Comments from DuPagefiends

Showing 51 - 75 of 300 comments

DuPagefiends commented about Demolition of DuPage Theatre gets underway on Mar 9, 2007 at 4:09 am

Apples and oranges. York is a movie theatre and it is privately owned. They did not need $10 million in TAX money. Plus their owners were approached about the Dupe and they said “no thanks”.

Ever since kurt shut down the other site you will post your crap over here.

Way to go Jimmy boy

DuPagefiends commented about DuPage Theatre Key to Downtown Lombard's Revival on Mar 8, 2007 at 4:27 pm

Ray M.,

What a coincidence, the other website message board gets shut down and now you post here. Your posts are nothing more than a smear campaign and you could care less about the theatre. We have exposed you and Jim as frauds time and time again.

DuPagefiends commented about Demolition of DuPage Theatre gets underway on Mar 8, 2007 at 4:24 pm

Jim, (dude) What does Villa Park’s train station have to do with the Dupe? Ever since kurt shut down the other site you will post your crap over here.

DuPagefiends commented about Demolition of DuPage Theatre gets underway on Mar 6, 2007 at 4:36 pm

Nice post…as many people have stated here, and as you have proven time and time again with your mindless rambling posts, you have a screw loose. I could assure you that my Saturday night was much more exciting than yours as we attended a concert. I could also assure you that you know very little about me as your posts is filled with inaccuracies.

Where does it say “I hate theatres” on this website? Nowhere, that is some ignorant and stupid comment you made. Have you ever been to this theatre? No but I have many times so I know far more than you about it.

You have proven that you don’t know me, but I know you…your cause is “preservation at any cost” The same idea that 28 people in this town had. That doesn’t fly in most areas of America including Lombard.

So do us all a favor and take your diatribe/manifesto back to the Boyd.

DuPagefiends commented about Demolition of DuPage Theatre gets underway on Mar 4, 2007 at 7:51 am


judging by your last comment, you need a life. You posted that comment just after midnight on a Saturday night. There had to be some kinda Star Trek convention you could have been at.

Seeing that you have taken such an interest in a theatre that you have never seen in a town you have never been in, why don’t you stop by next week when the bulldozers knock down the remaining structure.

DuPagefiends commented about Demolition of DuPage Theatre gets underway on Mar 3, 2007 at 2:46 pm

Jim D (aka Dude),

there is no need for deb to resign, they should just disband the friends. The theatre is gone, they are friends of the dupe theatre, do the math.

The 28 people who still support the theatre should get a life

DuPagefiends commented about Demolition of DuPage Theatre gets underway on Feb 27, 2007 at 4:12 pm

Ray M.,

What a coincidence, the other website message board gets shut down and now you post here.

4 post here in 4 days.

DuPagefiends commented about Demolition of DuPage Theatre gets underway on Feb 24, 2007 at 8:54 am

Ray M.
Do you not deny that you posted on that other site?
Please do not lie because I have saved dozens of your posts. We are to believe that you just stopped??

Do you deny that you live nest door to one such Trustee, who you have admitted to hating before?
Please do not lie becuase it is a fact that you two are neighbors.

Are you not friends with Dupagedude (aka Jim D) and did you not work for his campaign?

These are facts ray, your posts are opinions…opinions made by a bitter old man such as yourself. You were p*ssed off that Jim lost so you turned the Dupe into a political smear campaign.

Do you deny being a card-carrying member of the friends? The same friends who supported demolition?

DuPagefiends commented about Demolition of DuPage Theatre gets underway on Feb 23, 2007 at 4:34 pm

Ray M.,

What a coincidence, the other website message board gets shut down and now you post here. Your posts are nothing more than a smear campaign and you could care less about the theatre. We have exposed you and Jim as frauds over and over.

DuPagefiends commented about Demolition of DuPage Theatre gets underway on Feb 21, 2007 at 7:14 pm

Jim (aka dupagedude)I am not sure if I should be laughing at your posts or be frightened by them.

Actually we all will laugh at them.

Take your manifesto to a political website. This site is for theatre preservation and the DuPage has been torn down, thanks to you.

DuPagefiends commented about DuPage Theatre Key to Downtown Lombard's Revival on Feb 20, 2007 at 6:22 pm

7 years…try 11 years. I agree with LTS the theatre was already torn down.

DuPagefiends commented about Demolition of DuPage Theatre gets underway on Feb 20, 2007 at 4:29 pm

Buff, I am not sure if I should be laughing at your posts or be frightened by them.

DuPagefiends commented about Demolition of DuPage Theatre gets underway on Feb 17, 2007 at 10:44 am

Hey Buff,

Hillary is ahead in the polls, you better email her too…I could see her platform now:
1. DuPage Theatre
2. The war in Iraq
3. Health Care
4. Tending to the needs of all the worlds children
5. Taxes
5. Jobs
6. Ending homelessness
7. etc.

I am sure the residents of Iowa and New Hamphire will love that in the primaries…considering the theatre already HAS been torn down.

DuPagefiends commented about Demolition of DuPage Theatre gets underway on Feb 11, 2007 at 5:57 am

The friends of the theatre, who supported demolition, want Condo’s there and a blackbox theatre…paid for by TIF financing.

Melders is partially correct, there will be an empty lot for a long time, but at least the Village is utilizing the lot for commuter parking.

DuPagefiends commented about Demolition of DuPage Theatre gets underway on Feb 10, 2007 at 3:10 pm

Jim you are a liar and I proved it..again.

Can you tell me what “sxplain” means?

DuPagefiends commented about Demolition of DuPage Theatre gets underway on Feb 10, 2007 at 9:44 am


all you have to do is register on that website, but at least now we know that you are a liar because you have repeatedly denied that you posst on that site. You are a fraud and have been caught in a web of lies.

DuPagefiends commented about Demolition of DuPage Theatre gets underway on Feb 10, 2007 at 5:02 am

Ann, (aka True class) How much did your Super Bowl bake sale bring in?

DuPagefiends commented about Demolition of DuPage Theatre gets underway on Feb 8, 2007 at 4:28 pm

Ann, (aka True class) How much did your Super Bowl bake sale bring in?

The contribution scoreboard for 2007 reads:
Friends $0
Ann $???

DuPagefiends commented about Demolition of DuPage Theatre gets underway on Feb 7, 2007 at 4:47 pm

As I have stated time and time again, I did not support the plan that included demolition nor do I support a taxpayer assisted plan. This plan has both of those.

DuPagefiends commented about Demolition of DuPage Theatre gets underway on Feb 6, 2007 at 5:39 pm

Jim Devit,

I never talked about the library, that is somebody elses fight. You are mixing me up with somebody else.

Do the math genius, only 6% of the vote needs to be changed

44.05% Yes

+ 6% MORE


Jim what does “wopuld ne, nut” mean?

DuPagefiends commented about Demolition of DuPage Theatre gets underway on Feb 6, 2007 at 4:42 pm

Jim, the referendum only lost by 6%.
Libary use is up Jim, prove it is not…do a study.
Take your politics to a political site.

Ann, (aka True class) How much did your Super Bowl bake sale brings in?

The contribution scoreboard for 2007 reads:
Friends $0
Ann $???

DuPagefiends commented about Demolition of DuPage Theatre gets underway on Feb 5, 2007 at 5:33 pm

KF are you nuts? Everything you posted supported me NOT Jim.

I said it was a close vote and it was only 1000 difference, 6% votes go the other way and it wins. 6%!(Major reasons for the referendum failure from those who said they would vote “yes” were the cost of temporary quarters and the scale of the proposed expansion, representing about 30% of the “yes”).

Where in your post (or mine) does it say the Library wants the Dupe lot…nowhere!

And read Jim’s post more closely “Those opposed have tried to bring up building a library there, but they (those opposed) have NEVER had a referendum question on the ballot in the last six (at least) elections."
Those opposed NEVER had a refendum on the ballot. The library board had a referendum and I admitted that.

Then in #4 you repeat my post but yet don’t answer it. We needed a new (and bigger) library because we had OUTGROWN the old one. Thanks for agreeing.

Thanks for proving that Jim (dupagedude was wrong and I am right).

Now why don’t you two take your political ramblings elsewhere, as this is a theatre preservation site and you both supported demolition. That’s right KF supports a plan that included the demolition of the theatre which was on the NAtional list of Historic place.

Have a nice night Ray!

DuPagefiends commented about Demolition of DuPage Theatre gets underway on Feb 5, 2007 at 7:52 am

Jim (aka dupagedude),

I won’t argue your opinions in the first two paragraphs, but the third paragraph has some misinformation in it.

It is true there has not been a referendum in the last few elections, but there has never been a drive for one. The library board has stayed out of this fiasco. But NOBODY has ever said that taxes won’t go up because of a new library and I would love you to find where somebody has, and they (supporters) have never “avoided” that, as you say.

Yes the last referendum was voted down, barely, but mainly because they needed an addition $4 million for a temporary site, something that will NOT be necessary with a new library.

“People do not use the library as much” is your opinion NOT a fact. I believe the library’s last study showed an increase in users, which is why they needed a new library.

Please note that I am not a new library supporter, that is somebody elses fight, but I think people should know the truth.

DuPagefiends commented about Demolition of DuPage Theatre gets underway on Jan 23, 2007 at 5:44 pm

Dude, why are their two #5’s? I know 5th grade was the hardest 2 years for you.

You forgot #9 (really #10)

  1. The friends pick Jim D. to be their puppet boy on the board, but he bungles the election, gets beat badly in the election, and the ball gets rolling for the theatre demolishion. Jim runs out of town in disgrace
DuPagefiends commented about Demolition of DuPage Theatre gets underway on Jan 21, 2007 at 4:30 pm

Jim, you have lost your mind, you stated “Once that money were to come, the groundswell of cash that were to follow it would be awe-inspiring."
Are you kidding me…it took you ten years and there is NO money. And "move so quickly”…PLEASE they gave your group extension after extension to every deadline and the last time we saw your books you has $1200 in the bank. If you group (friends) was so great why haven’t they had a fundraiser on over 2.5 years? Because you were going to rely on all tax money.