Ridgewood Theatre

55-27 Myrtle Avenue,
Ridgewood, NY 11385

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Ziggy on August 3, 2009 at 8:49 am

Peter, it’s obvious that Warren has gotten under your skin, but why should he? He’s abused me as well, but why should we let his attitude problem become our problem? Warren brought a lot of good things to this site and I was willing to overlook his “vindictive abuse” for that. It’s not like we really know each other here, so if someone is insulting I figure that they’re just rude or immature and let it go at that. If I actually had some sort of personal relationship with anyone here, well, then I might care. As I said before, now that Warren’s gone, this website will be a lot duller.

PeterKoch on August 3, 2009 at 8:29 am

ziggy, perhaps you can get into private e-mail contact with Warren through info on CT, or perhaps Warren now has his own personal blog that you can sign into to experience his vindictive abuse.

Ziggy on August 3, 2009 at 8:22 am

Sorry to comment about Warren, but I am just now reading for the first time that he is gone (?!?). I’ll miss him, because he always came up with the most obscure facts and photos. As far as his alleged abusiveness, isn’t it time we all just developed a thicker skin?

With Warren gone, this website loses a lot of interest for me.

PeterKoch on August 3, 2009 at 8:15 am

I apologize for unthinkingly echoing the notion that Warren was removed from CT.

I agree that Warren himself should post one last post about his resignation from CT.

The bickering in the above dozen or so posts is almost as bad as Warren himself still being on CT.

HowardBHaas on August 3, 2009 at 6:45 am

EastCoastRocker, I’m spent many hours on this website documenting and discussing the history of theaters, and doing what I can for their preservation. I’ve put in my dues.

Chuck1231, I have observed that several theater pages were “closed” by the webmasters due to various personal attacks. It is good you are back, but nobody will be “back” if the theater page is closed or the entire forum collapses with personal acrimony- and we’ve all seen that happen with other “blogs” that are now gone from the Internet.

So, if I sound like I’m “stepping on toes” my motive is simply to make sure that people who wish to discuss historic cinemas will have a forum to do so.

EcRocker on August 3, 2009 at 12:10 am

Hello Howard.

This is the first time I have ever seen you posting on this particular thread. Yes this is a public forum on theatres and what you may not understand is that there is a “CORE” group of people who are in here all the time. With all that has been happening with the NYC LPC and everything else with the Ridgewood we havebecome a cyber community. Most of us have come to know each other and we have our own stories and background as well as memories of Ridgewood. Sometimes we agree to disagree. As a member of CT and this particular theatre page for a number of years we feel we can talk about anything. If you playing a friendly game of poker are you just supposed to talk cards the whole time? I don’t think so.

I am sorry if this comes off the wrong way but since your post states nothing about you being a webmaster or part of CT management you seem to be stepping on my toes and the other members of Ridgewood and I know for sure I do not appreciate it. If CT has a problem with the way this theatre thread is going I am sure they would have said something about it already. By the way this thread is probobly one of the most posted on in CT because of our “CORE” Community.

HowardBHaas on August 2, 2009 at 6:45 pm

Dear fellow members of Cinema Treasures,

Neither this theater page, nor this website, has a focus on Warren, Lost Memory, or any other member “as a member.” When there is controversy, the webmasters deal with it.

Please remember this is a public forum about movie theaters, not a soap opera.

I urge everybody to return to an appreciation of “cinema treasures” rather than the subject of a particular member.

EcRocker on August 2, 2009 at 6:46 am

Oh come on guys we are all adults in here i hope. I for one never had any problems with Warren. Matter of fact if I ran across ove of his posts that had a bad or a dead link to a picture he was always pretty prompt as to updating the link to where those pictures were stored. Sure I saw some of his posts that seemed to have a bit of vinegar but over all he did have a good knowlege of things.

I also do not understand what is happening with CT overall. Either I don’t get an e-mail for months on all the theatres I have listed or like today I got bombarded with 15 alone today.

jflundy on August 2, 2009 at 5:12 am

Hello Lost Memory.

As you wish to pursue this matter, I will comply with your request.

It was indeed Warren whom informed me of his resignation, some weeks ago. As he was involved first hand in this matter, this is direct testimony of a fact known to him and the person to whom he submitted his resignation. Warren’s word is good enough for me.

On what basis can you dispute this fact? You cite hearsay of other persons and of yourself. Will you name those persons and their first hand source ? Who gave you conflicting information? Did you verify it with Ross Melnick before making the statement that Warren was removed ? Perhaps you can clarify these questions. If you choose not to provide this information, I believe fairness requires you to retract the statement that Warren was “removed” from CT.


Panzer65 on August 1, 2009 at 3:47 am

In reply to the comments regarding Warren’s departure I concur with the previous posts, although I have had many off color replies to my posts by Warren which will definitely not be missed, he also had the most interesting photographs and information that truly enhanced the CT site, especially the RKO Madison page. But to this day no one has yet to have an interior photo of the Ridgewood during its glory days.

johndereszewski on July 31, 2009 at 5:11 pm

While some of Warren’s critics will call me a softie, I will clearly miss him on this site, where he provided a great amount of valuable information. (Now I might not have felt this way had I been the object of his increasingly nasty comments, but I at least avoided this sad fate.)

In sum, CT will be a poorer place without Warrwn’s presence. At least no one in the future will designate Peter Koch as being the Grover Whalen of CT.

But for those of you who bore the brunt of Warren’s attacks, I cannot deny your satisfaction.

jflundy on July 31, 2009 at 3:03 pm

It is disturbing that all this conflict is being perpetuated. Warren resigned from CT because of the escalating bickering, he was not removed. Despite this, the rancorous comments continue to appear on various pages of CT.

On another page I asked that we cease and desist from this sort of thing. Warren has gone from CT and can not defend himself, yet has kindly asked me at times to post information of interest on various pages, to share with CT members what he can no longer post.

It is time move on, well pat time to move on.

Luis Vazquez
Luis Vazquez on July 31, 2009 at 2:35 pm

While Warren could be cantankerous at times, I still felt that he provided a lot of valuable information. I, personally, am sorry that he is gone, though I do believe he needed to be less confrontional with certain others. Overall, CT is poorer without him.

PeterKoch on July 31, 2009 at 2:13 pm

Ironic : Warren is gone, yet here we are still arguing about him.

stepale2 on July 31, 2009 at 2:08 pm

For the record: Warren Harris was not “removed” from CT. He resigned as he no longer felt comfortable posting because of his problems with one of the other members. Ross Melnick will verify it.

PeterKoch on July 31, 2009 at 1:25 pm

I’m so glad to read that, LM. He got exactly what he deserved.

I once asked Warren point-blank what inside dirt he had on, or what power he had over, the management here on CT, that allowed him to get away with what he did here.

PeterKoch on July 31, 2009 at 1:16 pm

“As for Warren, his treasure trove of valuable information if you wish to call it that, was exceeded by his treasure trove of verbal abuse, personal attacks and overall nasty attitude.”

My sentiments, exactly, LM. Thanks for expressing it so well.

PeterKoch on July 31, 2009 at 1:12 pm

Really, LM ? Warren was removed from this website by the management ? Patrick Crowley and his partner ?

PeterKoch on July 31, 2009 at 12:42 pm

John, I hope so too. I’ll be back there in a few weeks.

No, I don’t know anything about Warren’s strange silence. Frankly, I’ve been enjoying it too much to have wanted to probe into the reason for it.

johndereszewski on July 31, 2009 at 12:31 pm

LM, we will not hear from the Landmarks Commission on this until the Fall. They really like to take their time. The fact that no opposition whatsoever has arisen here is, by far, the best sign we could reasonably hope to see at this juncture.

Peter, I really hope that your latest visit to the Ridgewood occurred during a lull in the renovation process. As I noted after my last visit, some work – including the removal of the wall between the two ground level theaters – has already occurred and someone has been hired to manage the renovations. Unless something occurred since my visit to halt the renovations, you probably just arrived at the wrong time. I hope one of you will make another visit soon to confirm what is – or what is not – happening.

On another note, have you noticed that Warren’s pen has been strangely silent during the past month or so. I don’t know what gives. Although he could be, at times – some of you might say most times – a royal pain in the butt, he has also offered a treasure trove of valuable information that I, for one, have really appreciated. I hope he’s OK. Does anyone know anything that I don’t?

PeterKoch on July 29, 2009 at 2:30 pm

No, LM, I have heard nothing about the Ridgewood’s landmark status. I recommend you contact Michael Perlman (Native Forest Hiller) about that.

PeterKoch on July 29, 2009 at 1:24 pm

I’m here, Lost Memory. Thanks for posting the ad for “Frenzy”. I saw “Frenzy” at the Ridgewood with my parents in late June or early July 1972 with my parents, on a double bill with “Play Misty For Me”. Great double feature !

The latter film was Clint Eastwood’s directorial debut.

Seeing the excellent “Frenzy” at the Ridgewood cancelled out the disappointment I had felt after seeing Hitchcock’s preceding film “Topaz” at the RKO Madison in March 1970.

“The Ridgewood is still advertised as being in Brooklyn.”

Probably because Ridgewood postal zone 27 was still in the Brooklyn post office. My Ridgewood home address at the time was still “Brooklyn N Y 11227”.

I walked past the Ridgewood Theatre last Friday July 24 2009 on my monthly trip to Ridgewood. Still closed. No sign of renevation or other activity within. The only change from my visit last month (June 2009) was a poster from the 1991 film “Backdraft” propped up inside the lobby.

PeterKoch on July 13, 2009 at 11:06 am

This is before my time, once upon a time. I therefore cannot comment, but thanks for your post.

jackahearn on July 13, 2009 at 10:10 am

John D. and others concerned with the restoration. This reminisce may be of some pertinence; that of an early 1950’s incident regarding the Ridgewood’s lobby.

I don’t know if the ‘marquee type’ sign board still remains above the inner doors to the auditorium. However, I distinctly remember that full, lobby width, ‘coming attractions’ board was installed about 1950 or 52ish.

The time frame stands out in my mind because; the mother of one of my friends worked at the Ridgewood as a Cashier. When we first saw that new ‘indoor marquee’, heralding upcoming movies, he ‘bragged’ the elongated sign was his mother’s idea. We didn’t believe him, ….so we just razzed him for fibbing. We were about 15 at the time.

PeterKoch on June 23, 2009 at 8:58 am

Good posting to you, too, John. You’re welcome to the spelling correction. Thanks for the link to the NY Times article.

I am clueless about the Echo Theatre.