Comments from raymond

Showing 51 - 75 of 286 comments

raymond commented about DuPage Theater on Nov 6, 2005 at 11:10 pm

btw.still waiting to see those e mails.Humm?

raymond commented about DuPage Theater on Nov 6, 2005 at 11:08 pm

Sure!Whatever you say!

raymond commented about DuPage Theater on Nov 6, 2005 at 10:54 pm

Dupage Dude. “Post around them”!
The legends of a true class mind.Sounds like a “horror” movie.

raymond commented about DuPage Theater on Nov 6, 2005 at 10:49 pm

Dupage Dude. “Post around them”!

raymond commented about DuPage Theater on Nov 6, 2005 at 10:45 pm

True class.Get a “life”!
You are soooooo wrong.But that is nothing “new”.No surprise there.
Dupage dude is not duper supporter.
BTW.Why didn’t you post those E mail letters? Humm?

raymond commented about DuPage Theater on Nov 6, 2005 at 10:08 pm

Rita.Dupage dude is right.Time is a luxury that we do not have.
Making nice – nice with the opposition will get us “nowhere”.
Dude is right.A petition drive of all registered voters will show the trustees that the majority of Lombard residents are in favor of restoring the theatre.Let’s put the burden of their vote to demolish the theatre on their shoulders.

raymond commented about DuPage Theater on Nov 6, 2005 at 9:59 pm

For the hard of reading Dupe neighbor.“I think that the Dupage Theatre and Arts Center and the Library can complement one another and that combination would be the "focal point” for downtown Lombard.“
Dupe neighhbor.Let’s try to work together for a solution to the library and and also a solution for saving the Dupage Theatre.
Let’s call it a "joint venture”.Remember.There is 43,500 square feet land adjacent to the Dupage Theatre.The library would fit nicely into that parcel.

raymond commented about DuPage Theater on Nov 6, 2005 at 6:11 pm

Dupe neighbor,I have an interesting website that explains what happens when one “thinks outside the box.” I found it veeeery interestng.

Dupe neighbor.Did those pedestrian safety issues suddenly fade away?
Did the underground water issues suddenly fade away? The underground water issues will be there ,with or without the theatre.
Do you remember what Trusee Tross said about the Library in downtown .
“ trustee Sebby when he said.
” Lombard residents wanted their “village hall in downtown Lombard,but look where it is now."
My point is just this.I think that the Dupage Theatre and Arts Center
and the Library can complement one another and that combination would be the "focal point” for downtown Lombard.

raymond commented about DuPage Theater on Nov 6, 2005 at 12:47 pm

Dupe neighbor.From the Helen Plum Memorial Library website.
“The Library hired an architectural and engineering firm to investigate use of the Dupage Theatre for which the Village was accepting proposals by May ,2000,for adaptive reuse.The architects reported that the Theatre was not suitable from an architectural point of view,nor was it deemed large enough to accomodate the Library building and necessary parking spaces.There were also concerns about traffic and pedestrian safety, and underground water”.

raymond commented about DuPage Theater on Nov 6, 2005 at 12:26 pm

Dupe neighbor.The abandoned Menard’s building on rt.53 “screams ” library.It is like Dupage Dude said.The “abandoned” Menard’s building is “blighted”. It has been empty for almost 3 years now.
The building has more than enough sq. ft. and ample parking.
I don’t see why a totally restored and operating Dupage Theatre and Arts Center and the Library can’t co-exist.After all, the Library and the park district have co-existed for years.
There is almost 63,500 square feet on the south property adjacent to the theatre.More that adequate for the needs of the library.
Btw Dupe neighbor.I am surprised that your memory of the now “abandoned” Menard’s building site is a “porn store”. I remember the Ski Hi drive in movie theatre and the airfield.I remember watching airplanes landing and almost touching the tops of the cars that were on rt.53.I remember the Nike Missile site on the east side of t.53.
I remember watching the Ski Hi screen when on rt.53.
Dupe neighbor.If you only remember the “porno store”,then you must have been “Watching Something Else”.

raymond commented about DuPage Theater on Nov 5, 2005 at 3:18 am

Dupage Dude.The Dupage Theatre restoration and operation has always been “under the microscope”.There has never has there been a development in Lombard that has been scrutinized,debated ,inspected,disected and opinionated upon as is the Dupage theatre.Not one.And that includes the 200 million dollar convention center.

raymond commented about DuPage Theater on Nov 5, 2005 at 2:57 am

Dupage Dude,I couldn’t agree more.Referenums aren’t getting passed these days in Lombard. THe library and school district 87 had 3 referendums already and all failed.Lombard needs a referendum for their proposed sales tax increase.The trustees all fell in line stating that the wording must be understandable.With all of the money already dumped into that conference center and hotel, who knows what will happen in the future with tax incerases.What amazes me is that Lombard cries poor mouth and then builds a convention center that will not add money to Lombards tax base.But make no mistake about it.They suuure are concerned about TIF
dollars forn the theatre.Go figure!

raymond commented about DuPage Theater on Nov 5, 2005 at 1:31 am

dupe neighbor.Me not Jim.Good idea about the library at the “abandoned "
Menards building. Wouldn’t you say?You know perfectly well that Lombard would have no part of a "porn store ” as you have said .Now would they?Why did you say such a nasty thing?
However,a fully restored theatre with a library next to the theatre on the vacant 63,455 square feet adjacent south property sounds workable.
Medlers had an excellent idea.Don’t you think?

raymond commented about DuPage Theater on Nov 4, 2005 at 10:59 pm

Life’s too short.Kudos.Congratulations.What a great url.
Ms.Dynako & toni…..From Life’s to short.

Again.Kudos to Life’s too short.

raymond commented about DuPage Theater on Nov 4, 2005 at 10:31 pm

Unconcerned Exlombardian.Pay no attention to Dupe neighbor or any of the other anti-preservationist/ theatre haters.
“Post around them!”

raymond commented about DuPage Theater on Nov 4, 2005 at 5:49 pm

A really wonderfull location for the Library would be the “abandoned”
Menard’s building on the west side of rt.53.It has been vacant for almost 3 years now.Would’t that be a perfect location.Humm?
More than enough sq.feet and more than ample “parking”.
The Duper is the ideal location for an arts center.Plus it would keep the historical character of the very heart of Lombards Historical District.

raymond commented about DuPage Theater on Nov 4, 2005 at 5:47 pm

A really wonderfull location for the Library would be the “abandoned”
Menard’s building on the west side of rt.53.It has been vacant for almost 3 years now.Would’t that be a perfect location.Humm?
More than enough sq.feet and more than ample “parking”.
The Duper is the ideal location for an arts center.Plus it would keep the historical character of the very heart of Lombards Historical District.

raymond commented about DuPage Theater on Nov 4, 2005 at 3:12 pm

The financial state of the Village of Lombard is sooooo grim that at yesterday’s board meeting the trustees approved “grants” in the amount of
$20k each to bribe businesses to Lombard.Grants.Funded with TIF money.
Isn’t that so strange.Cry poor mouth ,then give away TIF money.Hum.
Go figure!
BTW.Yesterday the village board approved an art"grant" program.Art to be displayed at a Walgreens drug store.Why Walgreens you say?Because Lombard currently doesn’t have an “arts center."
Strange "isn’t it”? Oh. The hyporicy of it all !

raymond commented about DuPage Theater on Nov 4, 2005 at 12:36 pm

Oops.I spelled realistic wrong!Sorry about that.

raymond commented about DuPage Theater on Nov 4, 2005 at 11:07 am

Medlers.I do agree with you 100% that the library and a fully restored theatre is an excellent idea.But Dupage Dude is right.Referendums for the school district and Library have failed on previous attempts.Then there is the question of those grants that the village board voted to reject.Those grants will never come back.What a shame.
Then there is another even more perplexing issue.One of the demolition trustees has stated for the record that “any discussion about a library and the theatre land is premature."Whatever that must mean.My guess is that he may have other plans for that land.That is just "my opinion."
I do hope that your suggestion is embrassed by the "theatre friends” and the “theatre foes” as a workable solution.
But after battling this issue for the past 5 years,one tends to become a cynicially,realististic ,optimist.

raymond commented about DuPage Theater on Nov 3, 2005 at 3:08 pm

toni.I have asked this several times and you don’t respond.Are you working with the demolition trustees?
Their excuse was “they were not from Lombard residents”.Their excuse was
“they were from children."Their excuse was "they did not represent the majority of the voters”. Sure.The end result was “they had no value” to those 4 trustees.But none the less ,they had their excuses We can’t keep supplying them with excuses.
Do you really think that talking to residents here will do you any good?
They will tell you what they want you to hear.Then they will do what they want or do what they are “told” to do.
Make no mistake about it.

raymond commented about DuPage Theater on Nov 3, 2005 at 2:03 pm

Thanks. But I don’t think that petition came from the “friends”.
I will check on your statement.Good try anyway.

raymond commented about DuPage Theater on Nov 3, 2005 at 1:09 pm

toni.Don’t you think the friends should “reconsider” the petition drive of all registered voters.Especially in the demolition trustee’s districts?
All registered voters in all districts should be petitioned.Dupage Dude is correct.If ever there was a need for this,it is right “now”.
Your words “those 4 trustees slammed the door in our faces on June 2nd.
The question is "why”.We “must show them that there is voter and resident support for the project.Those 4 trustees who slammed the door in our faces must be held accountable for their actions.The residents of Lombard must know that the vote to demolish the theatre is not the "will of the residents of Lombard”.Waiting till November 17 for a positive ruling is not good enough.What happens after that? Dupage Dude is right.This will slip through our fingers like quicksilver if we don’t do this petition drive.
Quote from Patrick Crowley on Nov.2nd.“Remember.We can only save theatres if we "work together”.
Think about it.

raymond commented about DuPage Theater on Nov 2, 2005 at 9:54 pm

“You know,if we loose this because it’s plaqued,any of the other buildings can go down even faster."
Sure, I agree.I also have a brand new pair of hiking boots.
Those boots are made for walking.And talking.

raymond commented about DuPage Theater on Nov 2, 2005 at 3:27 pm

Sure.But that is the way it goes sometimes.Oh well.At least we still have the “Duper”.