Comments from MPol

Showing 851 - 875 of 1,295 comments

MPol commented about Remembering Cinerama (Part 19: Boston) on Jan 26, 2009 at 12:04 pm

Glad to see that there’s now a Boston chapter of the Cinerama. I was too young to see most of those films, since I was a young preteen when most of them came out, but some of the other films that came out in the 1960’s I could’ve seen with no problems. I was a kid growing up in a suburb, so I didn’t get to go to movies as often as I would’ve if I’d grown up in or closer to the city. Too bad about the subway causing the theatre to vibrate. Scary! Didn’t know there were lines for refunds. Nowadays, one has to wait in line with the rest of them in order to get refunds. Wierd. Sign of the times, I guess.

MPol commented about Ridgewood Theatre on Jan 26, 2009 at 11:49 am

Since I don’t live in the NY area, I don’t really have a dog in this discussion, but, knowing me, I almost always have something or other to say, anyhow.

MPol commented about Ziegfeld Theatre on Jan 26, 2009 at 11:42 am

Giles: From what I understand (correct me if I’m wrong) is that there are some issues with the 70mm print of the film “West Side Story”: some of the channels or whatever are missing. I know nothing about it, but that’s what I read/heard. Glad that you enjoyed the new stage revival that you saw down in Washington, DC. Too bad if Tony was that bland. I heard a small radio commercial advertising the Broadway revival of West Side Story, with a little bit of Matt Cavenaugh’s singing; too much vibrato, and, often enough, one could sort of skip-rope through the vibratoes, because they were so wide, if one gets the drift.

William: You’re probably right about labor costs being why prices could only continue to go up, as opposed to coming down, especially with something like West Side Story. Unlike most musicals, West Side Story is far too special to have anything or anybody except a top-notch cast, orchestra and director. Otherwise, a musical such as this could be totally ruined.

LuisV: You’re right on that count, I think. From what I’ve heard, a lot of these long-running Broadway shows HAVE closed down, due to lack of buying from consumers. Too bad about that. The only thing about buying tickets online, however, is that one has to really KNOW the online venue that they’re using. A lot of these online ticket venues aren’t very secure. I’ve read/heard a number of stories about people buying tickets online for a show, concert, etc., because they’re anxious to get a discount on tickets, and end up being the victims of identity theft or whatever, because the online venues that they used turned out to be bogus websites. That’s why I’m not willing to do financial transactions online anymore than I can help, including purchase tickets. I have, on occasion, bought advance tickets online for an occasional movie, but that’s because I was thoroughly familiar with the venues that I used, due to their being from theatres that I frequently patronize and therefore am familiar with and know the staff pretty well.

Again though, LuisV, with a stageplay, I prefer to sit closer to the stage and not too far back, so yes, in that respect, I am somewhat fussier.

MPol commented about Ridgewood Theatre on Jan 26, 2009 at 11:17 am

I see your point, movie534. The “out with the old, in with the new” attitude frequently gets taken too far, especially nowadays, and I agree that many, if not most of these grand old movie palaces could’ve/should’ve been just renovated and restored, at a lesser cost than demolition, but sometimes, just sometimes, some changes are necessary. The newer, more comfortable chairs and stadium-type seating that’s present in some of the newer theatres, for instance, are an asset, which could bring in more money as well as audiences for movies. People like to be comfortable, as well, when they watch a movie. Make ‘em feel a little bit at home!

MPol commented about Majestic Theater on Jan 25, 2009 at 11:27 pm

I love that rounded marquee. It’s cool!

MPol commented about Ziegfeld Theatre on Jan 25, 2009 at 9:18 pm

Ouch!! That’s really too bad. Suppose we really do get in a bad, bad recession and the economy totally and completely tanks? They’ll be in trouble too, no?

MPol commented about Loew's Palace Theater on Jan 25, 2009 at 7:29 pm

Wow!! What a lot of movies that played at this theatre!! Too bad about what happened to it. It sounds as if the robbery and the shootings that ensued in its wake hastened its demise. What a shame.

At the risk of sounding obsessive, did the film West Side Story ever play there at all? Just curious.

MPol commented about Ziegfeld Theatre on Jan 25, 2009 at 7:19 pm

Hi, LuisV.


“The playing of WSS at the Ziegfeld would be a wonderful complement to the stage production coming soon to the Palace. One generates interest in the other. ”

is something that I totally agree with, and which has always been the case. When the ORIGINAL Broadway stage version of West Side Story opened at NYC’s Winter Garden in late September 1957, toured a number of other large cities, including Boston, the release of the film version of WSS four years later helped popularize this great musical per se. So, in a way, it’s deja vu all over again, only the movie from 1961 is still around. Hopefully, there won’t be a remake of the film version of “West Side Story”, because THAT would be a disaster! The heart and soul would be cut right out of it!

I did see the movie “Hairspray” back in the late 1980’s, which I thought was lots of fun and enjoyed a great deal. Never having seen “In The Heights” on stage at all, I don’t have anything to compare it with if and when “Heights” comes out in film version. Since I don’t live in New York, I don’t get there very often. Lucky you, if you’re able to see that many Broadway shows. Somehow, I have the feeling that musicals aren’t like they used to be, but that’s a matter of taste, I guess. Come to think of it, though, whatever happened to Broadway musicals that originated in NYC’s Broadway going on tour in other bigger cities here in the United States? That’s how it used to be. I’d love to see the Broadway revival of WSS come to Boston, the way the ORIGINAL Broadway stage play of WSS did, but that’s just me.

What are the chances of prices coming down if people DON’T boycott? Just curious.

MPol commented about Mighty Wurlitzer is star of Paramount's Silent Movie Mondays on Jan 25, 2009 at 11:46 am

Sounds cool, even though I generally lean more towards the “talkies”.

MPol commented about Ziegfeld Theatre on Jan 25, 2009 at 11:44 am

Hi, ErikH. Thanks for the info. I DID read about the mixed reviews that came in the wake of the Washington DC trial run of West Side Story. I’m still thinking about it, although I certainly wouldn’t go right the minute it opened if I went; I’d wait afew months. Regarding the prices: What I said earlier in another post; those hefty orchestra seat prices couldn’t be maintained/increased with the way the economy is right now—they’d have to drop them down some—probably a lot. The cheaper seats, though, are considerably farthur back from the stage, which isn’t what I’d want, with a stage play.

Anyway..back on topic; Glad there’s going to be a 70mm film festival in Berlin. 70mm prints of various classic films must be tough to come by, just generally. It would nice if they could/would include the film “West Side Story” in that 70mm festival!

MPol commented about Ziegfeld Theatre on Jan 25, 2009 at 5:54 am



“ Bill said:

I got “Billy Elliot” tickets. The closest date I could get for the seats I wanted: July 4th.“”

is something I know. Thanks, though.

MPol commented about Ziegfeld Theatre on Jan 24, 2009 at 5:08 pm

Youch!! Whatever…..$120.00 a pop is still a lot, regardless of what anybody says or thinks. Going directly to the box office where ANY event(s) in question in person and picking up tickets, however, is the best way to avoid the extra service and handling charges, plus it’s more assuring to just know that one has the ticket(s) right in hand, so to speak.

July 4th is the closest date you could get tickets for the Broadway revival of West Side Story?!? Wooohoo! I guess West Side Story is a hot musical, be it on stage or on screen!!\

I guess we’ve strayed quite far from the topic at hand here, but, hey…regarding West Side Story…both the movie and the stageplay are excellent, imho! I’d LOVE to see another screening of WSS at the Ziegfeld one day. Perhaps, maybe, I will. However, to stray off topic some more for a bit: I’m elated and excited that the patrons of the Coolidge Corner Theatre, in Brookline, MA, and at Trader Joe’s voted in the film West Side Story as the number one film of the 1960’s!!

MPol commented about Ziegfeld Theatre on Jan 24, 2009 at 12:35 pm

Ouch!!! Do they HONESTLY think that those prices can be maintained/increased indefinitely, with the economy being the way it is right now? Seriously, if that’s the case, there may well come a time when many more people, even ones who DO have that kind of money to spend for a super-expensive seat for a Broadway show, will think twice before buying, plus who’s to say that this Broadway revival of West Side Story won’t be even MORE expensive than other Broadway shows? Everytime a revival of any show comes along, it’s much more expensive to do, than to do whole new musicals, etc.

I’d also like not to see the Ziegfeld close. It’s one of my favorite movie theatres, even though I don’t reside in the New York area.

MPol commented about Ziegfeld Theatre on Jan 24, 2009 at 9:01 am

You sang “Something’s Coming” in a 7th-grade variety show? How neat!

Thanks again, Ziegfeld Man. Whether or not I’d be able to make the road trip/pilgrimage down to NYC for any of the classic films would depend on at least a couple of things, though:

A) The weather. If any of them were in the wintertime, there’d be no way I’d be able or willing to make the trip down there, especially since the winters up here are too unpredictable; one never knows what’s really going to happen from one day to the next.

B) Whether or not I’d be able to find a place to stay the night. The couple of times I’d made road trip/pilgrages down to NYC for screenings of West Side Story (one to the Ziegfeld, the other to Radio City Music Hall 5 years before), I stayed overnight with relatives (who might or might not still be residing in the City)

MPol commented about Ziegfeld Theatre on Jan 24, 2009 at 8:37 am

(smiling) Thanks, Ziegfeld Man.

MPol commented about Tivoli Theatre on Jan 23, 2009 at 7:52 pm

It’s a little bit out of focus, but the Tivoli Theatre looks like a very attractive theatre.

MPol commented about Ziegfeld Theatre on Jan 23, 2009 at 7:48 pm

Hi again, Ziegfeld Man.

Thanks. I can think of a dozen more films, in addition to West Side Story, which give me lots of the good-o feeling to watch, but they admittedly don’t hold the same special place in my heart regarding movies as West Side Story does. I have mixed feelings of “getting on the horn” to Craig, since I don’t live in New York, however.

MPol commented about Ziegfeld Theatre on Jan 23, 2009 at 7:33 pm

I’ve seen the Special Edition of the 2-disc DVD version of the film “West Side Story”, with all the interviews, and the scrapbook. It’s cool. However, NOTHING beats seeing this great, golden oldie-but-goody movie classic film on the great big, wide screen, in a REAL movie theatres with the lights down low, especially in a place like the Ziegfeld.

MPol commented about Ziegfeld Theatre on Jan 23, 2009 at 7:27 pm

Thanks for the suggestion, Jeff S. How do I hit END? Where do I find it on my computer? That might make it easier to go down to the end of the thread in order to post a comment/reply.

I’m going to wait for the prices to hopefully go down some before I even consider going to a performance of the Broadway revival of West Side Story. I’ve also read some mixed views about it, so I’m still thinking about it, also.

MPol commented about Ziegfeld Theatre on Jan 23, 2009 at 6:54 pm

Hi, Jeff S. and Ziegfeld Man:

Jeff: What a mistake I made—not knowing about the inside joke between you and Bill! I got egg on my face with THAT one!

Jeff S. I agree with you wholeheartedly about the scrolling all the way down to the very bottom of a given thread, especially long ones, with many, many comments, such as this thread and a bunch of others, before one can make a comment. Scrolling all the way down to the very bottom of a long thread like this in order to post a comment/reply is also quite tiresome and can be annoying sometimes.

Also, Jeff S., I’ve seen several good stage productions of West Side Story, including one at NYC’s Lincoln Center, at around Thanksgiving time, 1980. Boycotting super-expensive prices: While I agree that $120.00 a pop for a Broadway revival of West Side Story at the Palace Theatre is outrageous, the only way to really boycott those prices is to do it on a personal basis—by not attending! It won’t stop people from attending a WSS Broadway revival at the Palace Theatre who are willing to spend that kind of money or possibly more, but at least you’ll have made your voice heard, if one gets the drift.

Webmasters, if you’re listening, while I enjoy posting on this website a great deal, there are certain things that need changing, and this is most defnitely one of them!

Ziegfeld Man: As I mentioned on another post, I, too saw the film West Side Story at the Ziegfeld afew years ago, and it was, indeed a beautiful experience! I’d make the trip down to NYC again for another screening of my alltime favorite flick at the Ziegfeld again, weather permitting, of course.

MPol commented about Maspeth Theatre on Jan 23, 2009 at 10:56 am

A bit off topic, but here’s a question:

Did most of the posters here on CinemaTreasures grow up in New York? Just curious, because there seem to be lots and lots of posters on this site with memories of New York movie palaces, along with the communities they served, and the various movies they saw in those palaces.

MPol commented about Ziegfeld Theatre on Jan 23, 2009 at 10:54 am

Hey Jeff! Where?

I wish West Side Story would play here in Boston more often.

MPol commented about Ziegfeld Theatre on Jan 23, 2009 at 10:45 am

Hi, Bill, Jeff and Ziegfeld Man!

Wow! My nostalgia burns more brightly already!! Don’t know about attending the Broadway stage revival of West Side Story, with the prices the way they are right now (not that I’m particularly worried about money, but I couldn’t see spending two to four hundred bucks a pop for a seat on Broadway. I’d wait for the prices to drop some before thinking about attending a Broadway stage revival performance of WSS. I wouldn’t want a cheaper seat, because they’d clearly be way too far back from the stage, which isn’t what I’d want.), but it would sure be cool to see the film once again at the Ziegfeld. Imho, West Side Story is a great and wonderful musical, both on screen and on stage! (Sorry to get a bit off topic here)

Back to the subject at hand: The Ziegfeld is a REAL, honest to goodness movie palace—very
cavernous, but spacious inside. The long, narrow screen is a great screen for showing a classic film such as West Side Story and many other great, old classic films.

I love the fancy, high-heeled shoe over the door of the ladies' room, and the fancy hat over the mens' room at the Ziegfeld.

MPol commented about Ziegfeld Theatre on Jan 22, 2009 at 5:58 pm

Wow—Have a good Classics film year at the Ziegfeld. I saw “Fiddler on the Roof” when it first came out, which I wasn’t crazy for, but, to each their own. Never saw “Summer of ‘42” or “To Kill A Mockingbird”, but I did read the book on which “To Kill a Mockingbird” was based, for English class, as a sophomore in high school, way back when. (hehe).

Saps—I just saw the movie “Defiance”, which was really quite good, and I’ve also seen Gran Torino, which was also very good.

If I lived in NYC, I’d gladly put up my suggestions for the classic films programs that you annually have. I did get to NYC for an October screening of West Side Story back in 2006. Would love to do it again sometime, if you have WSS. If it happens in February, however, it’s too difficult for me to come down to NYC to see it.

MPol commented about Patio Theatre on Jan 21, 2009 at 5:08 pm

It looks like a gorgeous theatre, both inside and out. Sure hope you guys can save it, for your own sake, although I’m not a resident of the Chicago area, or the State of Illinois, generally.