Comments from Denpiano

Showing 51 - 75 of 103 comments

Denpiano commented about Radio City Music Hall on Jan 6, 2010 at 2:30 pm

that organ was taylor made for the styles of Liebert, Bohr&Miller
we’ll never hear those great intermissions again, makes me very sad

Denpiano commented about Radio City Music Hall on Jan 5, 2010 at 12:20 am

does anyone have recent shots from inside the theatre?
I agree with Vito, great shot Bryan, taken between 49th&50th Ithink?
looks familiar to me

Denpiano commented about Radio City Music Hall on Jan 1, 2010 at 5:47 pm

I must say that Ray Bohr is the reason I learned to play the organ
Dick Liebert was great also, the Wurlitzer is not an easy instrument to master because of its lag time you’re on 51st street and most of the organ is on 50th street, the great and orchestral which made me cry when playing it, what a beautiful organ and a challenge to register it which I feel Ashley Miller was the master of anyway i’m getting sentimental just writing about it,can’t wait to get back
happy New Year to all of you

Denpiano commented about Radio City Music Hall on Dec 30, 2009 at 11:00 pm

I happen to know for a fact that the Bishop family has spent well over 100G’s of personal money to repair this organ over the years, i’ve seen the bills Ron is married to an ex-Rockette &they met at the hall because of the old Girl(Wurlitzer)not Emmie,they have a very sentimental feeling for the organ and it rubbed off on me
Irebuilt the action on low “D” diaphone to make sure it would shake the house for years to come,I must say it was fun till this lousy stroke took me away from her

Denpiano commented about Radio City Music Hall on Dec 30, 2009 at 4:29 pm

as far as the wurlitzer goes,i’ve got no right to speak of current issues since I haven’t been back 4 years since my stroke, however, when I was there, we worked many evenings until 2-3AM rebuilding and replacing ancient parts, most of those dead note issues were dead magnets as I recall, because I know how many I replaced laying on my back to have the organ ready for the next days shows Rich& Ron Bishop were always concerned about the old girl& so was I, she almost killed me,I never worked so long on any organ as this one, I could almost sense the ghosts of Dick Liebert and Ray Bohr many late evenings, my buddy KenLadner who worked on the organ before me used to make jokes about, watch out for Dick,he’ll get ya

Denpiano commented about Radio City Music Hall on Dec 30, 2009 at 4:01 pm

patsy- I went to wannamakers back in the 60’s when the organ was played at store opening, lunchtime and at closing as far as I recall
it was great& everyone should go if they get a chance to ,I believe it is still played every day the store is now Macys&the organ is the wannamaker organ as it was pretty much back in the day&
Peter Richard Conte is quite a technician at the consoleplaying many great organ pieces Go Go Go hear it you won’t be dissapointed sorry for spelling errors, i’m loaded up with medications for my stroke

Denpiano commented about Radio City Music Hall on Dec 29, 2009 at 2:23 pm

I remember the long lines as a kid& my dad telling me it won’t be long because its such a big theatreand we’ll get in soon, when we got in,I remember my jaw dropped when I saw the vastness of the building, my dad would take me anywhere there was a large pipe organ to hear, what a guy!! Wanamakers was next on the list for my birthday

Denpiano commented about Beacon Theatre on Apr 13, 2009 at 3:39 pm

I ever recover from this cursed stroke,i’m gonna talk with Mr. Dolan about other theatres of interest for sure.

Denpiano commented about Century's Floral Theatre on Mar 16, 2009 at 1:00 pm

Atruly lovely theatre, glad I got to see it before they changed it

Denpiano commented about Loew's Pitkin Theatre on Mar 16, 2009 at 12:55 pm

I loved this theatre, growing up withit. what a sad state of affairs, wish some millionaire woul rebuild it&use it for local talent shows like they do with the Appollo, butthats just daydreaming
I now live in new hyde park&sometimes I go to a coffee shop across
from th Floral theatre, they made that a catering hall,its sad, you still see the building must have been quite lovely at one time, ah,I’m outta here

Denpiano commented about Radio City Music Hall on Mar 15, 2009 at 1:54 pm

hank- mostly stairways to upper mezz on 50thstreet side& stars dressing rooms&rockettes on 51st street side, don’t quote me as my brain is scrambled eggs since my stroke 3 years ago

Denpiano commented about Loew's Pitkin Theatre on Mar 10, 2009 at 6:07 pm

is the old marquee still under all the covering? does anyone know?
please forgive my spelling as I can only type with one nand since my stroke. Dennis

Denpiano commented about Radio City Music Hall on Mar 10, 2009 at 5:49 pm

I was pushing for a reprise of the Easter show, but,since i’m missing
Ihave no input&must shut my mouth for now, wait till I get back!!!

Denpiano commented about Radio City Music Hall on Mar 9, 2009 at 9:22 pm

hi y'all Denpiano here, in case you’re interested, I had a stroke 3 years ago, thats why I have not written here&i haven’t been back to the music hall since then, my left side is still quite weak, I’ve been improving really slowly, please say a prayer for me if you remember hope you all are well

Denpiano commented about Radio City Music Hall on Aug 18, 2007 at 9:52 am

Andrew- this sounds like a project that is long over due,I’ve been at the music hall for approx 17 years now working under R.Bishop organ curator& dispite what people are blogging, I always hear positive comments regarding Mr.Dolan, for me personally I live somewhat in the past also but, its only human nature I guess to go back to happier classier times,whatever the hall will always bring me joy and comfort whenI walk into the auditorium and look up at the coves&play the organ, its magical to say the least

Denpiano commented about Beacon Theatre on Aug 16, 2007 at 1:10 am

as far as the organ goes, my boss at rcmh Rich Bishop& yhe Dolans will make a final answerto its restoration, & we willdothe job if they decide period.

Denpiano commented about Radio City Music Hall on Jan 17, 2007 at 12:05 pm

hello organized,i was wondering if you got in to see this years christmas show?
i’ve been away all year as I suffered a stroke on my birthday jan12,2006
thank GOD the organ is in the capable hands of RICHARD BISHOP.WE HAVE SEVERAL NEW ORGANISTS of which i haven’t gotten to hearyet, I was supposed to have a spot too
but my left hand and leg is affected and I can’t play.

Denpiano commented about Radio City Music Hall on Jan 8, 2006 at 4:40 pm

East Coast Rocker:
Yes, Eddie is still at the Hall, hes a very important part of the stage operation there. Melvin( Mel Robinson)was at several installations at theatres as you have noted. I never had the pleasure of meeting him, a friend of mine however worked with him at the Academy of music while he was in college. He told me Mel was a very good tech and he learned many things from him regarding organ construction.
You should write your concerns about the Christmas show, I believe your input would be welcome. Anyone here at Cinema Treasures in my view would have valid concerns and genuine understanding of how things could be improved. So, write,write,write!!!

Denpiano commented about Radio City Music Hall on Jan 6, 2006 at 11:01 pm

In response to your (BTW)question, I’ve been tending to the needs of the Mighty Wurlitzer for the Bishop firm for 15 years or so, however,does it matter if I were an elevator operator,or a popcorn seller? The point I’m making is, it doesn’t matter what you or I think about the staging etc. Its all just a happy memory. I know people at the Hall from the top execs to us regular folk. I hear from my usher friends that a good many people have commented favorably about the screen. Some have said they will tell friends its great. We can whine over the passing of certain ideas, however, doesn’t every generation think they are the cats meow? I’m 53 and think nothing was better than the 60’s and 70’s, my older friends tell me I missed the great shows in the 40’s and 50’s!! So, whos right? Lets enjoy the fact that the Music Hall is open and sparkling brighter then ever and I have confidence that we will see some of the “Old Time” beautiful scenes come back in one form or another.

Denpiano commented about Radio City Music Hall on Jan 5, 2006 at 10:13 pm

The video wall is a high tech L.E.D. unit placed very close to the back wall,this is where it will remain. My understanding is that when Jim Dolan was in Las Vegas, he was very impressed with its capabilities and ordered one for the Music Hall. Everyone should relax!! staging will not change because of “THE WALL”, this unit is
used in addition to the regular sets. I’ve seen some tests to be used for the upcoming Chinese New Year show and their effects and
graphics are stunning. This is in addition to regular sets. I suspect
this unit will bring more business to the Hall in that those that wouldn’t come here before, will come now. I believe we will see some
very nice shows this year, keep your fingers crossed!

Denpiano commented about RKO Keith's Theatre on Dec 25, 2005 at 5:57 pm

What a depressing photo! I went to this theatre many times during the late 60’s and early 70’s, what a beautiful theatre. The first time I went after the multiplexing, I was in the upper room? and thought to myself,“I gotta get out of here!, its making me sick"
My friends could not understand what my problem was, they only go there for "the movie” You’ll think I’m crazy, but they really should put it out of its misery! Do it NOW!!!!

Denpiano commented about Radio City Music Hall on Dec 16, 2005 at 10:07 pm

You are totally correct about showcasing the theatres many “Capabilities” and one would think that the “Norm' would be to run a wonderful Summer show!! Unfortunately we are thinking with our hearts,not our corporate heads. Its like any other business, when Mom & Pop pass on the STORE to the kids, it usually signals the end of a glorious era. I can only hope that some of our finer execs will come through this coming year. I can tell you that I have come to know some nice people here and I feel there is some hope.

Denpiano commented about Radio City Music Hall on Dec 5, 2005 at 12:57 am

If you want to let me know where your seat location and time of show is, I’d like to say hello! E-Mail me @. Its getting really busy around the Hall and I may not be able to comment here for a while. God Luck to all and a Happy Healthy Holiday season!

Denpiano commented about Radio City Music Hall on Dec 4, 2005 at 10:51 am

I have made several personal Digital recordings of music on the Wurlitzer, including the use of the Big diaphone that you referred to. Unfortunately I take care of the instrument and cannot market the disc as it is Cablevision domain. I am however working on having the organ recorded comercially and will be discussing it with my bosses at the end of the current show run. Hopefully, and I say that very cautiously, they will make my request come true. It has not been easy!! I love that OLD GIRL and want nothing more then to share her slendor with all who love and remember its grand sound!

Denpiano commented about Radio City Music Hall on Dec 1, 2005 at 9:32 pm

Santa’s arrival is greated by the 32’s and Diaphone low “D” and also the beautiful Contrabass in the Great division 50th street side.
Concerning Ray Bohr, I’ve been told by RCB that Ray was quite a technician and helped Ron Sr. many times on repairs. Also,a little known item that much of the music was written in Key of “D” when the organ is included because the building acts as a soundboard for the low “D” Diaphone! Its really an amazing effect, like a tuning fork.