Comments from terrywade

Showing 526 - 550 of 1,219 comments

terrywade commented about Seats Regal Stonestown Theatre San Francisco CA on Jan 17, 2019 at 10:22 pm

This was taken in the left entrance side of the lobby into Theatre #2 space. You can see how the seats on the outside wall slant inward and don’t face the screen that much. If It is crowded you have to twist a little to watch the picture If you don’t get a good seat in the center section of the original cinema.

terrywade commented about Regal Stonestown Theatre #2 Space on Jan 17, 2019 at 10:16 pm

Sorry this is a photo of the cinema space #1 on the right side of the lobby. I got mixed up with my photos as both auditoriums almost look the same. The trick is the placement of the projectors and the slant of the seats. They slant in toward the screen from the outside sides of the large building. Terry

terrywade commented about Side View No A Church on Jan 16, 2019 at 9:47 am

This former cinema when It was a movie theatre had way more then 100 seats as listed . Seemed about 400 seats were in the cinema in two sections or even more?

terrywade commented about TCL Chinese Theatre on Jan 2, 2019 at 8:47 am

Thanks CC. No mention of 70mm in the ad only Super Panavision®. This did play in 70mm film at the Chinese.

terrywade commented about Indiana Theatre on Dec 21, 2018 at 4:21 pm

Strange I see no mention of CINERAMA in this ad and this was a Cinerama theatre? Thanks Movies for the ad.

terrywade commented about snack bar clock on Dec 18, 2018 at 10:02 am

Thanks Dustin** I remember as a kid many single screen box office windows had a clock that told you the time going in and the time you would exit after the movie. They never show up on E Bay. I wonder If any one has a photo of one to share on Cinema Treasures? I think the parents loved these clocks when they let out their noisy kids at the movies to see the pick up time. Thanks

terrywade commented about Century Cinema on Dec 11, 2018 at 9:57 pm

This nice great former curved screen 70mm film theatre is still open. Went to see ‘Green Book’ today in 1.85 and at least they are closing their side masking again now for flat DCP movies. Id’d like the place to still stay open with the new furniture store to build around it and in the large parking lot. The new store will not fit in the area with the houses across the street. A few years ago Century was going to put in a larger XD curved screen and do some remodel work with new curtains and seats, that never took place. Lets hope It will stay open a little longer. So nice to see a new movie in a large single screen cinema these days.

terrywade commented about Auditorium 2018 on Dec 10, 2018 at 4:47 pm

Thanks SM for the photo. You won’t find any of the lame USA movie theatre circuits having nice color LED lights like these at this cinema.

terrywade commented about Egyptian Theatre on Dec 4, 2018 at 8:08 am

Thanks so much CC for this Todd-AO ad. The UA Egyptian Theatre also later on had the huge curved D-150 screen. I was lucky enough to see this giant screen with curtains many years ago.

terrywade commented about Lochwood Cinema on Nov 30, 2018 at 6:17 pm

Thanks Dennis, you won’t find these days any movie circuit with Santa foil at the concession stand.

terrywade commented about 1977 photo credit John Margolies. on Nov 28, 2018 at 6:18 pm

Thanks David & John for the neat photo. Very interesting back side of the screen tower. You can see that they added CinemaScope® on the side in the early 1950’s.

terrywade commented about 1978 photo credit John Margolies. on Nov 20, 2018 at 7:12 pm

Thanks David for this classic photo. You can see the old square screen cut out and the new add on CinemaScope® screen they added in the 1954 time period on the sides.

terrywade commented about Paradise Cinema 7 on Nov 11, 2018 at 10:09 pm

On the Paradise Cinema 7 Facebook site the theatre is safe and just closed at this time. It did not burn down. Probably has smoke damage. The staff and owners are ok. .

terrywade commented about Paradise Cinema 7 on Nov 11, 2018 at 10:27 am

Thanks Joe for the information. It’s so sad to see the fires that hit Paradise CA these past few days and even this movie theatre building.

terrywade commented about New Dolby Cinema at Lincoln Square on Nov 6, 2018 at 7:37 pm

The Dolby® people never learn anything. They always place their red or blue Dolby Cinema® lights close to the screen and all the pre show ads are ruined by stray light. Buy ad time and your image is ruined.

terrywade commented about Screen Set For Flat 1.85 Del Mar on Nov 3, 2018 at 9:54 pm

This is set for the 1.85 flat setting.

terrywade commented about Santa Cruz on Oct 30, 2018 at 12:21 pm

Time to re do the space and bring the theatre back to life!! Has this ever been done before? After a second floor was put in and stores in the downstairs and offices up stairs. Build the nice marquee again out front. It will cost big money these days. Same with the old Burl Theatre in nearby Boulder Creek CA.

terrywade commented about Cinemas Entertainment 10 on Oct 29, 2018 at 6:29 pm

Many of us still like regular nice seats as the recliners take up way too much space, many times you have to bring back in when people go by. This cinema in Chicago I hope keeps what they have. Theatre owners loose so much seating when they do a re do of seats. Not so bad on the weekdays but they loose sales on the weekends. Many auditoriums sell out with just 100 seats when they had 250 before the recliners went in. Thanks again Dallas for the image.

terrywade commented about Cinemas Entertainment 10 on Oct 29, 2018 at 6:22 pm

Thanks Dallas for the photo. So nice to see a curved screen at this cinema in Chicago.

terrywade commented about Flashing Neon Marquee Theratre Del Mar on Oct 28, 2018 at 8:08 pm

Neon needs work. Hope they can get funding to repair the missing tubes and electric work.

terrywade commented about AMC Metreon 16 on Oct 17, 2018 at 6:37 pm

Dolby Vision Cinema®In auditorium Lucky #13 is about to have their nice red lights turned off for good. These red lights are on the side walls and over the Dolby Atmos® ceiling speakers. They are on when you come into the cinema space. Seems AMC is turning them off soon in a few weeks and just have a blue strip light down the side cove section when you come inside Dolby Cinema® #13. Bad move on AMC’s part. At least they could have kept the red LED lights on when you came in, then switched to blue for the trailers and then shut them off for the main feature. What a waste even putting them in when they are about not to use them at all. Complain when you pay over $20 plus a fee $$$ to see Dolby Cinema® here that you miss the red!!! To my shock on a visit to see the scope movie ‘Bigger’ today in a rather small curved screen in space #2 for the first time in many months they had the motor black masking working again. I did not have to see white screen at the top and bottom. Maybe someone at AMC saw my complaints? Thank you AMC for bringing the proper masking back.

terrywade commented about California Theatre reopening Ad 2 October, 1930 on Oct 2, 2018 at 10:28 am

The curtain at the Fox California sits broke these days. Landmark won’t bother to fix It. It was not the one in this ad. Thanks for the ad.

terrywade commented about National Theatre on Sep 29, 2018 at 11:27 am

Thanks Dennis for this photo. I remember going to the Fox National. A great semi curved 70mm screen with nice stereo surround. With It’s gold curtains It was the place to go to see a movie in the LA area. This photo is spooky, was It a set up for a movie being shot inside the cinema? These dummies would be great as a fun thing to do, put in some empty seats like in the Castro Theatre in SF CA as a novelty for older people that don’t like to go to the movies alone. In this day and time the managers would have to watch the crowd that they did not walk out with one of the fake guests. Thanks again.

terrywade commented about One Of The Largest Screens In SF Castro on Sep 29, 2018 at 7:12 am

The CinemaScope®/ Panavision® setting at the Castro with black masking dropped down from the top and open a little on the sides makes for a nice semi wide Image at 2.55 or 2.35. If the deco pillars on the sides of the stage were not in place they could have put in a way larger curved scope screen in 1954. The original small 1.33 screen frame stage area is back behind the present wide screen set up.

terrywade commented about West Springfield 15 on Sep 25, 2018 at 11:47 am

Kevin thanks what a bland front to a cinema. No colorful marquee up what is playing inside or neon. Almost looks like a mall entrance or office building. I wonder If the Rave folks had more going on outside then the lame CineMark company? At least they kept a few lighted poster cases on the side. They need to open up the window curtains and show the lobby ceiling and put some color LED lights on the building.