look around at everything else that the eye could see in the dark. I remember asking to see the orchestra pit, but the usher would'nt let me “Down There” !! I was quite upset to say the least, but, after all, I was a little kid with no clout. I wish I could have heard the Morton pipe organ, that would have been neat. I understand it was quite powerful for its size due to larger scaling of the pipework.
An older friend of mine described it as sounding really good.

Denpiano commented about Loew's Pitkin Theatre on Nov 12, 2005 at 9:01 pm

It really saddens me to see this old childhood friend in such poor condition. I was a little fellow in the late 50’s but do remember this theatre as a beautiful ( and incredibly cold in summer) theatre.
We would walk up to the box office on a summer day to see Jerry Lewis as the Bellboy and the cold air coming from inside was simply incredible! In to the theatre we would go , my parents would buy me a mellow roll? ice cream, and into the auditorium we would go.
I remember missing a lot of the film because I was looking at all the
statues on the sides and the blue ceiling. Do I recall a blue lit cove under the balcony when sitting in the back of the orchestra section? What a great place, I feel honored to have seen such great architecture and design!

Denpiano commented about Radio City Music Hall on Nov 10, 2005 at 4:56 pm

Organ-ized- I remember your group very well, we had a great time also and you are welcome back anytime. Ray Bohr was a great arranger at the great organ and I have tried to duplicate his sound with some success!! EdSolerno- The organ is a single instrument with 2 consoles completely independent of each other, an organist could use either Prompt, or Opposite Prompt consoles to play from. When we refinished and refitted the Prompt console, left side looking at stage, the right console was used. Incidentally Jimmy Paulin was quite the interesting entertainer at the console, I knew a girl who studied with him and could play his arrangements almost exactly.

Denpiano commented about Radio City Music Hall on Nov 7, 2005 at 6:19 pm

sorry my post was repeated 3 times! I had trouble with the site?

Denpiano commented about Radio City Music Hall on Nov 7, 2005 at 6:04 pm

Today as the Music Hall crew was setting up the stage for a concert tonight by Ben Folds? , the stage manager asked if I would take her behind the scenes of the Wurlitzer. Well, OF COURSE ! was my reply.
I took her all over the building and to her credit, she crawled around in the chambers to experience what our crew has to do to keep the Old Lady in tip top shape. She was amazed at how it works and how powerful it is when in the chambers. To make a long story short,
it was this small education that gave her a new appreciation of the instrument, she had not realized how important the instrument like
the orchestra is! I hope she will speak up on our behalf, now that she understands its importance to be heard and seen!

Denpiano commented about Radio City Music Hall on Nov 7, 2005 at 6:03 pm

Today as the Music Hall crew was setting up the stage for a concert tonight by Ben Folds? , the stage manager asked if I would take her behind the scenes of the Wurlitzer. Well, OF COURSE ! was my reply.
I took her all over the building and to her credit, she crawled around in the chambers to experience what our crew has to do to keep the Old Lady in tip top shape. She was amazed at how it works and how powerful it is when in the chambers. To make a long story short,
it was this small education that gave her a new appreciation of the instrument, she had not realized how important the instrument like
the orchestra is! I hope she will speak up on our behalf, now that she understands its importance to be heard and seen!

Denpiano commented about Radio City Music Hall on Nov 7, 2005 at 6:03 pm

Today as the Music Hall crew was setting up the stage for a concert tonight by Ben Folds? , the stage manager asked if I would take her behind the scenes of the Wurlitzer. Well, OF COURSE ! was my reply.
I took her all over the building and to her credit, she crawled around in the chambers to experience what our crew has to do to keep the Old Lady in tip top shape. She was amazed at how it works and how powerful it is when in the chambers. To make a long story short,
it was this small education that gave her a new appreciation of the instrument, she had not realized how important the instrument like
the orchestra is! I hope she will speak up on our behalf, now that she understands its importance to be heard and seen!

Denpiano commented about Radio City Music Hall on Nov 5, 2005 at 4:24 am

Last nights “opener” proved what todays audience is like. I stood at the rear of the theatre while the executive producer was on stage welcoming them to the 2005 Christmas spactacular. As he was speaking of a beloved member of the theatre who passed away this year the volume level( talking & whinning) came up 70 decibels. Attention span 53 seconds!!… The poor sound guys have to raise levels where they are, you have to be able to hear over the chatter. SO, I guess Vincent is CORRECT! Canned, or Manned, its all the same. Oh, by the way, the organ was canned also. Might as well put plastic on the consoles and role ‘em in..

Denpiano commented about Radio City Music Hall on Nov 3, 2005 at 4:29 pm

As mentioned by Vito, the show did go on today and unfortunately
most culturally challenged show goers did not care about the live
music. What do you expect?? this is ths I-Pod generation. Download
free music, blow your ears out with constant headphone use! I'll
bet 99.9% never played a real instrument or care about how difficult
it is to perform. It is a sad day for me. I work hard to keep the
organ in tip top shape and now can’t realize the fruits of my labor.
The organists are out as well and the kids won’t see a one of a kind
instrument. The band car rising and crossing the stage as they
introduce the Nativity. What else can I say?

Denpiano commented about Radio City Music Hall on Nov 3, 2005 at 4:42 am

The Rockettes and stagehands walked out last night in solidarity,
today will tell if there indeed will be a show this year.

Denpiano commented about Radio City Music Hall on Oct 29, 2005 at 8:50 pm

The organ is used in May for all the graduations and also
for any renters of the hall that request it, though rare, they
sometimes ask for “walk ins” 20 minutes or more prior to whatever
extravaganza they are throwing. Update: tomorrow (SUN)we are supposed
to have an orchestra run thru for the christmas show, I hope they settled their differences!!

Denpiano commented about Radio City Music Hall on Oct 28, 2005 at 5:02 am

Geoffrey- I am not one of the BISHOPS, I do however work for the family. The Prompt console in fact has two extra stop rails, on the right are Tibias ( White Tabs) at all pitch levels for Ease? of finding them. Dick, Ray & co. never had trouble finding them and neither do I. Left side bottom are Black tabs for MIDI control. Now you can play Midi on all manuals & Pedals. There are also extra toe pistons on the console for more control. A dear friend of mine who also worked on the organ and has recently passed away was a Dick Liebert & Ray Bohr fan and knew them both VERY WELL! He gave me some of Rays intros to learn & I enjoy duplicating the old sound at 3AM
when the theatre is quiet & I can experiment the quieter voices of the organ. The OLD LADY as the guys call her is in fine tune, too bad
it may not be used for the show do to the musicians strike.
PS, you’re correct! The Theatre Organ Did put musicians out of work
except for the organist.

Denpiano commented about Radio City Music Hall on Oct 27, 2005 at 5:28 am

Geoffrey- Great Comments, excellent! I too went to hear Liebert and
later on Ray Bohr, both last of a Dead breed. Concerning Virtual
orchestras, they are basically just that, a computer that uses a
real conducter( computer operator) that conducts this machine to play arrangements of REAL orchestra sounds. I’ve seen and heard it
and I can tell you, its scary!! Vincent- The organists are 802 members and were at the protest yesterday across from the Hall.
I take care of the organ and I put the locks on it when I left yesterday. No one has come in to use it as yet and we are just tuning and general maintenance.

Denpiano commented about Radio City Music Hall on Oct 26, 2005 at 9:24 am

It seems there will be a show regardless of musicians. Virtual
orchestra anyone? The post reported ( small article ) that they
are at an impass with union and Will use other means..
What a mess!

Denpiano commented about Radio City Music Hall on Oct 22, 2005 at 5:20 am

There will be a musicians rally Oct.26th , 5PM between 50th & 51st
Streets as reported on the unions web site.

Denpiano commented about Radio City Music Hall on Oct 21, 2005 at 12:41 pm

Bravo Vincent! certain people wanted to amplify the organ to the surround system installed in the theatre. Was a time the organ
was the loudest sound there! So much for the “Mighty Wurlitzer"
You’re correct, everything is overdone today. No quality,
all quantity!

Denpiano commented about Radio City Music Hall on Oct 21, 2005 at 9:58 am

Vito, I don’t know about the maternity leave issue. None of the
people I spoke to know about it. I’ve worked on the Wurlitzer for the
past 12 years and have not heard a thing from the Organists or
management about its use. Im CONCERNED ! usually the guys are in for practice by now.