Comments from MPol

Showing 726 - 750 of 1,295 comments

MPol commented about Shea's Performing Arts Center on May 3, 2009 at 7:24 pm

What a fantastic-looking theatre, both inside and out!! It seems like just the perfect theatre for both live performances AND great, golden oldie-but-goody classic films.

MPol commented about "New" US 23 Drive-in Theatre will reopen for the season under new management on May 8 on May 2, 2009 at 5:11 pm

That’s agreed, movie534. However, while this is great to read about, it’s only a drop in the bucket. It’ll be a long time, I’m afraid, before one can actually say that drive-in theatres are making a comeback. Let’s hope they make a comback all over the country and not just simply play the schlockier films of today, either.

MPol commented about Theater chain on the brain on May 2, 2009 at 5:07 pm

Good point, shoeshoe14. One doesn’t have to have all the answers (I know that I don’t) to realize that
what’s been going on with the movie theatre industry for the past 30 or more years is seriously messed up and something has to be changed. Granted, the days when movie palace theatres were really part of the holding actions of towns and neighborhoods are pretty much gone forever, but I believe that more theatres should offer more choices in movies, and not just the schlocky stuff that’s so commonly played nowadays.

MPol commented about Radio City Music Hall on May 2, 2009 at 5:53 am

Sounds cool, Bill! Glad you had a great time at “West Side Story” also.

MPol commented about Radio City Music Hall on May 2, 2009 at 3:56 am

Hi, Bill Huelbig. Thanks. Yes, Robert Wise was present for the “West Side Story” screening. I’m very lucky to have gotten to go, and I’m still savering that great evening, almost eight years later! In mid-August of 2001, I’d just gotten back from an eye-dilation exam when I received a phone call from some friends of mine who’d formerly lived in my area. had moved down to NYC a number of years before, and knew that “West Side Story” was my alltime favorite movie. So saying, when my friends down in NYC asked me if I wanted them to send off for some tickets for the special 40th-year Anniversary screening of West Side Story in early October, I immediately (and enthusiastically) said yes. Although somewhat of a snafu came up regarding the tickets, the tickets were obtained, and, when the big day came, I drove down to the Big Apple specially to see the screening of West Side Story, old friends, and relatives. What a beautiful Saturday night out it was! There was a beautiful new screen print of West Side Story, RCMH was packed with an exuberant, friendly crowd, and there was much fingersnapping and applause from the audience. It was great to experience such a wonderful film with five to six thousand other people! It was great!!

MPol commented about Theater chain on the brain on May 1, 2009 at 5:34 pm

The only trouble is, movie534, is that these big chain movie theatres have all but killed off most of the independent movie palace theatres here in the United States and elsewhere. The fact that lots of these big franchise/chain multiplex cinemas are in trouble is, at least in part, their own doing, imho.

MPol commented about Radio City Music Hall on May 1, 2009 at 5:31 pm

Warren Harris: I KNEW that the special 40th-year Anniversary “West Side Story” screening at RCMH was a special event. My friends who I went with told me so beforehand. It was a great evening out…and it was especially fantastic that several thousand people got together for such a splendid evening less than a month after the horrific 9/11 attacks on the WTC Towers.

Bill Huelbig: Wow!! Sounds like you and your brother really DID have some day at the movies!! Cool!!
You’re both right about “West Side Story” having played at the Rivoli when it first came out. I stand corrected on that one. “West Side Story” was fantastic at RCMH—as in any other place it’s played.

p. s. Get me talking about “West Side Story”, and there’s virtually no end to it! LOL!

MPol commented about Radio City Music Hall on Apr 30, 2009 at 11:03 pm

Warren Harris: First of all, I went to a special 40th-year anniversary screening of the film “West Side Story” at RCMH in early October 2001 with some friends of mine, and had a wonderful time.

Secondly, I know at least 3 people who saw the film “West Side Story” at RCMH back in late 1961, when it first came out.

MPol commented about Pomona California Fox theater Grand Opening on Apr 30, 2009 at 3:46 pm

What a fabulous-looking theatre! It’s heartening to read/hear about the re-openings of theatres. How I wish more such events would take place. We need them in our area, because we’ve got a real shortage of movie palaces here.

MPol commented about Strongsville Cinema on Apr 30, 2009 at 3:43 pm

Another one bites the dust.

One doesn’t have to reside in a given area of the country to realize how sad it is to read/hear of yet another movie palace’s demise and replacement by a service station or other thing that there are already plenty of.

MPol commented about Radio City Music Hall on Apr 30, 2009 at 3:35 pm

The Circus idea for RCMH sounds cool. Does that mean that RCMH won’t be showing any more Big Screen Movie Classics? Just curious.

MPol commented about Flu outbreak closes theaters in Mexico on Apr 30, 2009 at 4:42 am

Good points, Justin Fencsak. Thanks.

MPol commented about Family Fun at Glendale 9 and Scottsdale 6 DI on Apr 30, 2009 at 2:22 am

Sounds cool!!

Wish they’d do something like that here in the Boston area, and with older classics, to boot!!

MPol commented about Paramount Hudson Valley Theater on Apr 16, 2009 at 3:35 am

Looks like a beautiful theatre. Glad it was saved.

MPol commented about New options for Beach Theatre on Apr 16, 2009 at 3:29 am

Although I’m not a resident of the NY-NJ area, I agree with you here, movie534. Right on!

MPol commented about Motion-enhanced seats coming to a theater near you on Apr 11, 2009 at 9:10 pm

“3D, Digital projection, motion seats. Why dont we just build a freakin amusement park in the lobby.”

Better still, why don’t they completely re-make the theatres into indoor amusement parks while they’re at it? Not just the lobby(ies), either.

MPol commented about Motion-enhanced seats coming to a theater near you on Apr 11, 2009 at 9:08 pm

Motion seats? Ewwww…that doesn’t sound good at all! That’s going WAY too far, imho.

MPol commented about San Angelo to sell 40 acres, get drive-in theater on Apr 11, 2009 at 9:06 pm


“Sweet!!! We need many more, many more. Espescially up here in the northeast.”

is something I totally agree with, movie534. They should also play more independent and older classic films, etc., rather than the schlock that most movie theatres play nowadays.

MPol commented about Goochland drive-in theater to open this summer on Apr 7, 2009 at 10:45 pm

How exciting!! Although I don’t reside in that general area of the country, I’m happy for the new drive-in theatre that’s coming up. Here’s hoping all the residents enjoy the fruits of this wonderful idea. Hope they run all kinds of movies, and not just the schlocky ones that’re played today, in the multiplex cinemas.

MPol commented about Actor Lou Perryman murdered on Apr 7, 2009 at 10:43 pm

Without knowing Lou Perryman or his family personally, my condolences go out to his friends and loved ones in the wake of this terrible tragedy.

MPol commented about Arcata Theatre returns on Apr 5, 2009 at 3:29 am

How sweet! What a wonderful, heartwarming story! It’s heartening to read/hear about another independent theatre re-opening. The Arcata Theatre looks like a beautiful theatre, too. All the best of luck for the people who reside in the area—hope they enjoy it to the fullest.

MPol commented about Bama Theatre on Mar 31, 2009 at 11:46 pm

Great-looking theatre!!

MPol commented about Cinema Treasures at ShoWest on Mar 28, 2009 at 5:44 pm

Way to go, movie534!


“ You should suggest that they find a way to keep old movies on film by striking new prints, instead of everything going to digital, which most rep houses are never going to install.”

is something that I totally agree with, and I’m sure tons of other people would too. Bravo!!

MPol commented about Marina 1-2-3 on Mar 28, 2009 at 5:41 pm

Another fabulous-looking theatre bit the dust. How sad.

MPol commented about Historic Queens theater to reopen on Mar 26, 2009 at 5:19 pm

You all fought the good fight—and won!! Congratulations!