Comments from MPol

Showing 551 - 575 of 1,295 comments

MPol commented about Russell Theatre on Jul 24, 2009 at 8:33 pm

What a fantastic-looking theatre! It seems to have lots of potental. Hope the renovating/restoration process goes well for the Russell Theatre.

MPol commented about Happy 1 year anniversary, The Dark Knight!!! on Jul 24, 2009 at 8:18 pm

I think so.

MPol commented about Favoring the ticket kiosk on Jul 24, 2009 at 8:05 pm

Good move, saps!! Way to go!

MPol commented about We want to help independent theaters on Jul 24, 2009 at 8:00 pm

Ouch!! So does this:

“I work in exhibition and I have been told that as the bulk of the theaters change over to digital cinema the number of film prints available is going to be drastically reduced. Some movies will not be available on film at all. The major chains have all signed agreements to convert and once that is complete in about 3 years, movies on film is going to disapear. The distributors costs to produce a film print vs. a digital copy is huge. This is a numbers game and the studios and distributors are stacking the deck in their favor. They don’t care if the independents go out of business. Just like the advent of sound if you can’t convert you go dark. I don’t like the attitude but when the movie moguls died off and the film industry was taken over by large corporations and accountants started running the business this is what happens.”

mean that great, golden oldie-but-goody classic films such as West Side Story, Lawrence of Arabia, Dr. Zhivago, Fantasia, Midnight Cowboy, Easy Rider and many other great golden oldie-but-goody films will disappear from the movie landscape, never to be shown again in any movie theatres, the way they’re meant to be viewed. I’d sure hate to see the few independent not-for-profit movie theatres that play these great old classic films mentioned above, as well as other kinds of films that’re different from the schlockier movies that’re shown in most theatres nowadays go out of business.

If all that comes to pass, I predict more isolation of people from each other, which, in turn will breed suspicion, fear and hostility towards each other, as well as the total cheapening of the movie experience, which has been happening anyway.

MPol commented about September 11th and the meaning of movies in our lives on Jul 24, 2009 at 4:22 pm

Thanks, Justin Fencsak. It would be nice if these get-togethers happened more often, with great classic movies, to boot.

MPol commented about 40 Years of 2001: A Space Odyssey! on Jul 24, 2009 at 4:19 pm

Do you have any independent art-house repertory/revival movie theatres in your area that might show movies such as “2001: A Space Odyssey”? Just curious, because, assuming there is at least one independent movie theatre in your area that will show classics, you might want to call and/or write periodically to suggest/request “2001” , or if there’s a suggestion box in the theatre, put your suggestion in that. Just saying…..Hope I’ve been of some help here, CaptVonKrapp.

MPol commented about Happy 1 year anniversary, The Dark Knight!!! on Jul 24, 2009 at 4:07 pm

“Some of the most entertaining CT articles I’ve come across have been the anniversary celebrations of "Star Wars”, “Superman”, etc. If it calls up fond memories of going to the movies, it belongs on Cinema Treasures."

Thanks, Bill Huelig. The above-mentioned quote from your post says it all…in a nutshell.

Justin Fencsak: This:

“it’ll be too bad that the Joker won’t be around.”

is really too bad about Heath Ledger. He died much too young, imo.

MPol commented about Remembering Cinerama (Part 36: Worcester) on Jul 23, 2009 at 8:50 pm

Thanks, Phantom Screen. You’re right on that one, but I noticed that an awful lot of stores and businesses seemed boarded up, or had soaped-up windows, which is another sign of a store or business that’s folded.

MPol commented about The B Movie Celebration on Jul 23, 2009 at 8:47 pm

“Planet of the Apes, "The Birds”, and the “Good, The Bad and The Ugly” are NOT “B” movies, imho.

MPol commented about Happy 1 year anniversary, The Dark Knight!!! on Jul 23, 2009 at 8:45 pm

I’m with you on this, JodarMovieFan. I see nothing wrong with posting an article here on CT about the first anniversary of Dark Knight. I saw Dark Knight at a local theatre not far from where I live, and although it wasn’t in 3D, and it was certainly not West Side Story, it was well worth seeing and I enjoyed it immensely. The only thing I objected to about it was the fact that there was a little too much exploding on the screen at times, but, other than that, it’s a good film. Besides, I enjoy seeing postings about an anniversary of a cool movie.

MPol commented about Remembering Cinerama (Part 36: Worcester) on Jul 22, 2009 at 10:02 am

Too bad there aren’t any movie theatres left in Worcester! Like many other businesses in Worcester’s downtown area, they’ve either folded or moved south or north, so Worcester’s downtown area has begun to look like a ghost town. I know, because I was there fairly recently.

MPol commented about Movie theater memories on Jul 21, 2009 at 7:50 pm

What a great article! Thanks for posting it.

MPol commented about Uptown Theatre on Jul 19, 2009 at 10:22 am

Too bad about what happened. It was clearly a beautiful theatre.

MPol commented about 3-D starting to look flat on Jul 18, 2009 at 10:54 am

70mm! Would love to see more 70mm films, namely the great, golden oldie-but-goody classic films, and, especially my alltime favorite film, West Side Story, reprinted into GOOD 70mm film prints and released in the theatres….on a nationwide basis!

MPol commented about Islip Theater threatened with demolition on Jul 18, 2009 at 10:48 am

Good luck at the meeting! Again, as an outsider, I wish you all victory in your fight.

MPol commented about 3-D starting to look flat on Jul 17, 2009 at 10:08 am

I read the Los Angeles Times piece about the cooling down of the public interest in 3D movies with much interest and, despite not knowing the facts, can only conclude that 3D movies were just sort of a passing phase and a momentary fad that was destined to be short-lived from the beginning. That being said, what it boils down to is: If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.

MPol commented about Fargo Theatre on Jul 17, 2009 at 10:01 am

The Fargo Theatre looks like a great-looking theatre, both inside and out, but the photo presented of the interior of the theatres makes it somewhat more difficult to see what the theatre’s interior really looks like.

MPol commented about Strand American Conservatory Theater (ACT) on Jul 17, 2009 at 9:57 am

Thanks for posting this cool pictures, Lost Memory!! Are there any nighttime photos, and/or photos of the interiors of the Strand and the Embassy Theatres available? Just curious.

I, too, remember the days when there were movie theatres right next door to each other and in almost every town and neighborhood around, even in our area. Those days are gone…forever. :(

MPol commented about Plays broadcast into movie theaters, and will be 3-D on Jul 16, 2009 at 4:52 pm

Interesting, indeed!

Just this past Christmas season, one movie theatre showed a movie recording of the 1939 version of the “Nutcracker Suite” Ballet. Didn’t go, due to awful weather, but it sure looked fabulous. Would’ve loved to see that.

MPol commented about Lafayette Theatre on Jul 16, 2009 at 4:48 pm

Hi, Peter. Thanks. I have at least 3 independent movie palace theatres that I frequently patronize, two of which I hold annual memberships at:

A) The Coolidge Corner Theatre, Brookline, MA

B) Brattle Theatre, Cambridge, MA

(I hold memberships to both of the above-mentioned theatres)

C) Somerville Theatre, Somerville, MA (Davis Square)

This theatre, although it plays second-run films and has live performances, to boot, is also independent, and it’s only 8 dollars to get into an evening movie show. The Somerville Theatre, however, has no membership system.

MPol commented about Paramount Theatre on Jul 16, 2009 at 8:00 am

Glad to read/hear that progress is being made on the Restoration of this handsome-looking theatre.

MPol commented about Lafayette Theatre on Jul 16, 2009 at 7:57 am

The Lafayette Theatre looks like a fabulous theatre! Unfortunately, since I live six hours away, and don’t know anybody out in that general area, I’m not able to make the six-hour trip for any movies, regardless of the time of day or evening.

MPol commented about Apple Cinemas Cambridge on Jul 15, 2009 at 12:15 am

I remember that general area before it became a strip mall, when the Fresh Pond Drive-In was there, and afterwards, when the Drive-in Theatre closed and the present Fresh Pond Cinema went up. Movies I’ve seen there more recently (back in the 1990’s and 1980’s) were Titantic, Tomorrow Never Dies, Wizard of Oz, and An Officer and a Gentleman.

One thing I’ve recently noticed, however, when I’ve driven past Fresh Pond Cinema is the fact that the theatre hasn’t seemed as crowded, even on a Saturday evening, as it used to be. Wonder what gives.

MPol commented about Happy 20th anniversary, Batman!!! on Jul 14, 2009 at 7:05 pm

Ah, okay. Thanks, JSA

MPol commented about Vista Theater Hollywood on Jul 14, 2009 at 7:02 pm

Sounds like a unique theatre. It looks unique, too. Are there any photos of the interior?