Vogue Theatre
6675 Hollywood Boulevard,
Los Angeles,
6675 Hollywood Boulevard,
Los Angeles,
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In 99, when I was at El Capitan, I was seeing a girl who rented the Vogue and helped her in the projection booth, besides having worked there in the late 70s. They did film stuff back then.
The marquee is in poor condition and the trees in front of the theatre are growing into it. I wish the tress on Hollywood Blvd would be trimmed back and those if front of the Vogue, Pacific and Vine theatres should be completely removed.
Boy that marquee shot looks so worn out.
Did the Vogue and Hollywood across the street.
Here is a photo taken last night:
Actually the store renovation next door is looking really good. Sad that they removed a part of the marquee but better than the eyesore that it was.
Here is the photograph I mentioned in my 9/23/08 post:
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Ficus trees are pretty in the right place but they sure do destroy sidewalks.
Actually, that would be fine….a palm tree in front of a marquee would look more “Hollywood”, and wouldn’t block it if you “have” to have a tree in front of a marquee (which seems silly to begin with)…..
They did not think of what type of tree would be good for the street. The block going west from the Vogue Theatre now has palm trees which goes with the area. The other trees are the type they plant on neighborhood streets.
I love trees and all, and think they add to the look of most streets….but WHY in the world would they plant a tree right in front of a theater marquee? Don’t these people think when they open the hole in the sidewalk about placement?
Here is a photo taken today:
Sorry, I meant the Paramount, not the Hollywood, but I think you knew that when I mentioned Disney.
Everyone is entitled to their opinion.
Disney didn’t buy the Holywood. They leased, not bought, the Paramount (now renamed El Capitan-its orginal name). The building btw just went up for sale although Disney is saying it will keep on leasing the theater. The Hollywood is the Guiness Records museum.
It’s not heavy handed, and in six months come back here and tell me how many are thriving. I can tell you the answer will be 0. The trendy never stay in one place, one area, and the cretins who are pandering to the young cretins who populate these awful places never learn this lesson. Apparently, the club that was going into the Fox DID learn it, but probably after spending a lot of money. Tell Disney how a single screen venue isn’t feasible – had they not bought the Hollywood, I wonder if THAT would be a club right now, or some retail store, or just have been torn down. I know it’s bigger, but you put the right films in those houses and they’d do just fine. The Pacific’s (formerly Warners Cinerama) one of the most beautiful theaters ever, sits there being used as a church. It makes me want to vomit on the ground. If Disney can do what they did with the El Capitan, why can’t Warners or another studio do the same for the Pacific’s? And frankly, if the Hollywood and the Vogue are both going to be disemboweled beyond recognition, tear ‘em down and do something new.
A bit heavyhanded to say all clubs in Hollywood are dying. There are still new ones opening like The Kress as older ones close or change hands. Avalon is still going strong. I don’t honestly know what is exactly going into the Fox but from what I’ve read there wasn’t much left to begin with (it was a storage facility for years). A single screen venue of that size isn’t feasible anymore and the Fox has seen its day (although I loved its crazy 60’s facade). Time will tell what will happen to these places but anything is better than the eyesore state the Vogue is in right now. They did a nice job redoing the exterior of the Ivar but nothing goes on there anymore (I think the Los Angeles Film School bought the building)
Let me get this straight – that sickening club PULLED OUT and now it’s going to be a store? Unbelievable. I’m sure if you scroll up you’ll see my reactions to the Vogue becoming a club – I said the Hollywood club trend would be dead by the time these idiots got around to this, and it’s proven to be the case – they’re all dying, just sooner than I thought.
Haineshisway: Those are great pics of the Vogue I haven’t seen before. As someone else pointed out, they have started removing the marquee on this theater. The whole place is such a wreck and Hollywood Blvd overall still has a long way to go in terms of rejuvenation. The hookers and drug dealers may be gone but there are a lot of empty stores and too many homeless wandering the streets with their shopping carts (I live a couple of blocks away). It will take a few big name retailers to get the ball rolling. Not sure if the Vogue is still slated for a nightclub conversion but the Fox seems to be on its way to becoming a retail outlet once the Crobar club pulled out of its commitment to the place. The Vine and Pacific and X theater near Gower also sit empty and unused. Sad.
It’s used for special events right now. I saw a few movies there last spring for Last Remaining Seats. Check here once in awhile:
Last week the Fox on Hollywood Boulevard had construction work going on. You could look right in since the boards were down and the inside was completely gutted and workers were busy inside. Seeing all the work going on left the impression that it will no longer be a theatre of any kind. Anybody have any info if the Million Dollar Theatre, downtown, will be showing films again?
Haines: Those are pretty awesome pictures! Not only does the theatre look so different, the entire street does.
I was in Hollywood last week (9/17/08) and saw that the Vogue is being cleaned out and that the rightmost side of the marquee has been removed from the building. The photo I took is on a film camera, will scan and post here after processing.
I’ve added photos to the Lido, the Stadium, the Bruin, and the Wiltern. Will do more as I get the time – I’ve got great photos of early 60s Chinese, the Forum, the Carthay Circle, the Palms, etc.
Great shots.
That’s weird, the last one came out correctly. Go know.