Embassy Theatre

3208 Fulton Street,
Brooklyn, NY 11208

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jacktomai on October 16, 2007 at 6:13 pm

Mopella, I went to Blessed Sacrament grade school and then Delehanty High School in Jamaica. Sandy Masone lived directly across the street from us. Sandy and I were the same age, her younger brother Joey was good friends with my future brother-in-law John Picini who lived directly next door to me on Autumn Ave until the mid 60s when they moved to 153 Hemlock St. I married his sister Louise in 1973. Sandy and Joey’s older sister, Johanna was a real nice girl. I loved Dundee and Joe Masoni, the parents. Dundee used to have a beauty shop in her basement. My mom and grandmother went to her all the time to get their hair done. Dundee and Joe also, for a short time, owned the candy store on the corner of Ridgewood Ave and Autumn Ave. Although our paths may have crossed back in the day, I have to say I don’t remember your name, either. I knew Darleen Greenwood as a kid in school but once in high school we hardly ever saw each other again. I had become best friends with guys from Ridgewood (thru high school) so most of my teen years were spent in the Ridgewood/Glendale area. I must have ridden the B18 and 13 Crescent buses more times than the bus drivers!
I went to high school with Tommy Long of Long’s Ice Cream Parlor. I didn’t know him well but I do remember that he had some kind of an accident or was mugged or something that resulted in brain damage. I remember going to Long’s for a concoction called a “Frappe”. It was ice cream topped with chocolate syrup topped with whipped marshmellow! Long’s made the best! But I never really hung out there. We hung out on Madison Ave. in Ridgewood at an ice cream parlor called Koletty’s (not sure if correctly spelled). And almost every Friday night during my HS years was spent at the Hillside Roller Rink and then Jahn’s Ice Cream Parlor for the Kitchen Sink.

FranF on October 16, 2007 at 4:44 pm

Jack Tomai – I remember Darleen Greenwood and her sister Barbara. They lived on Autumn Ave. I lived on Hemlock St., corner of Etna Street from 1960 to 1968. Darleen, MaryAnn Santeramo and Maria Lepani could always be found together. They were inseparable. They also
“hung out” at Long’s Ice Cream Parlor and I knew them very well. In fact all three were at our wedding in 1968. I am so glad you mentioned the “Masone” family. I had that last name wrong (kept thinking it was Messino). I remember Sandy Masone – she was the “comedienne” of the group. Now I am wondering if I knew you, although your name does not ring a bell. My name back then was Fran Polimine. I have a younger brother Joe, who worked behind the counter at “Henry’s Deli” on the corner of Etna and Autumn. Did you go to PS 171?

jacktomai on October 16, 2007 at 4:33 pm

Yes, that’s right. Johnny Natoli lived right next door to us. He did become a teacher. His sisters were Grace and Patty. Johnny and I loved the sci-fi/horror movies of the 50s. We both were crazy about the giant ant movie THEM and the giant spider movie TARANTULA. Johnny was a really nice guy. Do you know how he is currently doing? Where he lives, teaches, etc?

limikep on October 16, 2007 at 2:35 pm

Jack.. I remember the Natoli’s. I had their son (John) as my english teacher in I.S. 171. It must be the same people you mentioned. He later went on to become a principle at another school.

jacktomai on October 16, 2007 at 1:57 pm

Mopella mentions Darleen Greenwood whom I remember from the nabe. Darleen had a younger sister, Barbara and they lived on Ridgewood Ave. and later moved to Autumn Ave, I believe. I lived on Autumn Ave between Ridgewood and Fulton (closer to Ridgewood). I remember that Darleen’s parents bought a fire-engine red 1955 Chevy Bel-Air. It was a beauty! I loved that car…wish I could go back and see it again! Our neighbors were the Natoli’s, the Masoni’s and Puleo’s, among others. Great neighbors.
Michael P: I owned Jack’s Tops and Bottoms from 1971-1974. My store was on Fulton Street between Autumn and Lincoln. Across the street
from my store right on the corner of Fulton and Autumn was Joe’s Mens Shop. Joe’s was strictly menswear while my store was more “boutique” for both sexes.
Getting back to the Embassy Theatre: does anyone remember the “FRIGHT SHOWS” they had a few times around Halloween? I remember one where I went with my buddies Johnny and Jimmy Heslin and we saw the Frankenstein monster and the Mummy right there in the aisles. Very scary!!!! The movie, if I’m not mistaken, was “Abbott and Costello meet Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde”. I also remember my grandmother diligently attending every Tuesday night, I believe, no matter what the movie was because Tuesday was dish night. I think they stopped that in the late-50s. There was also a Bingo night! Imagine that! What nice memories!

panthergirl on October 16, 2007 at 1:00 pm

Nope… those Vitale’s weren’t related to me.

I did have cousins named DiMarco (Nicholas and Laura) who lived on Linwood Street, and Vitales on Elderts Lane (I think)… my Aunt Millie and cousins Joseph, Linda and Cathy.

limikep on October 16, 2007 at 12:19 pm

195 lincoln was between Ridgewood Ave. and Fulton St. On my block there was a Vitale family. Ray, Tom, John, Lois, and two others? I lived next to a school yard (I.S. 171).. talk about crazy people. I don’t know any of the names you mentioned but I bet they did visit the school yard and I did hang with them at some point.

panthergirl on October 16, 2007 at 9:03 am

Which side of Atlantic Avenue is 195 Lincoln? My father was the mailman from Hill Street to Sheridan Avenue, from Atlantic to Liberty, for many years.

Does anyone know these names (friends of mine during the 60s and early 70s):

Wall (family members who lived on Grant Avenue in between the St. Sylvester convents)
Cifarelli (my sister’s friend Gerry)
Catapano (Jimmy Catapano really did “put his eye out” playing stick ball. Eek.

My street, Sheridan between Atlantic and McKinley, had the MOST crazy people living on it in the neighborhood. There was a woman named Birdie who used to direct traffic on Atlantic Avenue…

limikep on October 16, 2007 at 7:58 am

We sold the house Oct. 1978 and Joe remained upon the sale of the house. Not sure how long he stayed with the new owners.

J. Tomai mentioned he owned JACK’S TOPS AND BOTTOMS. I remember a JOE’S MENS SHOP. I think this shop took the place of JACK’S after 1974. Was this shop at the same location?

Also surprised no one mention the Triangle Ball Room near Jahn’s ice cream in Richmond Hill. My parents had their wedding reception there?

PKoch on October 15, 2007 at 9:34 am

Good to connect with you, MichaelP. Yes, eight fish tanks : way cool ! Did you and your parents finish the woodwork after Joe had moved out ?

It’s good you were able to go sledding in the Forest Park golf course. I’ve never been inside there, and have only passed by. Yes, perhaps you were lucky, or smart, to avoid injuries there.

limikep on October 15, 2007 at 8:34 am

Yes PKoch, small world. You are right about Joe’s apartment but at the time, the trains were my dad’s. I did play with them alot. I did have eight fish tanks in that same room. How cool was that. And yes, I am the son who is writing. And you are right about the woodwork going on in the apartment. I don’t think he ever finished that project. My mom and dad were not happy with that.

I use to go sledding in Forest Park as well. My friends and I went to the golf course. Many huge hills and one call “camels hump” because of the big bump as you started down the hill. Many people got hurt there as well… I was lucky, or maybe smart, and avoided any injuries?

PKoch on October 12, 2007 at 9:30 am

Good to hear from you, MichaelP. Small world.

As I recall, Joe B. had the back three rooms and bathroom of the second floor of 195 Lincoln Avenue as an apartment. The front three rooms were off limits to Joe via a middle door that stayed locked, and were occupied by the landlord’s son’s electric train layouts. Perhaps yours, MichaelP ?

I visited Joe twice at 195 Lincoln Avenue. First in July 1976. Then, he was stripping and finishing the woodwork in his apartment. Second time was late January 1978 after a blizzard. We went sledding in Forest Park, on the slope near where Forest Park Drive comes down to Park Lane South and crosses it to become Forest Parkway. Unfortunately, Joe broke his arm sledding and, when I and his other guests, including Laura Messina, and Joe’s younger sister and her boyfriend, had left, Joe was faced with getting himself to a hospital emergency room, post-blizzard, to get his arm treated.

When I came back to 195 Lincoln Avenue in August 1979 looking for Joe, I was told he had moved away, to Saugerties, in upstate NY as his sister’s boyfriend subsequently told me. I next saw Joe B. at the Redemptorist monastery in Suffield, Ct. on the Mass. border in May 1980, where he was studying for the priesthood. I next saw him in Ridgewood in August 1982 when he was in NYC visiting family and friends and the clergy of Blessed Sacrament parish. I think he’d been ordained in Wisconsin the year before.

Joe B. also mentioned he’d seen the Shroud Of Turin material at the Redemptorist monastery in Esopus, New York, and had enjoyed seeing it.

limikep on October 11, 2007 at 8:47 pm

My family owned 195 Lincoln Avenue from 1956 to 1978. I remember Joe.

robbiedupree on October 11, 2007 at 4:18 pm

For Mopella- Please email me at robbiedupree@earthlink…i would love to talk with youu- robbie

PKoch on October 11, 2007 at 1:05 pm

You’re welcome, Mopella. My pleasure. I am always for quality posting that brings people together, rather than driving them apart.

FranF on October 11, 2007 at 12:44 pm

I certainly did!! I have been viewing that site for quite a while now. In fact, I connected with someone I graduated with in 1964 – we now communicate weekly. Thanks!

PKoch on October 11, 2007 at 10:56 am

Yes, it is fun, Mopella. Have you checked out


yet ? Lots of great stuff on it about ENY and Cypress Hills.

FranF on October 11, 2007 at 10:49 am

I’m 60 years old and my husband is 62. Big age difference between you and us. Don’t know a Joe Bettinger, but small world, my husband lived at 252 Lincoln Ave. from 1960 – 1968. His name didn’t ring any bells with him either. Oh well. It is still fun corresponding with people from the “old neighborhood”.

PKoch on October 11, 2007 at 10:40 am

Laura Messina did have a sister. I don’t know her name. I am 51 years of age, and will be 52 next month. I also know a Joe Bettinger of 16 Grant Avenue (parents) and 195 Lincoln Avenue (his own place) who would now be about 55 years of age.

FranF on October 11, 2007 at 10:26 am

The only Messina we remember is Sandy. I don’t recall her having a younger sister, but we could be wrong. I am pretty sure she did have a younger brother. I’m guessing you’re alot younger than I am – we moved to Woodhaven in 1968 and then to Suffolk County, L.I. in 1972 – been here ever since. The only name I recognized on this site was Robbie Dupree. I enjoy reading everyone’s comments alot.

PKoch on October 11, 2007 at 9:28 am

I remember a Laura Messina from Autumn Avenue, 1975-78. Small world.

FranF on October 10, 2007 at 8:56 pm

This message is for Robbie Dupree (or as we knew him “Bobby” Dupree). I have seen your name a number times on this site and I am sure you are the same person we knew in the early sixties. My name is Fran (Polimine) Fleming. I lived on Hemlock St. and Richie Fleming (Lincoln Avenue) and I were married in 1968. We met at Long’s Ice Cream Parlor on Fulton Street back in 1962. I clearly remember you, along with Marianne Santeramo, Darleen Greewood and Maria Lepani. I think you lived on Autumn Ave., close to Sandy (Banana) Messina. If you are this person, we would love to hear from you. You probably remember Rich more than myself. Hope life has been treating you well. It was good to see your name on here. Best Wishes – The Flemings.

PKoch on September 28, 2007 at 3:44 pm

Muzer :

Once again, small world, though.


PKoch on September 28, 2007 at 11:35 am

Muzer :

Yeah, I’ll bet.


Muzerof2 on September 28, 2007 at 11:29 am


Not too far from where I was. Although I’m glad I’m not there at all now LOL!!
