commented about
Nov 1, 2007 at 4:33 pm
Martin – I was at the Monnies a couple of weeks ago, and the bartender made reference to to Mickey Flicks. I thought of this conversation. (By the way, I think we sort of know each other. You were class of ‘82 or '83, right? And took computer classes from Will @ DHS?)
Nope. I have no idea what happened to the clock. Didn’t one of the guys who used to work there say something about it a while back? I was wotking in Ithaca when the Regent closed down, lamenting the loss of the Strand, a theater I never was able to see the inside of. Which, as of 2 weeks ago, I personally verified, was still a parking lot. (I like the news stand in the neighborhood. I also liked the bookstore around the corner, but I guess I was keeping them in business, as they are now gone, too. I left Ithaca 10 years ago.)
Right now Payne is busy modifying Walleye Willies, but I don’t know how long that wil take.
It’s now almost November 2007, and while places below the new cinema appear to be open, can’t help but wonder when the cinema itself will be open. As recently as last Friday i didn’t see any sign from inside the mall to indicate an opening day. I need t to pen soon so i don’t spend as much time in the Apple store. :)
I was speaking with some olks around Dunkirk lately. It seems that the new owner of the regent is the guy who owns Payne’s kettle & Keg and Walleye Willies, amoung other things. He was lamenting to a hardware store owner about how much it is going to cost him for the concrete to level off the loor of the Regent. Not to make it better to put new seats in, but to eliminate the slant in the auditorium. He has no intention of reopening the theatre, but to do something else, likely turn it into apartments. If i get the chance to introduce myself to him, i will try to get inside the Regent prior to the pour to get pictures. But it is up to him, and my schedule. (I won’t be back in Dunkirk until Thankgiving.)
To anticipate your question Patsy, Kettle is on Lake Shore Drive, East, just east of Middle Road, just before the closed Coastal gas station. They have good, but huge, fish n their friday fish fry. On Fridays only, they open at 11 am, $6 fry until 4 pm, then it costs $7 or $8 until midnight.
commented about
Jun 9, 2007 at 10:53 pm
The D & F Plaza, where the Cine one stood was sold last fall to another concern. There is new construction occurring on the property, where no other business has stood before. Not that this means anything for a building already demolished, but perhaps some enterprising person/group could bring in a new theater. Seeing as the only competition in town leaves a lot to be desired, and with the minigolf place all but abandoned, there is room for a decent tri or quad here.
I heard some folks talking about the Regent at Post 62 recently, but because I was visiting with an old friend I couldn’t interrupt both of our conversations to be nosy. I thought I had heard that the new owners bought the place for a song ($25,000), had considered turning it into a bar. But they couldn’t get around the slanted floor. (Maybe they should visit one of my favorite book stores, the Book Star, on Point Loma, in San Diego. Level floors, but three levels, stepping down every so often.)
I found an interesting article on page 11 of the August 12, 1943.
Corp. Technician Alden F; Sherman,
manager of the Winter Garden
theatre, before his induction
last January, … [Mrs. Sherman]
tells of a visit to Hollywood
over the week-end.
[He and a buddy] hitchhiked to Hollywood,
where .among other experiences,
they had a ride with movie
actor Sidney Greenstreet, who
picked them up and took them to
their destination.
At the Hollywood canteen they
were served with supper by movie
star Hedy Lamar and they
saw many other movie' celebrities.
Thought you folks might find this tidbit interesting, or not.
I can’t figure out how to send you the locations. I think I would have to upgrade from the free version in order to do that.
If you know where the Chrysler dealership is on the east side of town, the Westfield DI is across the street. You know where the Regent is. If you can find the D&F Plaza, the Cine is on the east end of the plaza, the (small) stand alone building, just to the west of the mini golf place. If you where Van Buren is, then you should be able to find the VBDI.
I saw an ad in the ‘disturber’ in the late 40’s advertising a movie there. There’s a site that lists theaters past and present across the country. The one for the “Jamestown” area I think showed this one as being open for a short time. I don’t know anything beyond that. I’m currently on a mission to find out when the Japanese sub toured Dunkirk. :)
I’ve been playing with Google Earth as well. High resolution images of the Cine (before it was knocked down), the Regent, Van Buren DI, and the hotel drive in in Westfield.
Oh, and I thought I saw a snippet in the Observer that Dalton Burgett was a Sheriff’s Deputy during the 40’s.
On the Western New York Heritage Press website they have a short article on the Thruway Plaza. View link
No mention of the theatre, but then, it is a bit far from the plaza/mall proper. The article states that it’s initial competition came from the Seneca Mall in 1969, which itself was razed in the early 1990’s. (With rumors of a multiplex being built there, but those plans never materialized.) SO much for the 125 years ….
Theater was converted to an 8 screen in the mid 1980’s.
As far as inexplicably buying the WG cinemas, I suspect it had to do with the Thruway plaza not longer drawing customers at a rate that they would like. That said, I did prefer Thruway Cinemas to the Walden Galleria Cinemas. That may explain why Regal is readdressing their position at the Galleria Mall.
When it reopened as Movieland, it was as a second run theater. At about this time, the Appletree AMC second run house closed. (Also fairly close to the Galleria, 3 movie houses in 5 miles or so.)
commented about
Dec 20, 2006 at 3:23 pm
I couldn’t find the ad again, and really haven’t had the chance to explore like I wanted to. Those old newspaper scans are hard on the eyes. And I haven’t been back home in a while to explore. My plans are to get back in May.
The renovation began in ‘89, during the dark year for Dunkirk. The filming of “Gone in 60 seconds II”, and the sudden ending of that production; and the loss of 6 kids who lost a race with a train in the 4th ward. I remember that last night, as while the kids were meeting their end, there was a guy up on the scaffolds around the Opera House threatening to jump. The only “Jaws of Life” in the area was on a truck that was assisting the jumper situation. Not that it would have mattered anyway. The kids were beyond help, anyway. Too many big funerals that, it seemed half the town went to them.
commented about
Dec 20, 2006 at 2:46 pm
Martin – That video place (I think it was called something else, but brain fade is occurring right now) was short lived. I don’t think it lasted more than 18 months, including the time after it changed to a regular video rental store. Through the 80’s the Cine was fairly busy for average to good movies. (I left in January 1990.) [After thought, Mickey’s Flicks, maybe?]
Patsy – I think the Cine arose out of the loss of the Capitol, and the need for a theater between Dunkirk and Fredonia. It had a Dipson logo on the side of it for as long as I remember. (I lived closer to the Regent, so went there more often than the Cine. That changed with the summer of ‘77. :)
I suspect the Cine closed due to a lack of business. When they got greedy and divided it into two screens, they killed it. The Cine was a small theater to begin with, seemed like it was half the size of the Regent, but probably 2/3 its size. In 90/91, an old Ames store was converted into a multi-cinema, and provided the viewers with more choices, even if the viewing experience was of similar (low) quality. The last movie I saw at the Cine was “Blown Away”, released in the summer of 1994. I think I saw it late in the summer, perhaps suggesting it was second run by that time, but I don’t know for sure. My friend and I were the only ones in the screening room at the time, don’t remember what was showing in the other room, or how many other paying customers were in the building at the time.
Martin (whose name I remember from a few years behind me in school):
The Theater in Fredonia (Cinema One at the time?) had a balcony. The Regent that had the balcony went up in smoke in the late 20’s.
Leeds was between Penney’s and Sidey’s on Central. View link 6th photo up from the bottom, a parade involving unusual garb. I wasn’t the one who brought it up, but agreed it was there. Nice clock, the numbers and arms lit up, but you couldn’t see the background.
I know a Reed who used to run a garage, and his wife used to own (maybe still does) a carpet store on LSDE.
It’s about Dunkirk, and DHS mostly, from what I gather. I haven’t seen the CD yet, so I can’t say what is on it. But since it is directed toward “high school”, I suspect that a trip to the historical society may also be fruitful. I say may, as I haven’t visited there, so haven’t any first hand knowledge of that, either.
Have you thought about stopping by Matt’s news for his CD? I know that there is more in there than you will ever want, but maybe it has those Regent photos. Matt’s is just down 3rd street from the Regent, near the corner of Main, right near Weiss Hardware. And shares (nearly) the back wall of Bells, oops, Quality Market. A hop, skip, and jump from where the State used to be.
A page with the top photo taken from the local paper. The marquee from the Capitol being removed. Last line from the caption: It is expected that the property will be used as a parking lot for the time being.
For the time being? I guess if you look at it from a geological perspective.
If the above link works, you can see the train wreck that may have had a hand in the collapse of the roof of the Capitol. (My mom and siblings were able to out run the wreck, mom driving and seeing the wreck happening behind her.)
Also, in the background upper left of the bootom photo you can see McClenethans. It was an office supply store by 1989. (And may have been back then.) All that paper and ink, and a source of ignition. Fire companies from Westfield helped fight the fire. The rail traffic was stopped for hours. And now the area is, well, a parking lot. I’ve heard that they can’t rebuild because the lot is too close to the tracks. SUNY Fredonia is building a “high tech incubator” across the street. We’ll see how close to the tracks they get. (I thought that spot would have been great for a new cinema. :)
Martin – I was at the Monnies a couple of weeks ago, and the bartender made reference to to Mickey Flicks. I thought of this conversation. (By the way, I think we sort of know each other. You were class of ‘82 or '83, right? And took computer classes from Will @ DHS?)
Nope. I have no idea what happened to the clock. Didn’t one of the guys who used to work there say something about it a while back? I was wotking in Ithaca when the Regent closed down, lamenting the loss of the Strand, a theater I never was able to see the inside of. Which, as of 2 weeks ago, I personally verified, was still a parking lot. (I like the news stand in the neighborhood. I also liked the bookstore around the corner, but I guess I was keeping them in business, as they are now gone, too. I left Ithaca 10 years ago.)
Right now Payne is busy modifying Walleye Willies, but I don’t know how long that wil take.
It’s now almost November 2007, and while places below the new cinema appear to be open, can’t help but wonder when the cinema itself will be open. As recently as last Friday i didn’t see any sign from inside the mall to indicate an opening day. I need t to pen soon so i don’t spend as much time in the Apple store. :)
I was speaking with some olks around Dunkirk lately. It seems that the new owner of the regent is the guy who owns Payne’s kettle & Keg and Walleye Willies, amoung other things. He was lamenting to a hardware store owner about how much it is going to cost him for the concrete to level off the loor of the Regent. Not to make it better to put new seats in, but to eliminate the slant in the auditorium. He has no intention of reopening the theatre, but to do something else, likely turn it into apartments. If i get the chance to introduce myself to him, i will try to get inside the Regent prior to the pour to get pictures. But it is up to him, and my schedule. (I won’t be back in Dunkirk until Thankgiving.)
To anticipate your question Patsy, Kettle is on Lake Shore Drive, East, just east of Middle Road, just before the closed Coastal gas station. They have good, but huge, fish n their friday fish fry. On Fridays only, they open at 11 am, $6 fry until 4 pm, then it costs $7 or $8 until midnight.
The D & F Plaza, where the Cine one stood was sold last fall to another concern. There is new construction occurring on the property, where no other business has stood before. Not that this means anything for a building already demolished, but perhaps some enterprising person/group could bring in a new theater. Seeing as the only competition in town leaves a lot to be desired, and with the minigolf place all but abandoned, there is room for a decent tri or quad here.
I heard some folks talking about the Regent at Post 62 recently, but because I was visiting with an old friend I couldn’t interrupt both of our conversations to be nosy. I thought I had heard that the new owners bought the place for a song ($25,000), had considered turning it into a bar. But they couldn’t get around the slanted floor. (Maybe they should visit one of my favorite book stores, the Book Star, on Point Loma, in San Diego. Level floors, but three levels, stepping down every so often.)
I found there may be a way, but I am going to be on the road off and on during the next month, so I won’t be able to play too much.
I found an interesting article on page 11 of the August 12, 1943.
Corp. Technician Alden F; Sherman,
manager of the Winter Garden
theatre, before his induction
last January, … [Mrs. Sherman]
tells of a visit to Hollywood
over the week-end.
[He and a buddy] hitchhiked to Hollywood,
where .among other experiences,
they had a ride with movie
actor Sidney Greenstreet, who
picked them up and took them to
their destination.
At the Hollywood canteen they
were served with supper by movie
star Hedy Lamar and they
saw many other movie' celebrities.
Thought you folks might find this tidbit interesting, or not.
Google Earth is a program you download.
I can’t figure out how to send you the locations. I think I would have to upgrade from the free version in order to do that.
If you know where the Chrysler dealership is on the east side of town, the Westfield DI is across the street. You know where the Regent is. If you can find the D&F Plaza, the Cine is on the east end of the plaza, the (small) stand alone building, just to the west of the mini golf place. If you where Van Buren is, then you should be able to find the VBDI.
I don’t know how long it will take to download.
I saw an ad in the ‘disturber’ in the late 40’s advertising a movie there. There’s a site that lists theaters past and present across the country. The one for the “Jamestown” area I think showed this one as being open for a short time. I don’t know anything beyond that. I’m currently on a mission to find out when the Japanese sub toured Dunkirk. :)
I’ve been playing with Google Earth as well. High resolution images of the Cine (before it was knocked down), the Regent, Van Buren DI, and the hotel drive in in Westfield.
Oh, and I thought I saw a snippet in the Observer that Dalton Burgett was a Sheriff’s Deputy during the 40’s.
Patsy – Tim finally made a movie theater page on his website.
View link
I wasn’t the one who claimed to know its current whereabouts. I just know where it was when the theater was operating.
It was in the auditorium, to the left hand side, near the rear exit.
On the Western New York Heritage Press website they have a short article on the Thruway Plaza. View link
No mention of the theatre, but then, it is a bit far from the plaza/mall proper. The article states that it’s initial competition came from the Seneca Mall in 1969, which itself was razed in the early 1990’s. (With rumors of a multiplex being built there, but those plans never materialized.) SO much for the 125 years ….
Theater was converted to an 8 screen in the mid 1980’s.
As far as inexplicably buying the WG cinemas, I suspect it had to do with the Thruway plaza not longer drawing customers at a rate that they would like. That said, I did prefer Thruway Cinemas to the Walden Galleria Cinemas. That may explain why Regal is readdressing their position at the Galleria Mall.
When it reopened as Movieland, it was as a second run theater. At about this time, the Appletree AMC second run house closed. (Also fairly close to the Galleria, 3 movie houses in 5 miles or so.)
Hey, I’m get old a couple of years ahead of you.
I couldn’t find the ad again, and really haven’t had the chance to explore like I wanted to. Those old newspaper scans are hard on the eyes. And I haven’t been back home in a while to explore. My plans are to get back in May.
The renovation began in ‘89, during the dark year for Dunkirk. The filming of “Gone in 60 seconds II”, and the sudden ending of that production; and the loss of 6 kids who lost a race with a train in the 4th ward. I remember that last night, as while the kids were meeting their end, there was a guy up on the scaffolds around the Opera House threatening to jump. The only “Jaws of Life” in the area was on a truck that was assisting the jumper situation. Not that it would have mattered anyway. The kids were beyond help, anyway. Too many big funerals that, it seemed half the town went to them.
Martin – That video place (I think it was called something else, but brain fade is occurring right now) was short lived. I don’t think it lasted more than 18 months, including the time after it changed to a regular video rental store. Through the 80’s the Cine was fairly busy for average to good movies. (I left in January 1990.) [After thought, Mickey’s Flicks, maybe?]
Patsy – I think the Cine arose out of the loss of the Capitol, and the need for a theater between Dunkirk and Fredonia. It had a Dipson logo on the side of it for as long as I remember. (I lived closer to the Regent, so went there more often than the Cine. That changed with the summer of ‘77. :)
I suspect the Cine closed due to a lack of business. When they got greedy and divided it into two screens, they killed it. The Cine was a small theater to begin with, seemed like it was half the size of the Regent, but probably 2/3 its size. In 90/91, an old Ames store was converted into a multi-cinema, and provided the viewers with more choices, even if the viewing experience was of similar (low) quality. The last movie I saw at the Cine was “Blown Away”, released in the summer of 1994. I think I saw it late in the summer, perhaps suggesting it was second run by that time, but I don’t know for sure. My friend and I were the only ones in the screening room at the time, don’t remember what was showing in the other room, or how many other paying customers were in the building at the time.
Martin (whose name I remember from a few years behind me in school):
The Theater in Fredonia (Cinema One at the time?) had a balcony. The Regent that had the balcony went up in smoke in the late 20’s.
Leeds was between Penney’s and Sidey’s on Central. View link 6th photo up from the bottom, a parade involving unusual garb. I wasn’t the one who brought it up, but agreed it was there. Nice clock, the numbers and arms lit up, but you couldn’t see the background.
I know a Reed who used to run a garage, and his wife used to own (maybe still does) a carpet store on LSDE.
It’s about Dunkirk, and DHS mostly, from what I gather. I haven’t seen the CD yet, so I can’t say what is on it. But since it is directed toward “high school”, I suspect that a trip to the historical society may also be fruitful. I say may, as I haven’t visited there, so haven’t any first hand knowledge of that, either.
I didn’t find it.
Have you thought about stopping by Matt’s news for his CD? I know that there is more in there than you will ever want, but maybe it has those Regent photos. Matt’s is just down 3rd street from the Regent, near the corner of Main, right near Weiss Hardware. And shares (nearly) the back wall of Bells, oops, Quality Market. A hop, skip, and jump from where the State used to be.
A page with the top photo taken from the local paper. The marquee from the Capitol being removed. Last line from the caption: It is expected that the property will be used as a parking lot for the time being.
For the time being? I guess if you look at it from a geological perspective.
If this works, bring some kleenex.
Yes, that is the Tim. I have been looking through the site, but haven’t found it yet. He has some new pictures on here that I hadn’t seen before.
If the above link works, you can see the train wreck that may have had a hand in the collapse of the roof of the Capitol. (My mom and siblings were able to out run the wreck, mom driving and seeing the wreck happening behind her.)
Also, in the background upper left of the bootom photo you can see McClenethans. It was an office supply store by 1989. (And may have been back then.) All that paper and ink, and a source of ignition. Fire companies from Westfield helped fight the fire. The rail traffic was stopped for hours. And now the area is, well, a parking lot. I’ve heard that they can’t rebuild because the lot is too close to the tracks. SUNY Fredonia is building a “high tech incubator” across the street. We’ll see how close to the tracks they get. (I thought that spot would have been great for a new cinema. :)
Back to looking.